Sunday, October 20, 2019

all must strive together in the great smithy forge of life through their own intelligently directed efforts

It has been well said that “THE LOVE OF MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL.” (I Tim. 6:10)  Dear hearts, what is the truth in this statement?  I can tell you that money itself is not evil for it represents bread to the poor and shelter to the homeless.  Money represents reward for honest effort, yet it has been diverted as ill-gotten gains for those not entitled to it.  The statement that the love of money is the root of all evil should be re-examined with deeper spiritual discernment and disassociation from former interpretations which you may have had.  This passage of Scripture has been greatly misunderstood in the past solely because of a lack of spiritual discernment.
Dear Ones, to charge money with LOVE is Godly and not an error at all!  The real meaning of the phrase is not altogether obvious and yet for the sincere of heart it is simple to grasp.  Its implication may be had by inserting a word in order to understand the truth which then becomes more and more apparent as the thought is pursued in the light of divine illumination. This key is embodied either in the word “retaining” or “grasping” and therefore truth would recreate this statement for you thusly:  “THE LOVE OF GRASPING OR RETAINING MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL”!  Therefore it is this false, possessive love of money that is the root of all evil.
Why is this so, beloved ones?  Simply because the hoarding of money dams up the flow of world need in the already clogged marts of commerce and in the banking systems.  Let the lifeblood of commerce flow freely as God intends and let the needs of men be met, but above all do not defraud the needs of those who serve the cause of freedom! To bless money as the medium of exchange and call for its purification is a great service of light and will only bless everyone who participates in such constructive action.
Dear hearts, it is a sinister lie which, by citing the truth that all divine gifts are free purports that people do not need to support constructive organizations.  Did not God give all things for man’s wellbeing upon earth, and yet does not the Law allow men and women the safety of property and person?    
-Pallas Athena:  Pearls of Wisdom 6:30
When millions deny truth many men are afraid to affirm it; for it takes great courage to defy human tradition, long established in human thought and feeling. Yet it is these very burdens of misconception that are responsible for so much human discord and their continuance has remained to hold sway for many generations.  Likewise fear has kept mankind bound for so long that I almost marvel that any at all have ever escaped the old encrusted human forms to become God-like.   -Goddess of Purity:  Pearls of Wisdom 6:31
The strength of achievement is brought about through united effort and through the intelligent direction of energy and facility....all must strive together in the great smithy forge of life through their own intelligently directed efforts and through the great God-design to hammer out upon the great anvil of freedom, which is truly a golden anvil of illumined action, every necessary armor of righteousness, every necessary adornment and utensil of service, every right idea and every right action.   
-Gautama Buddha:  Pearls of Wisdom 7:2
Gracious Men and Women, 
Persistency is recognized as a quality which eventuates in the manifestation of some aspect of perfection. The courage which men externalize by holding fast to a specific momentum in the face of every attempt to prevent its manifestation is a thing of beauty, a joy to every heart and most wondrous to behold.    
-Saint Germain:  Pearls of Wisdom 7:6
We affirm that all men are children of God in that they all have the threefold flame within them.  Yet Genghis Khan and Hitler also possessed a threefold flame that was designed to manifest the Christ.  The fact remains that those who at the present hour desecrate the divine Intent by the practice of witchcraft, although they were intended to inherit God’s kingdom, are not only hindering themselves but they are also hindering the planet through the emanations of negation which they release.
Now one of the factors that I would like to point out to the students that governs the amount of negative radiation taken in is the feeling of self-condemnation.  The Christian Church in its mission of saving men’s souls has frequently emphasized the nature of sin in the human psyche and thereby many have been burdened with feelings of guilt which they have inadvertently accepted in place of the joy of their own individual Christ identity.  Those who desire to have dominioin over the consciousness of others may seek to achieve it through the imposition of intense feelings of self-condemnation upon their victims who, in their resultant state of self-delusion, are easy prey to those evil designs which the malpractitioner then masquerades as good.
Actually there are very few willfully evil people upon Earth.  Most individuals dwell in a state that We may unfortunately term the norm of the mass human consciousness (--for We hold for all men the concept of excellence.)  It is not God’s intent to deprive men of their divine estate or the pursuit of happiness and joy but rather is it His will to see that the type of joy they realize is permanent, divine and soul-satisfying, independent of those reactions of human karma which may descend upon the unwary to shatter the crystal vase of their God-happiness.
Condemnation then which is actually a frontal attack against the Christ-good in man is one of the most insidious types of witchcraft because it opens the door to the disorientation of personality and a great deal of unhappiness.  In addition to the more obvious and direct attempts to depreciate the manifestation of God there are projected into  subconscious recesses of the human psyche animal forms and astral distortions which would be enough to unhinge the most balanced of minds if they were aware of them.  The dissonant lines of force emanating from these projections cut across the beautiful soul-regenerating powers of the Christ which would ordinarily flow unimpeded down through the whole lifestream from the great source of Life, the individualized Mighty I 
''M Presence.   Eventually these distortions reach the surface of men’s conscious awareness there to manifest as even more complex lies of insecurity, remorse and shame.  Thus men’s hopes are dashed by these treacherous thieves which have entered the night of his consciousness and he, cast down before his own eyes, is unable to rise and behold the love of God that flows forth from the fount of Life to free him....
But men must diligently practice these services and must call forth forcefields of spiritual protection around themselves daily and even hourly when under attack.  In the name of God I say to all:  you are in a battle!  The battle of Armageddon is not a mere clashing of spears and chariots in the arenas of the world, it is a spiritual battle for the minds and hearts of men.  The great clarity of the Christ mind, the great purity of God, the great love and munificence of His Being are scarcely understood by individuals today who at times seem to have a very nebulous concept of the power of God.
The power of God is very close to man.  It is not far away as mankind sometimes imagine, but It might as well be at some great distance insofar as many are concerned for these do not effectively release this divine power of protection into their worlds.  The power of God is able to protect man against all the depredations of the sons of Belial.  Therefore I say that the children of mammon in their own generation have for too long been “wiser” than the children of light!  We desire now with this release of the flame of illumination from the God Meru to give the students greater understanding of the need to invoke their own protection--the protection of the pure in heart upon earth!  It is not enough to have individuals clothed with innocence; they must also be sheltered from the infernal blasts of the spoilers.
O heartfriends of the ages,  those who would be knights of the Table Round, of the sacred councils of the Brotherhood, those who would sit with the Christ and drink as communicants of the Lord’s table:  wear the breastplate of righteousness, wield the sword of faith and BE vigilant in assisting the powers of light upon Earth in maintaining victory in the hearts of mankind!
So much misinformation is being poured forth, so many unclear statements have been made in the name of God, so much mysticism has cloaked the reality of God that some men have even spurned religious truth because they have been blinded by the lustre of its highly polished tower reaching the snowy heights of Mount Olympus.  Let us be grateful then that the genuine spiritual powers of light are moving the caravan forward.  Let us be grateful then that in patience all may possess their souls until the final great revelation is made and men stand no longer arrayed in false raiment but clothed upon as Sons of God, their garments woven with strands of truth, of illumination and of regenerate fire.     I say in Christ purity, let all day by day seek to rise higher.  Lovingly I AM      
                                             El Morya:  Pearls of Wisdom 7:16

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