Sunday, October 20, 2019

the power of infinite light is everywhere manifest

  Let me say to you then that the power of infinite light is everywhere manifest.  And as you gaze upon the awful conditions of the world and as you gaze upon the struggles–the class struggles between peoples and those who incite mankind to riot–understand that the immaculate concept is the God-given panacea whereby you will be able to assuage all human grief and wipe away all tears from human eyes and consciousness because God is.
  You have actually entered in to a little temporary spirit of awareness.  You are aware of a portion of God–that little portion you call yourself.  And as you gaze upon that little fragment of the Eternal God and the sacred fire which is your own special gift from God you also gaze upon other hearts–those who are also pursuing the path of life which you pursue.  You call these brothers and sisters in the light.  Let me say to you then tonight in the name of Almighty God, these are indeed the brethren of the light.  Esteem them with all your hearts so long as they manifest brotherly love for you, so long as you manifest brotherly love for them.  For in your love for one another--for the God within, for the Christ within--there is a sense of overcoming victory that is multiplied and spread amongst you as the Spirit of God that brings the power of the dawn in the eastern sky, that causes the light of heaven to shine upon the mountains, that dances in the descending snowflakes and moves in the whirlwind as it produces also its specific work of clearing the atmosphere of dense substance.
  O precious and beloved ones, as you gaze upon the world scene, as you see the snowcapped mountains of the world and the vast plains, as you see the little houses lit by lamps and electric power, as you see the various sources of illumination and realize that in the hearts of men everywhere there are fragments of cosmic fires burning from far-off worlds, understand that communion is flowing from far-off worlds, that communion is bringing about a descent of loveliness--skeins of golden thread that seek to weave the fabric of a golden age where the golden rule is followed, where men understand the meaning of this:  Do unto others as you would they should do unto you.
  When these conditions are brought about and industry and service cause the looms of life to hum with cosmic industry, when there is born the recognition of the culture of the soul in mankind, that at that moment the concepts of the Great Silent Watcher will be externalized and I in my own consciousness can say of my work “It is finished; Father, into thy hands I commend my being.”  For you will have finished the perfect work which God began, which I have held for the Earth and her evolutions from the beginning.  You will understand why He created the all-seeing Eye as the principle of His own immaculate design holding then not a vision of good and evil but a vision of the Tree of Life in the midst of the garden thereof.
What is the Word that has gone forth from the beginning?  O Logos, O Logoi, O Logos, O Logoi, O Logos, O Logoi  [chant in numerous cosmic languages]
  Thus you have heard the Spirit of infinite mercy pleading for the planetary body.  You have heard the Spirit of mercy pleading in numerous cosmic languages to the very heart of God to hold back those doomsday concepts which are long overdue to descend upon the planetary body.  You will understand then the words of the Christ upon the cross, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?...My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?”  In this hour of cosmic testing as humanity prepares to pass over the threshold of the year, I want you to know without question that the infinite Spirit of the Lord Christ is aware of how mankind have forsaken God.
    What then is the fiat of this age?  It is the fiat of God calling unto mankind:      O mankind, O mankind, why have you forsaken Me?  For I have designed for you only beauty. I have designed for you only the creative essence.  I have designed for you only bodies of indestructible energy.  I have designed for you only minds flowing with regeneration.  I have designed for you luminous orbs of light moving through planetary stations in space.  I have designed for you the angelic hosts to stand guard while the dark forces of the world seek to do you harm.  I have designed for you only infinite reaches of cosmic power and God-victory.  I have designed for you the power of the resurrection so that death cannot hold you bound.  I have designed for you communion of souls where every soul may be brought to your feet even as you are brought to the feet of every other soul to pay homage to the God within.
  I have designed for you the infinite mountain of life to climb. I have given you the wisdom to climb.  I have given you the grace to climb.  I have given you the power to climb.  I have given you the desire to climb.  I have given you all things. And at the summit of your being I have conferred upon you the crown of Life.  It awaits your coming.  The scepter is there–the sword and the stone.  The stone–the dense calcination of the world, the stone–the density of the world, the stone–the density of the self.  The sword–the sword of the Spirit whereby the way can be cleared that leads to the Tree of Life where man can pass through the wilderness and stand at the gates of Eden, the great cosmic Eden whereby the infinite message of all eternity is once again made manifest, where the power of the sacred fire and the breath of the Holy Spirit does descend upon mankind to quicken them in the great fiery passion of the Universal Christ, the Lord of all life, and to bring about the ascended masters’ power in the world of form, whereby there is reformed in the consciousness of humanity the great infinite holy chalice of the sacred fire, the great crystal goblet of life, and where the power of the lost Word once again regained floods mankind with light!  floods mankind with light!  floods mankind with light!
  And the little children are fed in My name, and the great baskets of life will take up the loaves and the fishes of life produced by the cosmic advent of the cosmic miracle of the infinite Word of life as it brings to mankind the awareness that man can clean escape from the density of his form and raise his consciousness into the very sacred fire of heaven.
Where I AM there shall ye be also!  Where I AM there shall ye be also!  “And I say unto you that those that deny Me before men, I will deny also before my Father which is in heaven.”
   And therefore I say to you today, to every man that shall hear this Word in the entire world:  Any of you who shall deny the authenticity of this dictation from the higher octaves of light shall deny the infinite and living God.  And your part in the Book of Life shall forever be taken out of the Book of Life until such a moment as you shall come to the feet of God to acknowledge the power of the living Word to speak to mankind today as the voice of His cosmic prophecy speaking forth to the family of nations and saying:  Unite in love!  Unite in light, in illumination!  Unite in the power of God unto salvation!  And free yourselves from division, sensuality, confusion and darkness.  And understand that the Lord thy God is He who has commanded “They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain,” for I am the Lord thy God that shall bring thee out of bondage.
  I, Cyclopea, say:  “The Lord is in His holy temple” within ye all. Will you honor Him then by accepting His message, His light, His love, His hopes for the world–for the future and for eternity?

The flow of the infinite rings of fire
That has touched your heart with God-desire
Now goes out into the universe
And fills it with the light of truth.
The hopes of God are with mankind.
His love, His magic–it will bind
Mankind to cosmic law and cosmic love
And make them feel the passion from above
That causes them to seek His name.
To glorify His cosmic flame,
To identify with cosmic light,
To rally for the cosmic fight
That brings all men to God’s own feet
And causes them to be complete.
His grace is nigh; ‘tis in your soul.
It is a flashing beacon goal.
It is the love from heaven above
That now calls all to cosmic Love.

  O beloved ones, hold the immaculate concept!  Hold the vision Cyclopea has brought to you tonight!  For without vision the people perish.  Without vision the Earth shall fade away. Without vision there is oblivion.  With vision there is the fire of perception, perfection, direction–consummate life made manifest by the power of the infinite Word every hour that sounds forth its cosmic tone that every error is wiped out by light and light’s direction manifest, manifest, manifest and producing the miracle of eternal perfection in every lifestream.
  In the name of the Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, in the name of the Spirit of infinite light, in the name of the fires of perfection I say:  return to your consciousness and bodies and understand that once again you must inhabit density until you have fulfilled destiny.   This is the power of the Law.  And my heart is o’erflowing with joy; for it is actually His heart, all His own.  Would you make your heart all His own?  Then We will be one, and all that I have said from out the Sun will be the God-design eternally within–freeing, creating, seeing deliverance for all.  We cut then the knot–the Gordian knot upon the planetary body–and We say in God’s name:  Let it be done!  Let freedom rule!  It is up to you, for heaven has made its declaration.
  From the heart of God in the Great Central Sun I salute you.  From the heart of God in the heart of everyone I salute you.  Everywhere I salute you.  And everywhere ye are I AM.  Purusha       

-Elohim Cyclopea via Messenger Mark Prophet at Colorado Springs on December 29, 1969

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