Sunday, August 8, 2021

Put off thy shoes

1)   You will recall that when Moses stood before the burning bush, the voice spoke out of the bush, saying “Put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground.”  You will recall that Moses spoke, saying “Who art thou?” and He said “I AM THAT I AM.”  Therefore I say unto you, the I AM cosmic fire of Life is blazing its power in you today because you shall form, you shall form a heart-center of a new activity.   

   -Maha Chohan:  8-7-1958 at Philadelphia via Messenger Mark Prophet, Pearl 51:12                 

2)   and when you attempt to enter in they try to slip in the gate.  And they would prevent you from entering in by every ruse, by every aggressive suggestion penetrating mind and heart.  And if you allow yourself to be tempted by their own death consciousness, their fear, their doubt, their procrastination spirals and their deliberate intent to deceive the very elect, you will find yourselves instead of being at the vortex of the Christ mind being slightly off-centered, off the point of the door and therefore continually embroiled in this or that problem which they succeed in stirring up even as they stir up the dust of centuries to deter you from your path.

  Therefore let no thing come between thee and thy God Pres­ence who issues forth the perfect Person of your own Christ Self!  Walk ye in it! Walk in the robe of righteousness!  Don the bridal veil--sealing purity’s light around the crown, third eye and throat, sanctifying, hallowing the temple of God.

  Stand with the Gatekeeper! stand at the nexus! and understand that in standing you are participating in the alchemical marriage which is not a once-in-a-lifetime event but a day-by-day ritual of coming into the Bridegroom and being fused by love in the figure-eight flow that is a rising light and a descending light--ever moving, ever joyous, ever the issue of God, ever renovating, resurrecting, and imploring you to be faithful unto your first holy love!

  My blessed hearts, realize then that at that point of oneness--and only at that point--are you effective in whatever you are doing for God.  Therefore strive!  And strike a blow for the Lord.  And put down these enemies of the doorway of opportunity, the doorway of God!

  Seal the gate!  Invoke holy angels to keep the way of the Tree of Life and to guard with a flaming sword.  Call unto the angels given to you by Archangel Michael and seal the gate of consciousness, for none except Christ and his disciples may stand at that point!  Therefore all opposition to the light and life of the Community of the Holy Spirit is one degree removed from that point.   

               -Archangel Gabriel and Hope:  12-31-1980 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 24:9      ………………………………………………………………………………............. 

3)   In the back of your mind, in the recesses and folds of the curtain, in the backdrop of that area of your being where you outplay the day’s role there is that sense of awareness.  You can feel it now in your spine.  You can feel it in the energy which rises.  There is an inner--an interior--and an anterior sense of the Great Central Sun.

  You have contemplated the Sun and beloved Alpha and our Father so long that you retain the image and inner direction, and you do not depart from it even in all of your service and all busyness of life.  And therefore there is a constancy of eye within you that is a part of all sons and daughters of God as they go about the business of our Father in heaven and our Mother on earth.

  This then is the assignment:  to so build the momentum of attention upon the Sun of God as the I AM Presence, the Christ Self, the crown chakra and the all-seeing Eye as well as your heart that it becomes the automatic flow and current of your being even when you are diverting some of that flow to outer activity in the matter spheres.  This is something to be done and a great safeguard against extreme pitfalls and descents into areas of life that are very dark.    

                                         -Lanello:  12-24-1982 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 25:68     …………………………………………………………………............................

4)   I, Cuzco with the Lord Surya come to you in this hour therefore to raise you to those octaves of light that are not reserved for the hour of your soul’s transition but are rather reserved for those who faithfully keep the flame and [thus] earn that reward that is truly the grace of God–to be taken to those etheric cities and temples of light and on this night, beloved, to a very special place where Surya and I do preside.  We therefore desire that you should come to this place to bask in an energy field that shall gently and softly remove from you the burdens and the care of stress and of dealing on the frontlines of the battle of Armageddon that has long been engaged.

  Thus, beloved, the forces of light do express their appreciation to you who exercise with considerable adeptship the science of the spoken word.  For by that empowerment [that] you give to us we may also empower some of our best servants and your sisters and brothers and twinflames across the Earth who have as yet not contacted this great means for world transmutation and yet have placed themselves in extraordinarily dangerous situations.

  Blessed ones, as you keep the flame, [sometimes] wondering if you should be engaged hither and yon in causes of freedom or social causes, [you should know,] and thus I tell you, for everyone who is here thousands of those who are your peers and some [having] greater [attainment than yourselves] are empowered by us through the energy you have released to do many good works for civilization and to hold back the encroachments of darkness and ignorance and prejudice and war and attacks on the economy.

   Thus, beloved, since you have mastered to a certain extent, and [in some cases to] a very great extent, [the] science of invocation that is taught to you by Lanello at inner levels and by myself you become keys in the arch of being.  And [the] key itself that [is become the] keystone of the arch is indeed the Word.  For without the Word was not anything made that was made.  And without the Word was not anything preserved that is preserved.  And without the Word is not anything transmuted or destroyed [i.e., disintegrated,] beloved. 

  Therefore know that the Word of God that does manifest in you and that you may now feel in your body temples by efforts you have put forth in these two days (that tingling [sensation] of light) is [given to you] that you might know that the angel of the Word of God is come unto you and [that] the gratitude of heavenly hosts as well as [that of] unascended lifestreams throughout this matter cosmos is sent to you as a great love….

  And there is none so great in this hour as [the one who walks in] imitation of the path of the Buddha.  [For thereby] when there are [mere] moments left [on] the cosmic clock in this era and this two-thousand-year period of Earth’s history [and] there is not sufficient opportunity to contact souls of light and to initiate them in the science of the spoken Word, you may serve a twofold purpose:  [you may] balance the rings of your causal body [by taking your initiations] on the sixth ray of ministration [and] service, and in [so doing you may] take your stand for those who need that transfusion [of] light, need that tube of light, need that violet flame, need the cylinder of blue flame, need the tie to the God-star that you have even established [from your hearts to ours] and that has been established at this altar as the divine interchange between ourselves and Astrea and Purity.    -Cuzco:  9-30-1989 at RTR, MT, Pearls of Wisdom 32:46  


5)  Understand this always then:  if you are able to accomplish in each day a work that is the work of God and the handiwork of man, you will see how you build day upon day the kingdom of heaven on earth.  And it is your relentless giving of the spoken Word of the Lord, thrusting the sacred fire into the very depths of death and hell that will give planet Earth her victory!

  Ye are chosen, yes, but you must choose and choose again each day to go before the altar you have erected in the wilderness, the simple altar of God there to reconnect with your Mighty I AM Presence and to reinforce that connection.  If you will do this, you will feel the increase of power, wisdom and love in your threefold flame day after day.  You will feel the increase of sacred fire in your being as you achieve adeptship one by one.

  Children and sons and daughters of the World Mother, I beseech you, renew your forces!   Gird up the loins of your being and know that there is an invincible and an indomitable will of God whereby you will thrust home the mighty sword Excalibur in the name of El Morya.  You will thrust home and you will hear me say again and again “Ho!  Ho!  Ho!”  Thus the three dots of Morya, thus the Trinity.  And out of the Trinity is born your individual Christhood day by day.

  Do not slacken your pace, for I am moving across Earth in all  nations of the world and I especially move in this nation.  And I come to scourge the Earth!  to scourge the Earth!  to scourge the Earth!  And I come to drive out those who are not of the truth, those who are not speakers of truth but out of their mouths come “unclean spirits like frogs.”  And many of those who speak not the truth occupy top leadership positions of their nations….

  So, beloved, instead of seeking first the gifts, seek the conquest of self.  Seek the conquest of energies of your four lower bodies.  Observe the mind as though you were in a Tibetan school of Buddhism under El Morya.  Observe the mind, observe the heart, observe the emotions.  And if thought, feeling or emotion is off-center from your I AM Presence, then pull back and go into the fiery ovoid of the mind of God and reestablish your absolute dominion over consciousness in every incarnation of your soul all the way back to the beginning when you first stepped forth from the etheric octave and descended into these veils of maya.

                               -Saint Germain:  1-1-1995 at RTR, MT, Pearl 38:4     …………………………………………………………......................................

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