Thursday, August 9, 2018

balance is achieved with difficulty

8-8018    Globalist organizations such as the United Nations and the World Bank want absolute and completely immunity from all laws, all over the world, even as UN officials and “peace” troops rape tens of thousands of women and children while hiding behind diplomatic immunity. Incredibly, in a ruling with enormous implications, a U.S. court agreed with the idea that these sorts of international institutions should be completely above the law in all cases — a level of immunity beyond that afforded even to foreign governments.  But in a court filing with the U.S. Supreme Court, which recently agreed to hear the first-ever case on the scope of immunity for international organizations, the U.S. government is asking the high court to reverse the ruling purporting to grant “absolute” immunity to the World Bank and other globalist outfits.  Legal experts say the outcome will be hugely important.
Senators in Argentina voted down 38-31 a bill Thursday that would have legalized abortion on demand until week 14 of a pregnancy.
67.  A man is not comparable to Infinity, but one spark of higher energy maintains in itself a significance even beyond conceivable boundaries.  A spark of higher energy has been given to each man, and as its bearer he is invested with a lofty duty.  He is a bridge to the higher worlds.  Thus in denying the higher world the ignoramus repudiates his own humanity.          -Morya:  Aum 1936
 383.  We most definitely do not want to lose useful people.  We frequently advise caution and the avoidance of unnecessary dangers.  The experienced and devoted aspirant understands how best to apply the accumulated energy.  Imagine a scientist who, while absorbed in an especially important experiment, abruptly leaves his work to rush and give aid to victims of an accident in the street.  Some people will criticize the abandonment of important work that could have been of benefit to humanity, but a refined consciousness can perceive the boundaries of heroic action.  We know how imperceptible this boundary can be.  So many factors are placed on the scales that balance is achieved with difficulty.     -Morya:  Supermundane 2, 1938

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