Tuesday, August 3, 2021

One does not rest one’s case

 1)  Precious hearts, the great neglect, the great ignorance of the American people, is also reflected in the highest office in the land.  When a ruler can stand before his people and say “I did not know what my advisers and my cabinet were doing,” is this not a great neglect?  Can one who is chosen to rule neglect the knowledge of those who serve under him, neglect the knowledge of their activities and their manner of service?  I say, precious hearts, any man who is worthy to rule must have the attunement of the Christ consciousness, and that Christ consciousness is an ever-present help.        -Morya:  9-1-1973 at Atlanta, Pearls of Wisdom 52:13


2)  So let us say this night that by the fire of our hearts we determine that this mess that has occupied the attention [of many] as the mire of the astral shall be exposed and shall be no more as the blight of a backed-up sewer of darkness upon America.    

             -Gautama Buddha:  2-26-1974 at Santa Barbara, Pearl 56:6    ………………………………………………….............…

3)  Therefore I am recommending this night to the Lords of Karma (the solar beings who govern the destiny of this system of worlds) that a complete exposure of the activities of Richard Nixon and his colleagues be made apparent to the American people by the hand of the Keeper of the Scrolls so that honor may be restored once and for all.  And may those who fear that honor and who tread in the night be brought to the realization that this land is made of stalwart souls who decry the misrepresentation of their holy will that has been carried on as a chicanery of holy purpose.    -Morya:  3-24-1974 at Detroit, Pearl 61:12


4)   You have heard of the fiat that went forth from Archangel Michael stating that those in authority in government at the highest echelons who betrayed the Divine Mother would be recalled from office.  And since that time you have seen a president and his cabinet (nearly) entirely replaced.  These were the betrayers of the Mother-flame!   

         -Saint Germain:  10-13-1975 at San Francisco, Pearl 62:45    ………………………………………………………….

5)  You cannot see the Earth in any other way but as a unit of hierarchy, a unit of soul evolution.  There is no division; there are lovers of freedom in every land.  People are not evil.  People are not evil!  The wicked are not the Russians or the Chinese.  The wicked are the fallen ones who are in positions of power in every nation….And here you are, millions and millions of souls who know the truth.  Your power has been divested from you. You have forgotten your Source.  You have forgotten the name of God, I AM THAT I AM.    -Elohim Arcturus and Victoria:  7-1-1976 at Washington D.C. via Messenger E C Prophet, Pearls of Wisdom 44:38


6)   Who did make the decision?  The American people who have the light?  The Christed ones?  The children of God?  No. The handful of rebels and demonstrators supporting one or two individuals in your government who manipulated these 

decisions, chief of which is Henry Kissinger.  And I repeat the judgment of Archangel Michael!  Let it be upon him, and let it be upon this nation, and let it be upon every individual in government who makes the decisions for the lightbearers yet has neither the light nor the authority of the Brotherhood to make such decisions.     -Saint Germain:  7-4-1976 at Washington D.C, Pearl 20:51


7)  The wicked have no power to destroy the bastions of light, whether by their manipulations of science, the balance of the international economy or by the current recognition of Red China at the expense of the security of Taiwan--if a free people will unite worldwide to confirm their freedom in a holy alliance of the will of God through the heart of the blessed God of Freedom, Saint Germain.  

  The tyrannies and treacheries of a Babylon or an Assyria, of a Gog or a Magog have no power to deter the unalterable divine plan of Almighty God for the hundred and forty and four thousand, for the City Foursquare and for the path of the ascension for those who elect to do the will of God.                     

                  -Archangel Gabriel:  Pearls of Wisdom 22:2    …………………………………………………………………..

8)  Without the sense of the movement of history--where it has come from and where it is going--you may not always be alert to those signs that come upon a civilization just before its fall, even as the sign of the breaking of the stock market and the crash of 1929 were certainly present.  But those who were very close to them did not see the signs.  And many themselves were broken by this break in the economy, in the investment system of the nation, in the banking-houses and ultimately affecting the very worth of the medium of exchange itself.  You can see how there has been a change in the nation since the departure from the gold standard.   

         -Queen of Light:  7-3-1982 at Camelot, L.A., Pearl 25:43    ………………………………………………………………

9)  President Nixon took the final step on August 15, 1971, when he suspended the convertibility of the dollar for gold internationally.  We were then fully on the paper standard.  In recent years important steps have been taken towards remonetizing gold….

  The terms of the January 1973 agreement were virtually identical to a North Vietnamese proposal that Kissinger had rejected in August of 1969….Why did Kissinger and Nixon delay three years in signing what was essentially a surrender agreement?  Paolucci makes a convincing case for his argument that Kissinger wanted to force America to accept defeat while avoiding a backlash from middle America against his policy and at the same time negotiating détente with Moscow.  Nixon went to Moscow for a summit meeting in May of 1972….Limited war was a difficult concept to explain to the American public.  As Schell observed, “One might say that it was in the very nature of the doctrine that it had to be presented misleadingly to the public and the world.  For to explain the policy would be to undermine it.”    

                   -Messenger E C Prophet, based on her lecture of 1-4-1988 at RTR, MT, Pearl 31:23           (Limited war is like using pesticides and other poisonous chemicals or bioweapons, it’s in various dosages, it’s a form of black arts.  -r)


10)   One does not rest one’s case on a hope that enough souls of light on a planet will deliver the mandate of the violet flame that can be received by the Karmic Board to turn the tide of world history.  There is more than violet flame involved, beloved.  There is freewill.

  And there are many in positions of power this day who have amassed power and wealth and armaments and technology whose freewill is committed to world destruction.  I should not trust my fate to their hands nor should you.  Therefore the wise will remove themselves to that point in time and space which they discover by meditation and unerring guidance of my angels is the correct place for them to be.   -Saint Germain:  2-13-1988 at San Francisco, Pearl 31:20


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