Monday, August 16, 2021

There must be a meshing of heaven and earth

 1)  Care for your body as Jesus would and see to it that that body is the servant of the Lord and renewed daily in right nourishment, setting aside all that dulls the mind and weakens the brain and does not allow the full faculties to express….

  The cells must be emptied of such things as lust and desire and slothfulness and addiction to the things of this world that come from drugs and other substances.  But, beloved, the cells filling with light become as that shaft of light which Jesus purely was, as described by Saint Germain in the opening chapters of [his Studies in] Alchemy.

  Thus that shaft of pure light can be you!  And the ray of light, of course, comes from the Source, the Unfed Flame--the light of which, as it has been said, does not cast a shadow.  Since that Source is limitless, all you need to understand is the mechanism–I say, the mechanism!  For it is a lever of thought!  It is a lever of the mind!  It is the strength of the mind that opens each day and says:   My God, enter my temple!
Thou art eternal Life,
The ever-pure crystal stream of that River of Life.
Thou art the new Life
And I AM limitless light in manifestation!
And my life goes forth
To quicken those who have no life in them….

  Desires are many times the product of the lesser self, of upbringing, of the norms of civilization, the goals of society, pressure from peers or authority figures saying to you “You ought to do this, you ought to do that, you ought to do this, you ought to do that,” until your life is filled with oughts and you do not own anything you are saying or doing.  

                                -John the Beloved:  7-1-1990 at RTR, MT, Pearl 33:24     …………………………………………………………...............................

2)  Blessed ones, by your daily calls to Astrea you are assisting in the mighty work of purging the Earth of the most virulent and most vile forces that at any time can attack the human brain--the minds, hearts, bodies, souls and spirits of the citizens of Earth.  Your call, beloved, is a call to arms that mobilizes the shock troops of Purity and Astrea, who go forth to rescue this and that little one, millions here and other hundreds of thousands there from calamities that otherwise should long ago have befallen the people of Earth.

Yes, you are in the days and hours of mitigation–the mitigation of certain prophecies.  You are in the days and hours of selection wherein even the Four Horsemen who ride under the direction of the Holy Kumaras are exercising discretionary judgment in their delivery of karma to the nations–to the people, towns and cities.  But where the people have not relented in their stubbornness as they have raised their clenched fists and their outrages against their God, there the karma must descend.  Only thus shall they learn the awful consequences of their defiance against God.

Thus karma does descend specifically and selectively.  And then again, the specific selection may be the entire planetary body, so intermeshed is the karma of the nations.  Therefore as a people or as a nation you cannot remain insulated from the descending woes of world karma, but you must take into account that certain negatives that happen in every nation upon Earth and in the heart of every person upon Earth do necessarily result in a descent of a certain burden of planetary karma upon every lifestream upon Earth.

Those then who are able to carry their own cross of karma and then some (because they are adept in invoking and directing the violet flame into burdens too hard for most folks to bear) are called upon again and again to carry an extra apportionment of world karma.  As this dispensation is to the benefit of the billions of Earth’s evolutions so it is to the benefit of the individual who applies for it in the spirit of invoking the violet flame of forgiveness “seventy times seven” on behalf of those who “know not what they do.” 

For it can be said that the entire planetary home is as a blanket woven of all threads of the karmas of the peoples of Earth.  And so when a section of the Earth goes down beneath the weight of its karma the entire blanket goes down.  And when one Keeper of the Flame raises up the blanket by invoking sacred fires for world transmutation the entire world is raised up a notch.  Such is the power of one lifestream who commits to Saint Germain’s alchemy and remains constant to his commitment daily.

See how the economies of the nations are tied together.  See how deadly diseases know no bounds but skip from continent to continent as in the situation of AIDS, which is the focus of your prayer vigil at this conclave.  There is also a planetary depression that weighs down the population of Earth.  And this you must understand, for that depression is such a weight upon so many people that it does also come to rest upon the lightbearers themselves.  And some when they feel this depression think it is their own--just as when you feel it, beloved ones, you sometimes make the mistake of thinking it is your own….

So, beloved ones, there is no getting out of your present state of consciousness and on with your ascension without boring through the many layers of the weight of world depression (which is also a manifestation of mankind’s karma) until finally you get through that thick layer of dark, dank, oppressive astral cloud and you arrive at the opening of the blue sky and the Sun, and lo, the heaven-world is before you!

And as you squint your eyes you see the rainbow reflected in the corona of the Sun and you know that by your right heart, by your meditation on and activation of divine love and by your dynamic decrees, you have opened a channel to the hearts of Helios and Vesta.  And you can keep that channel open daily whereby not only you but many angels of the Lord may ascend and descend, even as they did on Jacob’s ladder, that ladder symbolizing the initiations of the path for every son and daughter of God.

As you have given your calls to Astrea and to me this day, some good has been accomplished.  But you must become used to a sense of co-measurement--a sense of co-measurement that the darkness that is darkening in the Earth simply requires more fire hoses directing more of the mighty power of Astrea and all Elohim for the putting out of the fires of these karmas that are smoldering beneath the surface, then bursting into flame for reckoning and for ultimate transmutation.

It is as though the entire body of Earth had open wounds releasing pus and putrefaction, dread diseases and terrible torment and spiritual stultification and all manner of foul spirits with their foul odors coming out of the pits of hell and the astral plane.  For the most part you are protected from these contagions by your servants, the mighty sylphs of the air, the fiery salamanders, the gnomes and the undines, who do their part daily for the purification of the planet.  Yet as you have been told before, they cannot keep up with the challenge of the spewing out of the anger, the hate and hate creation and all that is in the boiler of mankind’s collective unconscious.  These things are coming to the surface as though out of a seething cauldron about to overflow with its poisonous brew and burst into flame, igniting many lower levels of the astral plane.

The inner levels of the astral plane of this Earth are not shown to you that you might retain hope for today and tomorrow, that your vision of the heaven-world might dominate your horizon, that you might keep before you your goal of balancing 51 percent of your karma.  When you reach that goal, beloved–and, o what a day of rejoicing it will be!–you also reach the place where you have a number of choices.

First of all you have the choice whether or not to embody the light of the living Christ.  If you choose not to embody the light of the living Christ but to use the light you have for selfish gain, then you will have entered the left-handed path and your initiators will be not the ascended masters but the fallen angels.  This path leads to the vainglory of the world and the ultimate undoing of the soul.

If you choose to embody the light of the living Christ to the glory of God and not to the vainglory of the human ego, your initiators will be the Lord Jesus Christ and the Lord Maitreya with the participation of many other saints and ascended masters along the way.  To move forward then on the path of your soul’s union with God which requires your balancing the remaining 49 percent of your karma is your next goal on the passage through Earth….

Remember, if you do not see reality, it is because you will not see it, because you made a decision not to see it because you are accommodating your self-indulgences.   -Elohim Purity and

             Astrea:  4-9-1993, Good Friday at RTR, MT, Pearls of Wisdom 36:23              ……………………………………………………..........................................

3)  In each one who attains the power of illumination’s flame, that flame shall be as the beacon of a lighthouse flashing from the crown chakra and illumining people throughout the Earth to the truth that there is a summit of being and there is a way to reach it….

  And if the fetus does not receive the proper stimuli to activate brain development, millions of brain cells will die.  It has been said, and rightly so, that the more the parents stimulate the brain of the unborn child the greater will be the child’s potential for genius.

  Thus accelerated learning goes on at spiritual and mental levels, and the eager soul is never bereft of guardian angels who will tutor her for her next assignment on earth. You who are committed to the acceleration of soul faculties and mental acumen of the world’s children must broadcast to the world unlimited opportunities for the cultivation of prenatal and early childhood development.  Yet you must keep in mind that accelerated learning techniques must be infused with the Holy Spirit.  They must be infused with divine wisdom!

  For then you will see the balance of the right brain and the left brain.  Then you will truly understand that the right brain is the creative brain, the brain that contacts the Mind of God, while the left brain is the logical brain, the brain that is in command of the responsibilities of the concrete world….

  And the key to salvation that the ascended masters and the angels of the Lord bring is the integration of God in man and man in God.  Man must rise to God.  And man must pull down the God-flame into his own being by becoming Godlike, by imitating the Christ, the Buddha and the avatars who have been sent to uplift the consciousness of the race.

  There must be a meshing of heaven and earth right within your being if you are to have the victory over death and hell and if you are to rescue the souls of light who are worthy and who can follow your lead and take off in their accelerated paths of learning.  Then one day they too will experience the fusion of the Spirit-matter cosmos of their own beings….

  For the abuse of the body through drugs, which also affects the soul, is an act of self-destruction that denies the individual the full flowering of the God-flame within his temple.  Worst of all it cuts short one’s life span and the extended opportunity most souls require to balance 51 percent of their karma, which is necessary for them to achieve their ascension in this life.  The alternative to life that people choose when they take up drugs, alcohol, nicotine and sugar is death in the fast lane….

  Like the millions who have perished in the grips of the drug, alcohol, nicotine and sugar entities, he discovers that these entities devour body and spirit and return to stalk him when (and if) his soul reincarnates!  Yes, one’s habits and one’s addictions do follow one into succeeding lifetimes until heart, mind, spirit and soul galvanize to lick them and the planetary beast of death….

  For when one is severely addicted the entities sap one’s life force and exert a tremendous pull on the central nervous system and the brain.  In fact the entire body is under such stress that the addict cannot, except in rare cases, overcome his addiction without treatment or the intercession of angels….And call for the judgment of the drug cartels, drug lords and fallen angels who are behind them.  Call for the judgment of the drug suppliers, traffickers, distributors and pushers throughout the world who are purveying drugs to the children and youth as well as to adults.  And call for the judgment of those in the United States who could have long ago stopped the drug traffic and seen to it that those responsible were off the streets and behind bars and the drugs seized and destroyed….

  And again, what is the cause?  It is ignorant animal magnetism.  People are dense from the foods they eat and from the low vibrations they feed the mind and are content to live with.  People live in their own sloth.  They live in their own negativity.  So it is written:  “As a dog returneth to his vomit so a fool returneth to his folly.”  And that’s why they are not out there on the frontlines fighting the battle for liberation of the youth of the world, beloved!    

   -Archangel Jophiel and Christine:  6-25-1995 at RTR, MT, Pearl 38:30

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