Monday, January 25, 2016

60 new Shakespeare stage-plays announced by Wells Gallup

An example of Elizabeth Wells Gallup's farcical "biliteral decoding":

Ere long there will be many of like style, purpose and scope added thereto, which shall both ayd and instruct you in th' work.  This should make it cleare, e.g. sixty stage-plays which, in varyi'g stiles that are contrary to my owne well known stile of expression, whilst for more of our lighter work, an impenetrable mask, for a history, much too varied; hence these great plays have bin devis'd which, being similar, often held this inne' history therein unsuspected.
-E. Wells Gallup:  at page 63 of'drously+co'ceal'd&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj9jIa4ssbKAhVG1WMKHbu9BEoQ6AEIJjAA#v=onepage&q=wo'drously%20co'ceal'd&f=false
Sure, 60 new Shakespeare stage-plays.    -R, Ashland, OR

Wells Gallup gave two precise test examples of her "decoding" in her 1900 Biliteral Code of Bacon and one precise test example in her 1910 Bilateral Cypher.  So the public has had 3 examples of her showing how her method supposedly worked!  No excuses then!!          -R, Ashland, OR

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