Wednesday, October 16, 2019

We have a more sure word of prophecy

   The summoning of hope is an art of inestimable value.  The relative size of the world order often proves overwhelming, tending to lose the individual in a mass of confusing elements.  With hope let men summon the banner of peace and establish it within the magnetic emanation that surrounds the spine and the medulla oblongata.  Let men think about the effects of their thoughts and feelings upon others, not alone in their immediate environment but also in the total world complex.  Thoughts can be banners of truth, integrity, virtue and loveliness benefiting a world order or they can be swiftly flying arrows poisoning the atmosphere….
  Here in Shamballa where We have entered into a full discussion of greater self-mastery for all of mankind We have determined to send out into the ethers--and with this epistle--a carefully thought-out program of expansion for each lifestream.  It is a foregone conclusion that the nature of individuals and their sense of values range from mild doubt to repudiation and from a questioning acceptance to a burst of cosmic enthusiasm.  Thus from center to the right and to the left does the consciousness of mankind swing as a pendulum through both the yin and yang of reality and shadow….
  Among the most desirable hopes for every year is the glorious attitude that positively accepts the dictums of God, the blessings of his laws, the tenderness of his reality, the surging capacity of his love, and the radiance of his illumination as the cup of joy by which aspiration is translated into actuality.     
  Beloved Saint Germain has declared that “joy is the motivating power of life,” and I say to you today that without happiness in that which you are doing, the road would be extremely difficult.  However men and women who seek deliverance from any form of bondage should ever remember that habits once learned can become difficult to discard.  The part of wisdom then is to form benign habits that will stretch the being of man through the whole stratum of reality and hold it there until God can secure it for the beloved son, whose acceptance of righteous patterns then becomes enduring….
  The answer in the world domain, as We see it, is still the coming of God into manifestation in the world of the individual to produce the seeming miracle of Christ’s reality.  This blessedness of natural expression with its pristine purity requires the renunciation of mortal aims on a temporary basis in order that the aspirant may seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and then trust in the natural order of divinity to mold and shape the perfection of the eternal world right around and through the lattices of human expression.
  While it is true that some do break through into the kingdom of heaven and lay hold upon and claim divine power for themselves to which they are not yet entitled, while it is true that there are in vogue and in practice expressions of what has been termed black magic or witchcraft--running as a thread of shadowed substance through the human misuse of life’s energies carried on by those who seek to effectuate personal control over the lives of others and to serve on a cooperative basis with the negative forces of the planet in creating a miasma of confusion in society, politics and religion--it is also true that in ignorance few of these know what they do.
  We can call for their forgiveness while pointing out that the truth of the laws of Almighty God embodies its own reward of freedom, its own code of integrity and honor and the karmic grace of assisting each lifestream who practices the golden rule….
  The fervor and devotion for the universal cause on the part of many of the recipients of Our weekly communications have provided the necessary spiritual climate for contemporary man, enabling Us before the Lords of Karma to endorse new measures of assistance.  Fervent causes when supported cannot and do not fail.  The vital energies invested in such causes remain forever an expanding embrace of light for all men in all time to come.
  Tireless and sincere, the light emanations of the sons of God upon this planet are a mounting tide of celestial assistance whose untold, unheralded and unsung records constitute one of the great love treasures of the world whose enduring worth will one day be revealed as the indomitable force of light’s victory unto humanity….
  It is ever a source of amazement to the faithful of our unascended chelas to perceive the disbelieving attitude of some of those who have been exposed to the sacred host (eucharist)--the body of Christ-truth which constitutes ascended master ideals, who then give their attention so freely to the peepings and mutterings of maudlin sentimentalities, self-glorification and distortions of truth uttered in the name of God but without His sanction.  It is a foregone conclusion that wherever the rod of power is cast down before the court magicians of the darkened consciousness of a worldly pharoah these sorcerers will perform their wiles, saying “We do the same thing.”
  Let it be known then from Shamballa that We have a more sure word of prophecy whose technique does spiritually generate those mighty light rays of immortal freedom calculated to lift the souls of men as with wings toward a higher expression of divinity.  Likewise there is a clarity and continuity to Our expressions of truth which can never be gainsaid….
  It is safe to say, I think, that many of the unrighteous have supposed themselves to be acting in good grace, and while the law has often expressed the quality of mercy to these, it is never possible to erase the blight of wrong sowings until the individual is finally given instructions either below or above as to what constitutes true right action….the Eternal could proclaim the victory of mankind even before it was manifest in outer expression, and while ultimate victory is no lie but the only truth of life, He has in effect already proclaimed it by His laws.  It remains simply for man to accept the truth!
  In the world of form as the laws of light strike the dense solidity of men’s negative concepts these laws will always cast their shadow upon the ground.  Only when the being and body of man is purified by the vibratory action of the light itself will there be no shadow--no resistance to the fulfillment in man of the divine intent.  Thus the law has its counterpart “as above, so below” and there is a jurisprudence administered by the Karmic Board which creates in a manner superior to automatic processing perfected directives to each person upon the planet showing how he might escape all error if he will follow these directives in minute detail even to their most subtle implications.  Such instructions however personal are always centered upon the golden rule--“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”…
  Now inasmuch as the power of truth is ever mounting, inasmuch as the way of grace is ever being made plain let all understand and feel that although the smoke of battle may not be cleared away from the world order for some time, although destructive forces may often seem by their tirades and mass hypnotic control to win many a battle, all of this is but a seeming that which seemeth to be but is not and not an actualization.  Thus the debris remaining in the world order will ultimately be cleared.  Be comforted by the knowledge that your efforts are never in vain.  Those who tell you so would deter all planetary progress and keep the seething, raging seas of mortal feeling in a constant state of fear mingled with hope….
  To lift the purposes of life into the grand and noble perspective which God employed in the construction of the universe is to show every man that regardless of his present state, the celestial cures remain active as life principles.
  These principles must be learned.  These rungs upon the ladder of the laws of life must be climbed.  There is no escape, nor indeed can there be, from the plan and simple way of the radiant Christ in manifestation within thyself.  May the footprints thou dost make upon the sands of Life be his own as the light from within thyself shines through thy flesh form, sparkling with radiant ascended-master love, virtue and honor and impinging upon all of life the grace that God is to thee.
  This thou shalt not easily lose.  This thou shalt not separate from thyself.  This will be thy transcendent faith replacing the “wings of Icarus” which, being affixed with wax, did melt from the heat of the Sun (of righteousness) causing him to fall to the earth.
Thou shalt arise instead by a faith secure
In the God domain that shall endure,
And never be moved
By mortal shadows upon the screen--
No matter how real they now may seem--
For in the light of days to come
Compassionate works will be well done,
And peace will reign in every heart
Because the soul of truth imparts
The shining wonder of the goal,
Dispensing light to every soul,
Proclaiming to thee:  I AM shall be
Thy being’s sole reality.
  Help me hold the banner of peace.  The staff upon which every ascended master’s hand is placed has room for thine own.  I AM in faith, hope and charity the servant of God for the Earth at Shamballa,         
                    Lord Gautama
  Pearls of Wisdom 10:1
by Auriel Bessemer

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