Wednesday, April 28, 2021

I challenge you to take the mantle of responsibility

 1)    I AM, I AM the guardians of the flame of peace.  In the oneness of our peace, in the oneness of the flow of our love do mankind pursue the flame of the Prince of Peace, of the Archangel and Archeia of Peace–the legions of Uriel and Aurora, legions of peace-bearers.  Our peace is peace with honor.  Therefore we do not hesitate to raise the sword of peace in defense of our peace.  That sword is golden--golden liquid light shining in the sun of our Christ consciousness.  It is a two-edged sword that defends the consciousness of the Christ, that cleaves asunder the real from the unreal.                                                                                                          Thus as knight-champions of old held the sword of peace, so we hold that sword in our right hand to deflect all that opposes peace with honor.  The brilliance of this sword as it reflects the Christ-light is so great that all before whom it is held must capitulate to the energies of peace.  Thus we rotate the sword in an arc before you.  As it passes before each one it has the action of dissolving energies opposing the light of Christhood, and the arc of peace becomes the circle of fire that is the guardian action of flaming ones--identities from out the Great Central Sun, angels and cosmic beings who form a circle of peace 1,000 miles around this fiery core of peace which we have drawn with our sword.  And as we hold the flaming sword of peace in the center 144,000 flaming ones of peace hold the sword to deflect all that is anti-peace, antichrist.  And as I speak another ring forms 1,000 miles beyond the next ring to the center.  These also stand holding the sword of peace.  And as I AM THAT I AM in the center of the mandala of peace, cosmic beings form the third ring 1,000 miles beyond the last.  Golden swords are these--electrodes for the Central Sun of Being.…

  The flame of peace is the power to overcome all that is unlike peace.  The flame of peace is like unto the flame of love; to be enjoyed it must be shared–shared with man, with God, with Christ, with angels and elementals, with father, mother, son and daughter.  The oneness of love is the sharing of peace.  The oneness of peace is the sharing of love.   -Elohim Peace and Aloha:  10-11-1973 at Santa Barbara, Pearls of Wisdom 21:26  


2)  I come as a humble one, my wisdom the gift of the Divine Mother and of the three wise men, my mentors of old.  I come to give you the tiny box and, as you know, my anticipation for the opening of the present is perhaps more than your own.  For with almost childlike delight I wait for you to open the box and to find therein the key.  For I give to you the golden key of my heart--pure precipitated light from the heart of Helios--a golden key that will unlock for you the way of your own path of enlightenment, the way of your own ascension but particularly the way of the blueprint.

  Do you not know that the blueprint of the soul is intricate?  And as the computerlike mind of the I AM Presence unfolds the destiny of a soul, so the outer consciousness requires a key to lock in to that blueprint, to lock in to the manifestation of its immortal destiny.

  And so having noted how on many occasions my friends and disciples of the Christ have found themselves wondering “What shall I do next?  How can I best serve the masters?  What is my divine plan?,” and having observed how sometimes the plugging in to the light and the plan is an effort because of the weight of effluvia, I have come then with this gift.  I have come with this gift that you might preserve a measure of the all-seeing-Eye, the vision that is required and, in those moments and hours of your soul’s meditation, your soul’s deliberation, that you might take the key from the sacred altar of the heart and then turn the lock of inner identity, blueprint of the soul.  

                                 -Lanello:  12-24-1974 at Santa Barbara, Pearl 58:23    ………………………………………………………………......................

3)   Forget not the invocations to light, for many who come after you are totally dependent upon those invocations as their only source to the God-flame.  For they have not heard of the flame that burns on the altar of the heart; they have not heard of the Christ Self or of the I AM THAT I AM.

  The door has not been open to them for cosmic flow; therefore they are the sheep who must be fed daily and hourly for the fulfillment of the divine plan.

 Sons and daughters of God, I challenge you to take the mantle of responsibility to fulfill your divine plan.  I challenge you to call to me that I might come by your free will to initiate spirals of God consciousness within you.

  I challenge you to test Hierarchy, to test the Brotherhood, to test  Teaching and Teacher.  I challenge you to accelerate consciousness for the glory of God in manifestation, and when I see manifest in you the action of the Law by your devotion, by your dedication I will match that manifest action.  I will add my momentum to your own. 

  So point by point, line by line, as you persevere I will reinforce the flame you garner.  I AM in the central sun of your heart the awareness of your cosmic consciousness.  


                     Maitreya of the flame.    10-10-1975 at San Francisco, Pearls of Wisdom 43:24

4)  O light in the heart of my beloved, I AM well pleased.  For the journey of our souls for converging of our souls is made possible by individual attunement with the spiral of Elohim.  Golden spiral journey of our souls for the converging of our souls is made possible by the individual attunement with the spiral of light descending, golden-ratio spiral wending now from the heart of God and rising from the heart of Earth, convergence then of spiral ascending, spiral descending.  And the point is the point of the elect of God….

   And by the accelerated speed of light passing through golden-ratio spirals ascending and descending there is produced then the separating out of all misuse of the very seed of Christ!  And thus this creation that is neither here nor there must cease to be….

   All is acceleration.   And therefore the ascending and the descending angels are the bearers of this light, which they also carry via the golden spiral--the golden spiral of mind of God that emits from the throne, that emits from the grace, even the crown of Lord Gautama Buddha.   -Enoch:  12-29-1980 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 24:5

5)  Thus the obvious conclusion is that without the Guru one recedes.  There is no maintaining even of one’s present position.  For what is “present position”?  There is none, since life is the Law of self-transcendence, ever unfolding in the law of cycles.  Therefore you see, if you are expected to be something you are not now in a moment from now, because the law of cycles governs all--how will you move with that spiral if you cannot take the hem of another’s garment and follow or be swept up in the draft of that one’s attainment?  This is a predicament that is upon mankind.  And they know it not!  For the very lesson I teach is already beyond their present awareness….

  Without the flow of love/wisdom of Helios and Vesta through the Teacher the pupil will not mount a spiral--for the spiral is nonexistent.  And if the teacher be not a part of the chain of Hierarchy, then that teacher cannot attach his pupils to the chain to which he himself is not attached!  Therefore bodhisattvas--maintaining the flame of Hierarchy in the many dimensions and planes of consciousness--have come, placing themselves very near to those whom they would push up the ladder of Life.  O you thought you were being pulled!  Well, blessed hearts, we are beneath you, pushing you up--for the very simple reason that some do not even know the way that is up from the way that is down, simply because they have lost the inner compass of Life….

  Well then, Serapis has come to apprise you of a love that is pure and perfect—of a spiral that is now released, of a ruby ray that you will only come to understand on the battlefield of life. 

  How can we explain and explain again?   We do our best.  We send you out.  We let world karma do the rest.  And you come back all the wiser for your experiencing of the path.

  There is no substitute for experience.  There is no substitute for the Teacher who can interpret experience for you and therefore give you the eyes to see--seeing through the veils of maya, seeing through  illusion, the smokescreen of fallen ones….

  Well, beloved hearts, there are some who can never see beyond or feel beyond the physical person--whether of the messenger, whether of a loved one, whether of anything from a blade of grass to a star.  How can you expect them to mesh with the Word or desire the Guru who obviously is taking you into spirals passing through your own nonphysical matrix leading to universes of light that are still a part of your very own being?  Thus those who assemble to hear our Word are those not content with the physical grid of life they use to navigate in the physical octave.  They are probers of the mysteries of the octaves above and below and through the sound ray to the soundless sound….

  Here in the Person of the Father, here in the Presence of Alpha who has come to grace the Earth is the Presence of all-power in heaven and earth.  It is that light of Alpha and Alpha’s current that has been misqualified.  Inasmuch as it is absolute power, absolute God in manifestation as Brahma, you will be dealing with the perversion of the Absolute as the presence of absolute evil--personified in the anti-God manifestations of the Nephilim, their mechanization man, their Cain civilization, and all that has been built upon this planetary body in the successive spirals going back for millions of years….

  The misuses of power on this planet by the Nephilim are connected with their misuses of power on other planets and systems.  Therefore opening Pandora’s box of this cycle of karma leads to other boxes.  And they are as interconnected as interconnecting computers of the fallen ones.  They are as interconnected as the connectedness of all life in the Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood….

  Thus there will be experienced (as there is now) the overlapping of the revenge of the fallen ones, moving with their momentum of the judgment of the children of the light--the mouthings of the Accuser of the Brethren, their constant criticism, and the mode of their mind whereby whatever they look upon that is of the light they automatically condemn.

  They are computerized to condemnation!  Thus wherever the spring flowers peep through as the budding consciousness of the chela, at subconscious planetary levels there is the put-down of that burst of joy and freedom and light….

  Do you see, blessed hearts?  I counsel you on the upward way.  We are mountain climbers all!  Our exercise in running is uphill. Then when we are on level ground, we are at ease and well trained.

  It is the upward spiral.  It does require striving.  But there is rest and there is rhythm to life.  You are not machines.  You must discover the law of the seven and the seven steps to the precipitation of the flame of your own God-mastery.  If you do not observe them, you will find that though you think you are striving you may have reached a plateau and are entering into levels of mediocrity that you know not.  The full capacity of your God flame and your continuing in this segment of the spiral of the victory of earth depends upon your pacing of yourselves as runners in the race.

  The law of the rest is the law of relief--even in music. Take a lesson from the music of the spheres.  Rest in absolute peace within the heart at regular intervals.  Learn by the discipline of the mind to go within--swiftly!   Learn to hurl the strength of your mind to the eye of God, to the heart of your I AM Presence--to make instantaneous contact and to discover the rest-in-motion that is the mark of Mercurians and Maitreyans, which I trust you shall all be very soon.  

                                   -Maitreya:  4-19-1981 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 24:26     ……………………………………………………………..............................

6)  This Earth is a scene of the forgetfulness of love.  People long to taste the love of God again, but they have forgotten the taste and will not know it until they taste it again.  Thus they accept many harmful substances as a substitute.  But once the elixir is quaffed in this life, you should never again know the forgetfulness of the absence of love--which absence is caused by yourself.

  We speak in terms of a divine mysticism, but the true mystics are the only truly practical people.  They are those who can live in this earth, make their mark, be effective and themselves overcome the traducing, seducing ones by a spirit of reality that is akin to the Spirit of truth and the piercing white of the honor flame.  Seek the honor of God then and know that love will fulfill the whole law of adeptship in you if only you will fulfill love’s law.  It is a simple message, beloved, but it is an ancient call that has echoed down the channels of the centuries.

  You are, as it were, at the bottom of a channel of light that goes to the Central Sun and you hear echoing down its chamber the call of divine love.  It seems so very far away, yet it is transmitted through your own heartbeat.   You can ascend the spiral.  Therefore call daily for transmutation of the gravity of karma.                  

-Nada:  10-12-1991 at New Orleans, Pearl 34:57


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