Saturday, June 13, 2020

Dr. Soňa Peková on Sars-Cov-2

6-13 Argentina  new cases/active cases  14/178= 8% increase/day
India 113/1353= 8%  increase/day
Iran  239/2644= 9%  increase/day
Singapore 36/1232= 3% increase/day
Russia 9/226= 4% increase/day
Mexico 48/1517=  32% increase/day
Brazil 24.25/367= 6.6% increase/day
South Africa 336/2220= 15% increase/day
Pakistan  64/778= 8% increase/day
11-16-2015  Ralph Baric, an infectious-disease researcher at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, last week (November 9) published a study on his team’s efforts to engineer a virus with the surface protein of the SHC014 coronavirus, found in horseshoe bats in China, and the backbone of one that causes human-like severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in mice. The hybrid virus could infect human airway cells and caused disease in mice, according to the team’s results, which were published in Nature Medicine.
4-28-20   Christien Drosten says a key reason for SARS-CoV-2’s success may be a tiny part of the “spike,” the protein that sits on the virus’ surface and makes it look like a crown when seen through a microscope, giving coronaviruses their name.  The spike protein attaches to a receptor on human cells called angiotensin-converting enzyme 2.  Before the virus can enter the cell, however, a part of the protein has to be cleaved.  The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein cleaves more readily than equivalent proteins in other coronaviruses, because it has evolved something called a polybasic cleavage site, which Drosten likens to the perforations on a notepad that make it easier to rip off a page.  That feature may explain the virus’ rapid spread from cell to cell, he says.
  Dr. Pekova is the leader of the research team at Tilia Laboratories….The time has c ome to ban the research and development of genetically engineered viruses and other pathogenic microorganisms.  They can be dangerous and fatal if mistreated or fall into the wrong hands.
Dr. Pekova:  Studies of animal viruses are part of our specialization….I am a doctor, in addition I received a doctorate in molecular microbiology and genetic virology, and I also have a postgraduate degree in medical methods in the field of genetics and microbiology, and I focused on this in my research….
RNA viruses mutate, and their genome is unstable. They have a high mutation rate and are not very accurate in replication.  Viral RNA usually mutates in areas responsible for the production of protein, used as building blocks for the “body” of the virus. This part performs certain functions of the virus, such as penetration into the cell and interaction with the infected cell.
  However, in addition there is also a regulatory region of the virus genome, which can be considered as a command center that manages the replication of the virus. This part of the SARS CoV-2 genome looks unusually mixed, as if it had been seriously modified.  It’s hard for me to believe that such intensive restructuring, insertion and removal of the viral RNA code occurred in nature, and after that the virus could survive.
  The regulatory part of the viral genome usually has a low mutation rate.  SARS CoV-2 has an atypical degree of mutation, which is usually done through genetic modification.
  When I was researching, cloning viral mutations was my daily work, and we used to clone different gene variations on culture media. For example, we saw how a harmless gene turned into a gene that induces lymphoma. A mutation can turn something good into something very harmful.  We have genetic engineering tools capable of such modifications.
  Genetic modification can be used, for example, to create the so-called “designer babies”, which was done by a Chinese scientist who created two genetically modified embryos.  He was later fined and imprisoned.  I can imagine that there are other scientists who have done the same thing, they just never admit it. It all depends on the ethics of the scientist, but I’m not sure if ethics is a sufficient guarantee….
when we know that the disease is caused by a coronavirus, it will have a certain course.  But this coronavirus has a completely different picture, it is as if a new type of disease.
  When the clinical picture of a virus is so different from other viruses of the same type it is at least strange.  As for its gene code – I devoted many years to molecular biology and genetics, was engaged in cloning and used different parts of viruses for genetic engineering – this is a very common practice.  When I saw this sequence (in the regulatory area), it immediately seemed to me that it was not very similar to the natural one.  If we were only talking about structural genes, I would not think that something is wrong with this virus.  But you need to look at the whole genome, not excluding other parts from consideration, and perhaps there we will find the answer.  But this is just my opinion, it is necessary that as many people as possible analyze this virus.  That test, the protocol of which we propose, is aimed specifically at this regulatory area.  Let those involved in the tests look at her and tell them what they think about her….
  This virus, SARS-CoV-2, is completely different. SARS stayed with us for a year and disappeared.  This virus, due to its great mutagenicity, I’m afraid will stay with us for a long time….If we disable it (in its regulatory area) the virus will die.  So perhaps in the end we will have to resort to gene therapy, some kind of DNA vaccines or something like that – molecular, not immunological.
tel: 00420 605 335 953
   (The 13th scientist I have cited on my blog pages to offer evidence that Sars-Cov-2 may well be lab-made. -r.)
3-30-20   Dr. Sonia Peková revealed the shocking exposé in lay man’s terms to a journalist of American European News….
  each virus and each of its RNAs has something called a “control room”, a control site that controls mutations in the rest of the RNA. This region of RNA at the very beginning of the helix could be compared to any boot sector on the computer disk from which the operating system itself is booting.  Basically this can be thought of as a BIOS interface.  And when biologists look at this piece of RNA, they just don’t go together.
  The novel coronavirus RNA control centre looks like somebody who turned it upside down and it still worked perfectly.  From the biologist’s point of view it looks as if, figuratively speaking, someone has invaded the headquarters of this RNA control room, turned it all up there, throwing away all the cabinets and drawers in such a way that it is very hard to believe on the one hand this process originated accidentally in nature, and on the other hand, that this chaotic and accidental process would not kill the virus.

  Indeed the RNA control room itself is the main point of controlling the mutation of the rest of the RNA, and in this case it would mean that we should believe that in nature somehow the inserter and the control room of the virus were rewritten to perfection without destroying the virus function.  And that’s why Dr. Pekova believes that novel coronavirus could have originated in the lab, because such fundamental changes in the RNA control room of the virus would naturally not have occurred in the case, without destroying the virus….
  She explained to the viewers that there had been massive gene changes and transcripts, insertions (deletions), deletions (deletions), and other complex changes in the magnitude of the RNA Sars-Cov-2 control room, if nature had created it chaotically and randomly, the virus would simply perish because it could not have functioned in an orderly manner….

  US government urged scientists to write counter-analysis refuting Chinese accusations and also statements by the Czech molecular biologist several days ago.  It was more like a crisis management to refute all the information that the novel coronavirus originated in the laboratory.

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