Saturday, October 5, 2019

a stitch in timelessness

   Why continue the argument?  Each one having a right to his own opinion, let us discuss another avenue.  For by another avenue, an approach to God or to art or to science we may come to a point of agreement.  Not as compromise but as agreement do we build the kingdom of God.  Thus we find the fundamental points of agreement and build on these.
  Whenever there is agreement in a principle of God a nucleus is formed--a bond of love.  And that bond of love actually begins to consume the area of disagreement and error which may be in the mind of your friend or may be in your own mind, for we ourselves must see our own misconceptions, n’est-ce pas?…Thus you see, the carnal mind takes pride in itself, in its ability to control and hurt and put down and best another and to rise and puff up as the puffing up of the snake….
  Yes you can do these things, but I admonish you to choose not to do them--to not attempt to be the most important person in the room or the one who wins all the arguments or makes all the brilliant points.  Far better to go within the heart, send love to each one and encourage by your conversation some precious point of wisdom or expression to be forthcoming from another because you make it easy, you provide a point of relaxation and warmth….Beloved ones, assume that those who come to you are injured and maimed and scarred, for they are.  They have been in many battles of life.  If you find them ornery or thick-skinned, this is a defense mechanism they have set up for a very deep hurt….
  But the sons and daughters of God, the children of the light have no need to partake in the world’s fare of psychology, just as you do not partake of the food that is served in some quarters.  You have long ago transcended the need for that type of intake.
  Much of the cause of your failure of many tests is that you have not stopped to rid yourself of the human habit to express that aggravation, that arrogance--all coming from the need of the carnal mind to assert itself.  It is not real!  It has no power to dominate your personality!  I speak directly to you, and all of you know whereof I speak!  And I tell you:  the promise of your ascension will never be compromised by me, but it can be compromised by your freewill!  You must listen to me.  There is a need to change by the will of the heart, by a heart that loves enough to change because others are still suffering from a dishonest expression that you periodically give vent to--dishonest because it does not praise God in the individual, it does not rejoice in his overcoming but still retains that defiance that will put down another….
  Thus when Archangel Michael cast out the fallen ones out of heaven he was ratifying the law of their own being which they set in motion by the spirit of pride:  
“I will become as God.  I will not worship the living Christ but I will be worshiped!”  
This was their vow.  Instantaneously they lost the protection of the circle of the One.  Thus in casting them out Archangel Michael and his legions were the instantaneous representatives of cosmic law.
  Each and every time you begin to conceive of sin, an act of sin you lose the protection of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood.  And you need to know when you stray from the law of truth.  And it is because the thought and the feeling is enslaving that Jesus said to Judas “That which thou doest, do quickly”--let the consciousness of sin become the act of sin so that you may repudiate it and repent and be saved.
  Now We of the Great White Brotherhood do not recommend that you indulge the fantasies of the sinful sense but rather that you realize that the bird of prey of sin may come and lodge in your aura and you may entertain it as a delicious idea for weeks and years and never free yourself from the desire to engage in this or that.  And now and again that desire becomes so impelling that you fulfill it and commit the sin and see no dire consequence thereof.   And you do it again and again, not realizing that you are binding yourself with cords of limitation--limitation that one day becomes old age, disease and death.
  Let not the absence of the hand of God instantaneously upon you when you err give you the idea that the law of karma is not irrevocable, for I tell you, it is.   And we have all bound ourselves by that law, and we have all liberated ourselves by the same law.  And that law is just!  And may the just men made perfect by love use the law wisely to their advantage, which advantage ought to be the liberation of the light of the heart which will insure you great gain in all octaves….
  You see, beloved ones, all desires of the human that you may have in this world can be 
surrendered.  And when they are surrendered the divine desiring of God comes into your life. For every human desire there is a divine desire that is legitimate, that is fulfilling, that will give to you whatever you thought you might get through human desiring but truly could never have or keep and much, much more.  But it takes courage.
  Thus if you would retain the desire to control others (which is very prevalent in the human race), the desire to have those things that are not ordained and on and on, but you desire to give up those desires that make you sick and uncomfortable, you will be walking a tightrope of the human consciousness, trying to take the best of it and to leave the worst and yet not really willing to forsake the totality of it or the whole ball of wax, as We have said.   It is a precarious position and I can only admonish, for you have freewill….Fear is what binds you to the alternative path and method.  Thus I say:  drop those fears!…
  This is the age of freedom.  No one may tap you on the shoulder and say “Here, here! you must do better.”  We do not have a physical, embodied shepherd for every single soul, one on one.  You have the Teaching, you are expected to apply it, you are expected to make the call to be shown why you do not pass every test.  You are expected to apply what has been given and ask for prayer and support when you wrestle with the beast you have created that has grown much larger than yourself so that your soul feels the towering of a monster before it and must have the reinforcement of the lineage of the Great White Brotherhood….
  The higher helps the lower.  As you accept help in humility you can extend help.  If you do not receive from the one above you, you cannot give to the one below you whose progress is utterly stopped because you yourself have stopped.  You see the pride.  Some do not like to think they are dependent upon others.  Learn to be receivers of Our grace and the grace of a chela for whom you have had disdain.  For the prayers of that one whom you think to be beneath you may be the salvation of your soul….
  One day the world must always turn against the living Christ.  And I do not think that any among you would consciously turn down the light of your Christ consciousness to be accepted by men, yet some of you do this unconsciously to avoid the challenge or the hurt or the public criticism.  Beloved ones, you can only go so far with this little game as you fit yourself in and out of society’s cliques….
  Think about it, beloved ones.  The tests are lost because of an absence of forethought, of looking objectively at a situation as though you were on the ceiling looking down upon that meeting that you are attending.  Look at the group of people--look through the Eye of God--at the conglomerate of forces and their juxtaposition and say to yourself “How do I really wish to figure in that configuration, that astrology, of those personages?”  And the best way to figure, beloved ones, is to be in their midst the presence of peace, of comfort, of wisdom if it is asked or desired--but not one that locks arms with the human consciousness, forming legal partnerships, becoming parts of groups or corporations or vast entities whereby because legally you have wed yourself to it you now become a bearer of the karma of that entity, that corporate entity (and there are many kinds and associations)….
  Thus you see, between the human will and the human desire and the divine will and the divine desire there is an abyss to be crossed.  Its name is time and space.  It is governed by the law of mortality.  You can take the route of the labyrinth, you can spend another thousand or ten thousand years or a million gingerly stepping in and out of the caves and caverns, underground and through the astral plane seeking earthly treasure and not realizing that the divine is practically on the tip of your nose.    

                     -Saint Germain:  7-6-1984 at Royal Teton Ranch, Montana  
-Rakoczy Castle, Transylvania

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