Tuesday, April 13, 2021

to prove that truth is true in Spirit demands acceleration and advancement

 (Old Rome.)    I will focus on the relationship between the social perception of material wealth and the risk or (unethical business practices) that ancient members of the upper classes faced when they attempted to increase their material wealth.  In my first chapter I look at the issuance of maritime loans and the risk associated with this type of finance.  I discuss the origin of the business, some of the factors involved with it, and I look at the aristocrats who involved themselves in this type of risky venture.  My second chapter focuses on the publicani in Rome and how the system of tax farming enabled a wide variety of Roman magnates to become wealthy men, provided they were willing to extort less fortunate parties in the provinces..  https://digitalworks.union.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1697&context=theses


  The point here, I believe, is that modern monopoly capitalism is a corruption of free market capitalism and has roots in older societies probably before the Romans.  To deceive is subtle.  So man is a slow learner apparently, or else man thus far is over his head when it comes to designing civilization.  Either way man appears to be lacking wisdom, good vision, balance, good perspective, deeper reason.  Apparently our self-monitoring and self-correction, sometimes called quality control, is in a retarded state of development.  That suggests that we got fixated on materialism, hypnotized by material toys.  But why?  That goes deeper yet--where a kind of incessant/obsessed rebellion against life’s wisdom and concord predominates.  The Greeks would probably call it “sowing dragon’s teeth”  or predominance of a somewhat hidden death wish.   By considering one’s own follies one might realize that type of foible operates.   -R.


1)  To prove that truth is true in matter by deductive and inductive methods is one thing.  But to prove that truth is true in Spirit demands acceleration and advancement of soul on the path of adeptship.  Those who care enough to prove to humanity that the higher law works, that the science of the spoken Word is indeed a science fear not to pay the price….

  I have determined to show devotees of truth how to use the crystal sword and crystal helmet and shield of crystalline light to enter most intense astral vortices of the Liar and his lie and to handle ramifications and repercussions of the aroused serpents as well.

  The crystal ray is an energy emitted from the whitefire core of the Central Sun that is used to complement the action of the all-seeing Eye of God under Elohim Cyclopea.  Thus it is Virginia in the full feminine complement of the fifth ray who wields the devastating action of this light of Maha Kali the Universal Mother whose dazzling crystal light strikes terror in demons who have sought to enslave youth and little children to their astral darkness and death….

  I AM determined, for God has willed it so--and beloved Vesta has stood with me this day in the blazing glory of her God-determination--to set the captives of earth free from the manipulators.  For all that opposes the truth, be it personal or impersonal forces and forcefields of negation, must be, shall be rolled back and bound by the hosts of the Lord in answer to fervent calls of initiates of sacred fire and devotees of truth!…

  We deem the greatest lie manifesting on earth today, the most tenacious and having the greatest tentacles into the very souls of the people, to be that of dialectical materialism--the seeds of Marx and Lenin and entire false hierarchy behind World Communist movement.  As gross, and as subtle in its grossness is the companion lie of the international conspiracy of fallen ones who through banking houses and certain key capitalists and their monopolies have determined to feed the beast of World Communism until it devour the very souls of children of light. 

  In this polarity of anti-God you see manifesting the anti-Guru and  anti-Chela forces of these several systems of worlds.  This is the anti-Father and anti-Son that arrays itself (as the Dragon which gave power unto the Beast) against every newborn child of light, every innocent soul who is about to take its first step on the path that leads to life everlasting.

  The end product of these amalgamated forces is war and the war entity worldwide.  And the reason that there is no resolution to  problems of the Middle East or to international terrorism and kidnapping is due to the fact that the cause and core of the lie of anti-Guru and anti-Chela must first be addressed….Lotus-flames of living truth, I send you to set the captives free!  

                                            -Pallas Athena:  Pearl 23:10


2)  Beloved ones, the suppression of the people by inordinate taxation is a fight that must be fought and won.  This cannot endure, nor the manipulation of supply nor inflation--the tampering with the very lifeblood of children of light, as there is the reinforcement from the power elite of those individuals who have determined to put down the Teachings of the Ascended Masters and of lightbearers from nation to nation and continent by continent….

  For wherever you go, you see, there is that attempt to distract, to destroy and to cause degeneration of mind and heart and soul and body of the very nations themselves.  Therefore we send our emissaries….Those who possess the truth, complete and made whole in that truth, do not always perceive how intense the fallen ones are to take that living truth from them….

 And let the light of God itself rule in the hearts of the American people this day.  Let all be alert.  And let there be a penetration of labor unions, of management, of corporations, of government and banking circles and of education by more and more lightbearers that the Word might be implemented swiftly for the victory….

  I ask you then to give me your heart and your vote of confidence that we might interact in your life and release you from the power of bondage and every form of enslaving habit, even the enslavement of the human consciousness of which you know not.

  All those then who will give me the affirmative vote of yes shall now receive the action of one of my angels of the flame of love to be with them until the hour of that victory of love.   -Archangel Chamuel and Charity:  11-2-1980 at Camelot, Pearl 55:17


3)  Blessed hearts, this presence of love incites the greatest rebellion, the greatest hatred and the creation of hatred that is anywhere manifest midst the fallen ones.  Because love is the highest attribute of God, because perfect love can never be defiled or penetrated or destroyed or perverted--this love remains the ultimate challenger of the fallen ones and the ultimate destroyer of their infamy in the Person of the Holy Spirit….And the fallen ones who sit in the seat of the scornful set themselves up as judges as to whether or not it is lawful for children of the light to serve!…

  In the trades, in arts, in merchandising and manufacturing the profit motive has replaced love of excellence and even service for the love of humanity.  There are those who will manufacture goods unnecessary to life whose very manufacture will cause by-products, pollutants, chemical wastes dangerous from the manufacture of plastics and other substances which are not being disposed of correctly.  There is no love-motive therefore but only greed--only the giant octopus of the money beast taking unto itself more and more of the lifeblood of the people.

  Blessed hearts, the free enterprise system--the ability to enter into competition and to bring forth the highest work--has been destroyed by monopolies of fallen ones, by their interference with government controls against these monopolies.   

-Archangel Chamuel and Charity:  12-31-1980 at Camelot, Pearl 24:10


4)  And lulled to sleep by the capitalist monopoly the people themselves are neither here nor there.  They are hardly even in the physical plane but, dwelling rather at an oblique level in the astral plane, they consort with hordes of darkness and bring forth no good thing.  

          -Saint Germain:  7-4-1981 at Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearls of Wisdom 24:34


5)  What is the greatest point of alienation upon the planetary body?  What is the greatest conglomerate of anti-Christ?  It is the point of alienation that begins with the anti-Self and then becomes the false hierarchy’s version of the community of the Holy Spirit.  It is World Communism, where the individual is elevated for his humanness and where the state is founded upon interaction of human consciousness devoid of the flame of Holy Spirit….

  The death that stalks the Earth, beloved hearts, is an emanation of the stench of World Communism!  It is a product of the passivity of America receiving the intensely active and vicious force of anti-life.  That which has pitted brother against brother in Poland (and members of the Soviet empire donned with Polish army uniforms, moving against the people) is absolute alienation from the love-fires of a mutual inheritance in the Father/Mother God.  It is the jealousy of Nephilim and fallen ones cast out of heaven by the edict of Almighty Love!…

  And the lo, the Word that I AM is come.  And the fullness of the glory of the sun of thine own Mighty I AM Presence is nigh!  And the living flame of the mighty life-force is activating, radiating a peculiar light, a certain energy radiation from the central sun of the planetary body.  And it permeates and it radiates as a fiery electrode.  And it dissolves harmful influences of radioactivity throughout the planetary body, all misuses of the earth element, all misuses of air and sea….

  And there is a continuation of the unwinding of all coils of World Communism until we come to the cause behind the effect--and that is Nephilim support by amassing of wealth of nations to put all of this light of lightbearers behind the World Communism momentum.  And therefore we now pass the torch of divine love through those fallen angels, the Watchers and godless that control the supply and economies of the nations and then through all of those who misuse the freedom of the Word to integrate in that truly free market of life.

  Thus the free market economy must be claimed, must be determined to be independent of fallen ones who have created their monopolies in the intent that all people of light should then bow down and go to work for them where they have failed to work the work of Christ….

  And what is the foundation of love?  It is honor.  It is mutual respect between all parties.   -Elohim Heros and Amora:  1-1-1982 at Camelot, Pearl 25:11


6)   Let us not underestimate the intent of darkness, for too many do.  Let us realize that until checked, until challenged, these forces will continue.  It is the intent of Red China to build her forces, to amass technology and armaments and to be prepared to move against the West.  Therefore I say, that which will prevent the takeover of the world by these forces is the immediate withdrawal of money, technology, gold, food and those necessary supplies that have fed the enemy of light in the world wars and in every war that has been fought in this century.  Understand that those who have aided and abetted the cause of the enemy have actually given the entire force to the momentum of World Communism that now threatens as never before….

  [Darkness] can be stopped before it is physically precipitated.  But, beloved hearts, once it [has become physical] the only alternatives that freedom-fighters may have [are] to fight or to huddle in their hiding places and retreats and to wait till the wave passes over.  

                      -Saint Germain:  7-1-1983 at RTR, MT, Pearl 48:31


7)  And I tell you, the oft-repeated phrase “You are your own worst enemy” must be underscored in this hour. For you see, my beloved hearts, when you stray from the point of action, of Cosmic Christ attunement of the vibration of the heart of Helios and Vesta, and you go away from that heart and you begin to look at your brothers and sisters and you have the tilt of the head that begins to judge and question and to scorn and put down just a little bit here and a little bit there as you consider yourself superior to the humble of heart and therefore able “to analyze,” as you say—beloved ones, when you are in such a frame of mind of criticism or of irritation, I tell you, that is when you are your own worst enemy. For then you are—and you are the only one who is—re-creating the molecules of the mind that reflect instantaneously in the genes.

  Beloved ones, I tell you a cosmic secret. Just as beloved Kuthumi has told you that the aura is not still but moves moment by moment with the cogitations and the feelings and the movements and the health and all considerations of the lifestream, so the genes themselves that carry the identity matrix also carry the momentum of consciousness….

  And I tell you, the oft-repeated phrase “You are your own worst enemy” must be underscored in this hour. For you see, my beloved hearts, when you stray from the point of action, of Cosmic Christ attunement of the vibration of the heart of Helios and Vesta, and you go away from that heart and you begin to look at your brothers and sisters and you have the tilt of the head that begins to judge and question and to scorn and put down just a little bit here and a little bit there as you consider yourself superior to the humble of heart and therefore able “to analyze,” as you say—beloved ones, when you are in such a frame of mind of criticism or of irritation, I tell you, that is when you are your own worst enemy.  For then you are--and you are the only one who is--re-creating the molecules of mind that reflect instantaneously in the genes.

  Beloved ones, I tell you a cosmic secret.  Just as beloved Kuthumi has told you that the aura is not still but moves moment by moment with the cogitations and feelings and movement and  health and all considerations of the lifestream,  so the genes themselves that carry the identity matrix also carry the momentum of consciousness….

  And therefore let us cast out the betrayers of the Word in America, and let the American people who enjoy freedom to do so rise up and expose the betrayers of the Word in this nation that the Union may be drawn, that the crack in the Liberty Bell might be healed and the genius of freedom and creative sons of light might know the meaning of oneness and strength of the One Sent.

  Let the members of the I AM race worldwide, including those who yet live behind the Iron Curtain, understand the great gathering of the elect and coming to America of those lightbearers who will stand to defeat world totalitarian movements within and without and universally manifest.

  Let us draw the lines!  Let us be clear in our definitions!…Blessed ones, who fears to think?  Who dares to overcome automation trembling with fear that resorts to computers to make the decisions of life and death?  Who fears to be creative?  Who fears to evolve a new policy of peace, a new approach?…Beloved ones, there is scarcely anything taught today that is not colored with a fear that therefore succumbs to simplistic ideas….

  How fragile, how delicate is the alchemy of the Holy Spirit working in the members of the soul.  Therefore understand that the Lord will bless you as you recognize, regardless of all attitudes of the world to the contrary, that we have endowed the Messenger and teachers and parents and all who participate with a golden flame of illumination to illumine the world’s children.  

                    -Jesus Christ:  11-24-1983, Thanksgiving, at Camelot, Pearl 26:56


8)  Command your angels to heal the economies of the nations of mismanagement, cronyism, state and private monopolies, tax evasion by the wealthy, bloated bureaucracies and excessive debt.   -Archangel Zadkiel:  3-2-1996 at Buenos Aires, Pearl 39:11   



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