Saturday, October 19, 2019

Ours is a dawning of strength for a new burst of purpose.

   I cherished that light as the hope of every man, and instantly I knew the secrets of the ages.  For those secrets, precious though they be, were given to me by God, and no amount of human conversation could convince me of an element of error in any of His communications.  His speaking to my heart was as the thunder before the dawn or as the lightning flash before the thunder.  It was the allness of nature naturally unfolding His purposes into my mind….Never will discontentment enter Our world. Never will We know a lack of oneness with that creative wonder by which the universe was made.
  Ours is a dawning of strength for a new burst of purpose.  Ours is the fire dwelling within the heart of everyone.  And if the brittleness or elasticity of nature were to be challenged, the challenge would come from the mouth of God.  Let all nature sing!  Let the rocks ring out!  Let the trees sigh for the bread of truth!  For if the hearts of men will wander, ours is to return them to the eternal fold.  Ours is to bring them back to a sense of destiny, before the foolhardiness of life lived according to the human pattern has drowned destiny within them.  And as I speak it is to quench the fires of worldly passion and to stir within men a memory of their great cosmic purpose.       
(by Sindeelar)
                                             -Jesus Christ:   Pearls of Wisdom 13:51
  Those who are limited in concept, those have not yet opened their eyes to the great stellar realities of life often fix their consciousness upon an arbitrary or whimsical God made in their own thought-image.  Hence they do not understand the heavenly divisions and subdivisions, the appointments of heaven, the conferments of authority and the fixing of responsibility in the sons of God.
  These can see the need on earth for departmentalization in the many complex functions of government, business and social exchange.  What they do not seem to understand is the necessity and the reality of heavenly appointments. The names of Archangel Michael and the chohans of the rays may be foreign to those who are acquainted only with my mission as Jesus, the Christed Son of God.  These, in good faith, sometimes fear that men blaspheme when they honor the masters or the angelic hosts.  Let me assure all who love the Father that the Father rejoices in the faintest blush of love in the heart of a simple flower or in the heart of a tiny child that lightens the eye and brings gladness into the world…..
  Let all understand then that karma and compensation, sin and error, will always return to the feet of those sending them out—and bitter will be the cup.  But punishment is never His desire, for mercy from God flows to all generations. And when love, mercy, goodness and truth are cherished these fruits bear witness to the active principle of the Holy Spirit in every religion and in every life, which should become a religion.   

  There is then only one clarion call to Christhood, which I long ago did hear.    
                           -Jesus Christ:  Pearls of Wisdom 13:20
Retreat of Resurrection Spiral, Colorado Springs

-Morya, hierarch of above retreat

resurrection flame round physical heart

daily affirmations:
I AM the resurrection and the Life!
I AM the resurrection and the life of my heart now made manifest!  
I AM the resurrection and the life of my eyes now made manifest!

I AM the resurrection and the life of every cell and atom of my heart now made manifest!
I AM the resurrection and the life of every cell and atom of my chakras now made manifest!
I AM the resurrection and the life of every cell and atom of my spinal column now made manifest!

I AM the resurrection and the life of every cell and atom of my inner blueprint now made manifest!
I AM the resurrection and the life of every cell and atom of the inner blueprint of the Summit Lighthouse now made manifest!

Beloved flame of resurrection
Blaze through me thy light always;
Beloved flame, resuscitation,
Make my heart to sing thy praise.
O blazing white Christ radiance 
of God’s own I AM fire
Expand thy blessed purity
and free me from all wrong desire.

I AM the violet-flame miracle-healing of my heart every hour of every day now made manifest!  And I praise the Lord of Life for my perfect healing now made manifest!

I AM the light of the heart shining in the darkness of being and changing all into the golden treasury of the mind of Christ.

I AM projecting my love out into the world to erase all errors and to break down all barriers.  I AM the power of infinite love amplifying itself until it is victorious, world without end!

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