Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Our graphene-brain interfaces

-Sputnik vax

At the INBRAIN Neuroelectronics website, the company describes itself thusly:

We are scientists, doctors, techies and humanity lovers, with the mission of building neuroelectronic interfaces to cure brain disorders.  We use GRAPHENE, the thinnest material known to man to build the new generation of neural interfaces for brain restoration to help patients around the world.

It also Prof. A. Fasano:  “Graphene is the next big thing in bioengineering materials, which are pillar components to the next gen of electrotherapies in the steadily growing field of neuromodulation.”

The company highlights its technology as being able to “read” a person’s brain, detect specific neurological patterns, and then control that person’s neurology to alter their brain function.  In their own words:

Our graphene-brain interfaces have the capability of reading at a resolution never seen before, as well as detecting therapy-specific biomarkers and triggering highly focal/adaptive neuro-modulation for increased outcomes in personalised neurological therapies.

Graphene is further described as “Thinnest known material to perfectly adapt stimulation to targeted brain anatomy.”


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