Sunday, June 28, 2020

covert dynasty takeover of America, circa 11-20-1910, Jekyll Island

  East Coast Establishment, what's that?  Americans often presume they have the cat by the tail or that they are the very cat's paw.  So by stealth and great cunning on to Jekyll Island off the Georgia coast went Aldrich, Paul Warburg and the others to start their finance monopoly coup of America called federal reserve, central banking with its political component that also believes like tres bons Luciferians in their own right to rule covertly/overtly, usually by monopoly, infiltration and other Dice King wonders--11-20-1910 for the covert meeting commencement.  [Rama and Lakshmana found themselves relegated to the forest, yet again.  And by July 1932 the Ballards were ready to march forward, to recover the land.  But it was going to be a long Ramayana this time.]  -r.
-obviously the guy who would wonderfully reform the American finance system "to save it from Wall Street", one Nelson Aldrich; Congress by and by went for it and has since not even asked for an audit of the Fed.  Huh?
-The men who led the newly created Federal Reserve banks.
  By 1904 more than 1,800 companies had been consolidated into 93 corporations, a financial consolidation led by J Pierpont Morgan.  The Rothschild brothers, already laying the foundation for the Federal Reserve Act, wrote the following to New York associates in 1863:
 “The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits or be so dependent upon its favours that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.”
   In 1906, Senator Nelson Aldrich (R) – known as the "General Manager of the Nation" because of his impact on national politics and position on the Senate Finance Committee - sold his interest in the Rhode Island street railway system to the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad, whose president was J. P. Morgan's loyal ally, Charles Sanger Mellen.
  February 9, 1935 issue of the Saturday Evening Post—an article appeared written by Frank Vanderlip revealing the Nov. 1910 Jekyll Island covert meeting to set up the Fed.
There's your East Coast Establishment.  -r      the chart of this beast:
  Notice pairs of opposites Neptune and Uranus in Cancer-Cap., Saturn-Jupiter in Scorpio and Taurus; then the inconjunct (150 degree angle) of Sun and Pluto.  One more item:  in the above chart Neptune at 21 Cancer and Moon at 16 Cancer.  In the chart of 4-30-1789 of Washington's inauguration, Jupiter was at 22 Cancer and Moon at 16 Cancer.  A mere coincidence or something deeper?  Perhaps an infiltration (Uranus opposite at 22 degrees Capricorn) to set up a new dynasty?   -r.


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