Tuesday, April 13, 2021

clear for transmission to all nations of the teachings of sacred fire

1)    Well, tell me then if in the last decade all discussions and all demonstrations and all wars and all of the grabs for power have netted any light for the children of this Earth or any greater vision of freedom?  I do not see it; perhaps you do.  I only see futility of the outer self by a scientific humanism, by Marxism, by a perverted capitalism, by manipulations of monopolies, national and international.  By all of this I see only lessening of light in the total civilization side by side with increase of light in the few who have understood the path and pursued it to the best of their ability.

  Thus side by side in this age is the degeneration spiral of death in the midst of those who have gone astray, destroying their sacred centers by chemical means and drugs and pollutants and thereby closing the door to the higher contact.  We have seen those souls who have been tempted by fallen ones to take initiations of the left-handed path through the drug culture.  We have seen these pass through the treacherous waters of the allure of the astral plane, losing hold on reality, the flower of youth passing into some psychic unreality while the demand of the hour is to feed my sheep!…

  And now I would impart to you the sacred fire-breath of the Holy Spirit that when you speak the children will listen and demons will tremble and gifts of that Spirit might be yours to bind these fallen ones that are, to put it in the vernacular, messing up things on this planet, messing up cities and homes and lives and souls and hearts of souls whom I love and know as my brothers and sisters.  I lift the veil for a moment that you might see me as I AM.  For you know me and you know our band….

  Be concerned about your own relationship to the Great White Brotherhood.  That is what counts.  It is the teaching that counts and it is your application of the teaching.  Messengers have come and gone, but it is the Word they bear that lives on.  It is the Word that we transfer to you and we must have a physical messenger and a physical temple.  But your relationship with us must be sought and won on your own merit and your own love.   

                                   -Paul the Venetian:  8-10-1979 at San Francisco via Messenger E C Prophet, Pearls of Wisdom 48:51


2)  Therefore, beloved ones, I point out to you that this sympathy must go, and [there must be] the binding of the dweller on the threshold of this nation of the entire conglomerate of the beast as well as the dragon--the beast of World Capitalism (that is, monopoly capitalism) and the dragon of the international bankers giving power to the beast of World Communism.  This represents a conglomerate of many lifestreams who have entered into positions of immense power to control the flow of light of this nation which ought to go for education of all lightbearers of Earth as to their own interior light, their own Holy Christ Self and their own contact with Almighty God.

  Understand, beloved hearts.  And do you see that the very control by aligned Western powers of this flow of energy to the Communist bloc should have long ago stopped the necessity to raise arms and for the young men and women of the world to have to enter into combat?  But it has not been accomplished!  And they have been weak-willed, they have been cowards, they have defiled the Word of the Mother, they have defiled their people, and they have as it were prepared to feed them as fodder to war machines of the sinister force….

  Therefore the entire planetary body hangs in the economic balance.  Therefore let us bind the beast--the money beast whose number is 666--and let him be cast down and cast out!  In order to accomplish this, let lightbearers fast and pray that they be delivered from the records of their own subconscious of greed, of the love of money, which is the root of all eviland not money itself as the instrument of exchange.

  Let there be removal from the four lower bodies of that unlawful ambition that seeks greater gain than is necessary to bring in the kingdom of God on earth and in one’s life.  Let a cosmic trust be seized by Keepers of the Flame who hold in trust the supply of Almighty God for sponsoring of this and future generations, for them to perform their work and their service of internalization of the God-flame.

  For there is no greater danger to the people of this nation than the loss of personal contact with the Holy Christ Self.  This continues at such an alarming rate through the use of drugs and through the manufacture of noise, ground out by grinding mills of noise out of the very pit itself--from rock to every other type of noise—that the lifewaves of this America are not focusing clearly, by the Mind of God and the all-seeing Eye, to focus upon this very nucleus of the money beast, which is the third eye, the very point that David hit when he slew Goliath. 

  Realize then that the money beast itself is behind all war.  And it is greed to increase money that causes Western nations to supply armaments and all manner of defensive as well as offensive weapons, mounting a huge spiral around the world.

  It is the money beast that causes the feeding of technology, of grain, et cetera, et cetera, throughout the planetary body.  And that greed has its origin in fallen angels and the Watchers themselves who long ago lusted after the light of the people of God.  And this lusting after the light is lusting after their abundance, their supply, their energy, their life-force and all of the seven chakras which are points of God’s consciousness.  Therefore lust and greed must be bound, and the planetary dweller on the threshold of the beast and number and name of that beast!…

  Surely, surely I must say to you as it was spoken of old by the full power of the prophet of the Lord God, even Micah, that there must be a gathering on Mount Zion and a coming together of the elect.  There must be the setting forth of the feet, holy feet upon the mountain.  There must be a reinforcement of unity by love.

                         -Archeia Mary:  5-15-1983 at Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearl 26:45


3)  Now therefore other nefarious powers moving against the evolution of life everywhere have seen fit to use mechanization man, computerized man--plastic man if you will--as trend-setters, jet-setters climbing after the gods and the fallen angels to tempt, to taunt, and to hypnotize the seed of Sanat Kumara, the seed of Christ in embodiment.  Their end is manifold but it centers on the desire to steal the light of the threefold flame, to draw the lightbearers down into the valleys of the pit itself where they would engage in the practices of darkness….

  Thus those who are the glamorous and those who form the multitudes of the mass consciousness exert a momentum that is planetary in scope to magnetize lightbearers into their prac­tices of drugs and rock and nefarious deeds--and therefore karmically ally and align these lightbearers with the darkest forces of pits of hell to draw these into alliances, sexual in nature, that result in the bringing forth of life--life that is of darkness and of the pit which, combining with the seed of Christ, now gains a transfusion of light.

  Thus by the serpent philosophy of the egalitarian way of all equality among all evolutions you find that lightbearers have no sense of their worth or mission or of their God-determi­nation at inner levels to lead all people out of the control of fallen angels.  Therefore they are lured into these alliances at all levels of crime and entanglements, and the seed of light is diluted: it is overcome, it is betrayed….

  Thus, beloved ones, the key that comes by the anointed ones--and you should all accept your role as anointed ones and Christed ones merging with your Christ-Self--is that key which shall undo this conspiracy which is interplanetary in nature and which has been put upon the people of this planet for millions of years.

  Please understand the equation in which we draw the line that separates Light and Darkness.  It is the line between the absolute Godhead dwelling in you and absolute Evil pitted against it in the form of these fallen ones….You are dealing with interplanetary and intergalactic conspiracies!  I tell you, it is so.  Those who have come to this planet to use it as an experimental station for all manner of creations and manipulation thereof have, in some cases, actually come from galaxies beyond this one.

  Thus we are at a crossroads, beloved hearts.  And the great Law has turned and cycles have turned and the universe has opened and Sanat Kumara and the entire Hierarchy of Light stand with sons of God in embodiment on Earth….

  I promise you, beloved hearts of light, as I stand in this hour and as Portia stands with me, that if you will stand steadfast and meet this oncoming darkness and overcome and not be deterred and not stray and not leave the center of light and not leave the Holy Grail or purposes to which you have set your heart in the service of this community, I will therefore stand with you in the full overcoming of your own dweller.  And I will also stand with you during this period of meeting the challenge of drugs in America and the world….

  And thus you understand when we speak of economies of the nations it is not only to goad you to a study of the correct philosophy of economics but to awaken you to the realization that the true economies of nations cannot function when there are those who do not play according to the rules of the game of Almighty God--the betrayers of the people who destroy their life, their livelihood, their crops with their illicit drug trafficking, with their engaging them in war and rebellions and insurgence and Communist revo­lu­tions or by taking of their labor in channeling it into monopolies that act in their own name and design and not for the good of the people.

  These factors are the factors that bring about the fall of the whole house of cards of nations--not merely a false philos­ophy of economics, but manipulation of the flow of supply and demand between Almighty God and His children and then between people and people. Therefore let international bankers also be judged!  Let the fallen ones be judged and those who justify with their serpent logic the engagement in this drug traffic.    

                          -Saint Germain:  4-29-1984 at Camelot, Los Angeles via Messenger E C Prophet, Pearls of Wisdom 27:32


4)  You may understand the terms of moth and of rust as meaning entrusting your funds to nefarious forces or those institutions of banking or investment that are tied to the planetary system which itself is vulnerable in this hour….

  The fallen angels stand to lose all if this civilization survives and if the divine economy and the abundant life come to all nations and if there be the rolling back of the forces of war and of World Communism.  For it is a moment [in cosmic history of the planet] that is open and clear for transmission to all nations of the teachings of the sacred fire.….

  I recommend that you study that which is at hand and make wise decisions and [do] not place your funds too far out of the control of your own person.  For when your funds are far removed [from you] or locked in or [tied up in] investments or kept in [accounts] that you cannot easily access, then you find that the fact that you are not in control of your supply is the point of vulnerability that nefarious forces of the planet will seize to move against the lightbearer.

  Now fallen ones who desire to perpetuate a materialistic and mechanistic civilization also see this sign of the coming of the light and irresistible force of Sanat Kumara.  For it is the presence of the angels and the Masters pressing close and not in fact the work of any one individual that is making this possible.

  It is the whole Community as one.  It is the raising of your spirits in the resurrection flame to a higher dimension of consciousness.  It is initiations passed.  It is a greater love.  It is many things coming together, and the Holy Spirit with us is not the least of these that does make possible a new consciousness and the leavening of the planetary consciousness of the people by the Word itself….

  Thus the more strong and independent and separated out if you will from international institutions and monopolies and multinational corporations that you become, the more secure you will find yourself and less affected when that judgment must descend [upon the seed of the Wicked One].  I tell you it must descend.  And as you have been told before by beloved Jesus and Saint Germain, it must descend ere the golden age come….

  Beloved ones, the principle and actuality of Community is vast.  It is a cooperative, it is interaction at all levels and [a] sharing and drinking of the one cup; [it is] sensing one another’s needs and then summoning the strength and wisdom to supply them….I send forth the mandate to each individual heart for God-obedience and alignment with the will of God as the source of faith and power and protection needed for the days ahead.  If you second-guess members of our bands, you will find yourself not in the center of the cross and therefore vulnerable to corruption of time and space.  Ponder my word, for it has meaning for all.   -Archangel Zadkiel:  7–1-1984 at RTR, MT, Pearl 27:46a


5)  This same vulnerability through the ancient turning aside from God created the vulnerability of Eastern Europe.  Many have thought it was merely the weakness of Churchill or Roosevelt in the face of Stalin, but I tell you it is more than an act of the leadership.  It is a factor and a point of vulnerability of nations and lifewaves who have left off worship of the living God.  Thus there are many sides to the outplaying of events….

  There is a superior power and force that is available to all people.  It is the power of the Spirit and armies of heaven and legions of the Lord….Is an idea killed because someone who holds it is killed?  This cannot be.  The idea lives on until it is replaced and superseded by a higher idea….

  This government evolves as the people evolve in the responsibility of self-government.  And if they determine not to let bureaucracies and monopolies and manipulation of their supply take-over the nation, they will evolve to a more perfect government even as they come to the spiritual understanding, as it has been said by the ancient prophet, “And the government shall be upon his shoulders”--the shoulders of the living Christ….Beloved hearts, see then how God has allowed the outplaying of Good and Evil, for all must choose.  

                                    -Archeia Mary:  7-3-1984 at RTR, MT, Pearl 27:48


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