Friday, June 19, 2020

God's overmen; solstice

  • Gratitude to Thee, my beloved Father, thou Great Divine Director, for Helios and Vesta’s love and your confidence!
  • From the inner spiritual government of this planet the Council of God’s Will here at Darjeeling I who so hopefully represent government, which has but one meaning (God-over-men—or God's overmen—with the G in government standing for God when referring to individual authority or governMENtal service) declare that in my humble ascended master view beloved Helios’ current dispensations represent the finest opportunity to make things right here on earth that has come forth in at least two thousand years!
  •   The angels declared long ago “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace and goodwill to men!”  Blessed Jesus hallowed the very language when he stated “Blessed are the peacemakers,” and the appellation “Prince of Peace” rightly applied to Jesus shows clearly the value God places on peace!  Most men know however that peace should not be at any price and will not compromise where personal liberty is at stake, but wise men always gladly afford others the freedom they desire for themselves.  Understanding well the blessing thereby invoked, these often whisper within their hearts these words:  “Sweet land of Liberty, of thee I sing” while calling forth this blessing for their own nation.  Another melodic statement is “God of our fathers whose almighty hand sends forth in beauty all Thy starry band of shining worlds in splendor through the skies!”
  •   In that connection those who sincerely volunteer to render service to mankind and their own God Presence I AM and call to beloved Helios as He so kindly requested, offering themselves as channels for God’s grace, serving as anchors for the magnificent ascended Cosmic Christs projecting earthward, will know more and more of the reality of these other shining worlds and many mansions of God!  I am certain too that the advent of these blessed Christs projecting earthward will bring the mission of beloved Jesus into greater focus and call to memory the greater meaning of his words “The things that I do shall ye do also, and greater things because I go to my Father!”
  • Also, the second coming of Christ should now be better understood by many people.  The karmic laws of cause and effect will be more clearly perceived as divine justice and men will better understand the love of God—which seems so simple yet has certainly not been properly understood by many among mankind through the centuries.  How then could they be expected to know His will?  These dispensations shall likewise insure eventual freedom for all laggards and will thus perform the greatest missionary service ever hitherto undertaken on this planet.  Now, since Atlantean days no such opportunity has been granted as the second phase revealed below.  Therefore may I present the good news from the blessed eternal Hierarchy with all the love of my ascended heart and my devotion to the cause of goodwill?
  •   By the authority of the great Karmic Board and in the name of beloved Helios and Vesta the following grant is given to the mankind of Earth,
  • to wit:
  • The Earth has been blessed by the presence of a mighty number of advanced souls, avatars and divine personages through the ages manifesting as cosmic teachers, founders of great religions and revelators of divine truth, including the rather universally acknowledged Jesus Christ, Gautama Buddha and Mohammed as well as many other magnificently God-endowed beings sent to Earth by the Eternal Father for mankind’s enlightenment and blessing.  Wholly unaware is the massmind still of the proper veneration and allegiance they ought to pay to the supreme God, the Eternal Father, their personal individualized God Presence I AM!
  •   Therefore to the present day confusions abound, allegiance is divided and strife continues concerning the holy purposes avowed by men universally as the will of God, the wisdom of God, et cetera.  Likewise in the arena of politics and government the ruling personages of the world continue to engage in so-called diplomatic exchanges—some necessary and some not—which keep the status quo of nations in a continually disturbed state.  Without attempt to fix blame We who know the divine law because We have syncretized ourselves with it make certain recommendations in connection with this cosmic grant which is given to Earth by the same loving Father who long ago sent forth blessed Jesus in the land of Judea and city of Bethlehem to make his first world advent.  The Father has declared to us--I AM in heaven (the divine consciousness) and all is right with the world when they attune constantly with My goodwill!
  • Therefore because all religious strife and intolerance is incompatible with God’s will, because wars and warfare are diametrically opposed to the purposes of the Prince of Peace We offer a gift to Earth which is set forth below:
  •   When peace and harmony are achieved religious-wise and secularly among the family of nations in the whole body politic, to be just it must be under the direction of Almighty God, and when that occurs it will be a magnificent victory for both God and men!  Therefore the grant to mankind from the ascended host is to give to the world a genuine outer focus of the Great White Brotherhood without concealment or secrecy!  A mighty temple of Victory is to be built in this nation for all mankind, dedicated to the presence of Almighty God!  It shall be called
  • I AM the Temple of Life’s Victory
  • (Remember Solomon builded Him a house and that name is clearly seen to mean Solomon—“solar-man”:  Christ-illumined men full of the sun of divine wisdom)
  • The pattern for this vast temple is now being lowered from the blessed Silent Watcher into the etheric realms and the action will be completed by July 1st—in time for a celebration of our cosmic declaration of independence for this blessed Earth from all imposition of tyranny or bondage!  That is what We are doing—regardless of human appearances.  We are affirming the freedom of Earth by establishing the first temple of the Great White Brotherhood known to the outer world since Atlantean days.
  •   What is the meaning of this whole dispensation?  Beloved ones, Saint Germain shall describe this blessed building to you in next week’s Pearl—together with a more complete explanation thereof.  Meanwhile I want you to take stock with me of how blest we are to secure this joint dispensation.  First, an opportunity to heal the laggard breach of discord, and then the glory of Victory’s Temple on earth where our communion can be established right through the veil and wherein the radiance of heaven can begin to produce upon earth that scientific, spiritual and political life which represents the will of God as a glorious opportunity for all to share in building the golden age.
  • That now the door is open is the significant factor!
  • The tools are here, the energy, the authority and the blessed people to execute the plan—all are here.  Hence like the master mason of old standing with the blueprints of a pyramid eternal, I stand now full of great hope and a silent inner assurance that this time you will not fail.  You have long known that the light of God never fails!  Discouragement in the face of old human mistakes, gossip, tearing down of lives and strife among brethren have not deterred those whose love could see beyond the surface tensions.  False glamor and human egoism have not prevented Our true chelas from putting first things first!  Because this activity has placed God first all things shall be added unto it!
  • Come my beloved, let us hallow His holy will (Thy will be done).  Let us remove and transmute the causes and cores of unhappiness the world around, let us purify the whole climate and atmosphere of Earth, the four elements withal and then on the green sward raise His temple symbolical of the treasure of heaven which is the glorious common goal to which each lifestream is destined—to be a temple within whose hallowed walls the infinite can bestow the complete sonship, stewardship and unity which make of each one of you dear ones a cornucopia of instantaneous precipitation, God happiness and victory manifest at your call!
  •  Remember, hearts that have truly loved, never forget:
  •   I AM your memory of the power of goodwill, El Morya Khan  Vondir!
  • Pearls of Wisdom 3:23
  • by H. Schmiechen, 1884

SOLSTICE     6-20-2020 2:43 p.m. PDT Sun into Cancer.  Sun conjuncting north lunar node, Sun at 1/7th of circle to Uranus, Sun at 150 degrees to Saturn, Sun in parallel declination to Moon.  This signifies much potency, coordination.
(One may call:  In the name I AM THAT I AM, El Morya, Legions of Mercury, Serapis Bey, great Seraphim and Cherubim:  may the light energies of Gemini to Cancer modulate for the greater good, amen.)    -r, mt. shasta

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