Tuesday, August 17, 2021

multiple scientists testify to graphene oxide being present in vaccines including Pfizer vax

1)   2016  Functionalized graphene oxide serves as a novel vaccine nano-adjuvant for robust stimulation of cellular immunity   In this study, we carefully engineered graphene oxide (GO) as a vaccine adjuvant for immunotherapy using urease B (Ure B) as the model antigen.  https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2016/nr/c5nr09208f


2)     Recent progress of graphene oxide as a potential vaccine carrier and adjuvant

Adjuvants and carriers have been appropriately added to the vaccine formulation to improve the immunogenicity of the antigen and induce long-lasting immunity.  However, there is an urgent need to develop new all-purpose adjuvants because some adjuvants approved for human use have limited functionality.  Graphene oxide (GO), widely employed for the delivery of biomolecules, excels in loading and delivering antigen and shows the potentiality of activating the immune system  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32531395/


3)  2-17-2021  By Samantha Black, PhD, The Science Advisory Board editor in chief at Arlington, VA        

Researchers have tried using nanoparticles to deliver mRNA to target tissues, but they persist for only one to two days after injection -- not enough time to mount a complete immune response.  Alternatively, hydrogel has been used for long-term release of other encapsulated therapeutic agents.  The agent can be released from the hydrogel through concentration gradient or degradation of the hydrogel.

While this solves one problem of sustained release, there is still the issue of degradation of the RNA vaccine before it can enter antigen-presenting cells. Including an adjuvant, such as a toll-like receptor (TLR) agonist, in RNA vaccines can help trigger the immune system and initiate innate and adaptive immune responses.

Using this combination strategy, researchers from the National Center for Neuroscience and Technology in China designed an in situ transformable hydrogel containing an RNA vaccine and adjuvant for cancer immunotherapy.  They used graphene oxide, which has a large surface area, translating to high drug-loading efficiency.  https://www.scienceboard.net/index.aspx?sec=ser&sub=def&pag=dis&ItemID=2170


4)   5-20-21    Could graphene oxide nanosheets be an effective SARS-CoV-2 antiviral in PPE?

Previous studies have reported that nanoparticles such as liposomes, emulsions, micelles-based nanocarriers, carbon‐based and 2D materials can be effectively used as antiviral drug delivery platforms.  Nanoparticles such as graphene, graphitic carbon nitride (g‐C3N4), hexagonal boron nitride (hBN), etc., are used in biomedical sciences owing to their superior optical, electronic and physicochemical properties and good biocompatibility.  Researchers believe that owing to the extremely large surface area, 2D nanomaterials can serve as select carriers for antiviral drug delivery systems.  Among all 2-dimensional materials, graphene oxide (GO) is the most explored material in biomedical research.  https://www.news-medical.net/news/20210520/Could-graphene-oxide-nanosheets-be-an-effective-SARS-CoV-2-antiviral-in-PPE.aspx


5)  Graphene oxide-silver nanoparticles shown to rapidly neutralize RNA viruses

Silver nanoparticles (AgNP) are well-established as antibacterial and antiviral agents.  Another nanomaterial - graphene oxide (GO) - is also effective against microorganisms.  Coupled with its high surface area, it acts as a potent ideal drug carrier.  With high levels of antiviral agents, the combination with graphene oxide is found to show higher antiviral performance and reduced toxicity.  



6)  Dr. Isignares:  For example, there is an issue that concerns us a lot because we had already detected certain things in the vaccines.  And that's that these vaccines contain graphene oxide.  It's been verified by electronic microscopy by someone from our team. The question is: why is there graphene?  

Dr. Andreas Kalcker:  To make it crystal clear. What varies is the biological composition of the vaccines.  What doesn't change in any of them, and that's in all of them, are the crystals that are present in different amounts. They're present in all the vials. There is both the magnetite, which has a Chinese patent, by the way. It's patented.  You can see... It's not magnetite.  It's graphene. 

Ricardo Delgado:  I think that when Dr. Andreas Kalcker first said 'magnetite', he was probably referring to graphene.  But he got lost in translation and may have had some difficulty when expressing himself because here he clarifies. I'm going to backtrack. Dr. José Luis Sevillano:  Exactly.  But we don't know if it forms magnetite crystals or not, but there are heavy metals. 

But with this, Kalcker corrects himself in the sense that we no longer speak of magnetite in the content of all vaccines, but graphene oxide.  And we must give much more importance to his statement because in principle he wasn't for sorting out graphene oxide as a component of vaccines, but for sorting a component called magnetite, which quickly fed the famous false dissidence.  In our opinion, a suspicious dissidence that quickly said that there was magnetite.  But now, Kalcker is the one who's telling everyone that there is no magnetite but rather graphene oxide.     https://www.orwell.city/2021/07/andreas-kalcker.html


7)    12-6-2020  Antonietta Gatti – Two Italian Researchers Have Found Nanoparticles Are Polluting Almost All Vaccines

Dr. Gatti’s findings are extremely significant when it comes to vaccine safety research.  In her study titled New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines:  Micro- and Nanocontamination, (http://medcraveonline.com/IJVV/IJVV-04-00072.php)  she exposes the fact that many inorganic adjuvants are contained within vaccines, including copper, tungsten and steel.

“The presence of these particles is likely the result of polluted components or processes used in the creation of the vaccines”, says Dr. Gatti.  “However, when injected directly into tissue the particles become even more dangerous because they bypass normal digestive and respiratory filters, trapping the particles in the tissue and sometimes resulting in a permanent inflammatory effect.”

According to Senta Depuydt, the journalist who interviewed the two scientists, Dr. Gatti was about to testify in Italian parliament on the dangers of these foreign particles found to be contaminants in vaccines before her home was raided.

The suppression of medical science is a global problem which will either directly or indirectly impact each of us at some point in our lives.  It’s important to recognize when incidents like these happen and hopefully in the future, we will know the whole truth about the effect that vaccines truly have on the body.

Dr. Antonietta Gatti and Prof. Stefano Montanari ,together they have done considerable research on the components of vaccines.  Here is just one sample from 2017, published in the British Medical JournalMany vaccines have tiny amounts of inorganic matter, investigation finds : 

[We have worked with electron microscopes for over 40 years and, if only for a long experience, we know how to use them, so all the criticism on how we carry out our analysis is not only unfounded but also expressed without knowing and without checking our procedures.

We started to analyze vaccines about 15 years ago using an electron-microscopy technique Dr. Gatti devised between the late Nineties and 2005, when she conceived and directed two EC research projects (Nanopathology and DIPNA).

Of course, with our paper we did not mean to discredit nor did we have any interest in discrediting vaccines: we simply reported our data and consequences could not be our concern.  So the harangue in defense of the vaccination practice has nothing to do with our work. 

 https://www.bmj.com/content/356/bmj.j596/rr-5 } 



8)   Police raided the laboratory of Dr. Gatti and Dr. Montanari

(pictured), a married couple who are devoted to studying diseases, including cancer, heart disease and neurological problems, caused by nano-particles that arise from processes that involve high temperature such as manufacturing, waste incineration and car exhaust.  Most nano-particles are expelled by the body when inhaled and consumed, but when injected by way of a vaccine, they are able to stay in the body and cause disease.  The couple performed a study and found nano-particles polluted all of the 44 vaccines that they tested.  https://www.helleniscope.com/2020/05/03/italy-doctors-who-found-metals-nanoparticles-in-vaccines-had-lab-raided-by-police/


9)  4-2-2020  Today one of the leading experts in this field comes to the fore:  Dr. Stefano Montanari, nanopathologist, professor at the Steliora Centre in Geneva, author of several patents in the field of cardiac surgery, vascular surgery, pneumology and a designer of systems and equipment for electrophysiology, director of the Scientific Laboratory of Nanodiagnostics in Modena, lecturer of several national and international master studies, author of numerous scientific publications, former consultant of the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the Italian Observatory Military.  He has been working continuously in publishing with his wife Antonietta Gatti, who has been listed as the top 32 scientists in the world since 2012, and more than twenty years ago, the discoverers of micro- and nanoprosic diseases and disorders have worked with her.

You say that it is a virus that is not a problem in itself, but people in Italy are dying in more numbers than in China, let us think of Bergamo for example.  If you say so, where do all these deaths come from?

“Look, this is how it works: we fill people, especially the elderly, with flu vaccines and weaken already weak bodies. This is because with the help of a vaccine we intend to inject an old virus into the body (the goal should be to create antibodies), but there are no flu vaccines and therefore we do nothing but weaken the body and subject it to a new flu (even a new coronavirus), and in addition, the old virus was injected into the body, so you have a total of two possible flu in an already overworked body.  The BBC, a British state broadcaster, has issued a report saying that people vaccinated against influenza must remain in isolation for 12 weeks (available at the link).          https://gmnotizie.com/2020/04/02/coronavirus-montanari-vaccine-is-a-big-scam/   ……………………………………………………

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