Sunday, December 30, 2018

they will be able to help mankind learn how to break the force of vicious habit

  “Be not entangled with the yoke of bondage which differing religious opinions sometimes brings about.  Understand, blessed ones of the planet Earth, that many manifestations of the Father-Mother God are necessary in order to reach the various levels of consciousness of embodied humanity.  There is no enmity between one manifestation of God and another.  There is only the cosmic outreach from the heart of the Spirit of God intended to save that which is lost in the planes of matter….”  These, blessed ones, are some of the statements made by the great emissary from Venus….
  Through this dispensation of light granted by the Karmic Board unascended brethren serving with the ascended masters will be privileged by the grace of God to anchor these powerful focuses in the world of form in the present era.  Thus they will be able to help mankind learn how to break the force of vicious habit, whether it be the inordinate use of intoxicants or narcotics, the wrong use of the mind or tongue, a propensity for ego strutting or the vain use of energy.
  New clarity of mind will enable many students to maintain a greater measure of attunement with their own God Presence.      -Maha Chohan:  Pearls of Wisdom 9:28
   Now comes the era of the descent of the Holy Spirit, the time of fullness when the omnipresent God through the impersonal power of his great Spirit makes every man to know his role and connection with the Godhead.  The reason, blessed ones, that the Holy Spirit was referred to as the Comforter is that it is the power and intent of the Holy Spirit to make every man feel integrated into the heart of the universe.  For it is through the Holy Spirit that the currents of life, the essence of God Himself, actually flow through the nervous and cardiovascular systems, the musculoskeletal structure, and every cell and atom of the physical form of man.  It is through the Holy Spirit that they flow through his soul consciousness including the etheric, mental and emotional vehicles, purifying the internal facets of the mind, integrating all into conscious identification with the Christed individuality of man.
  As you study the power of the Holy Spirit you will come into closer contact with this aspect of the Tri-unity of God which is always the essential oneness thereof, for the word Trinity is definitive as Tri-unity or the threefold aspect of the one flame of Life. .. Now then the Holy Spirit flows through the consciousness of man in a transmutative release in order to transfer to his world the reality and power of God, effecting thereby an integration of the personal self with the Godhead. …
  To receive the Spirit of God is to be in truth a Son of God, and to be a Son of God is to manifest the character of the Christ in action. …To identify with God and to identify with His Spirit is an activity of great joy which will always unite all people into the electrifying consciousness of the divine identity when the soul will proclaim with the depths of a joy almost indescribable “Why, I AM!”
  This is to know the Self as it was released from the heart of the Father.  This is to know the Self as Enoch, the seventh from Adam, knew God and to become so identified with this great tide of immortal reality as to count all else but loss. …
  I AM bestowing a continuation of the boundless grace of God upon all who will receive it.    
                                            -Maha Chohan:  Pearls of Wisdom 9:29
  The mighty thrust and motor of life is the Spirit of God….The Holy Spirit is the ingredient of life which is the fire of cosmos, the germinal power in nature; it is the power that beats the heart and infuses every form of life with the essence of the Father-Mother God.  The Holy Spirit is indigenous to every life manifestation, and without the Holy Spirit there can be no manifestation of life.
  When individuals forsake the light of the Christ and of the Holy Spirit they become literally devoid of reality; hence the term “not-person” or “non-person” which has come into use in certain circles.  When this happens even the reflected light of life within the person takes on the robes of darkness. …the power of invocation, the power of the light of God that never fails is always available through the agency of the Holy Spirit to transmute gross substance into the one substance of the light itself….
  When men reject their divine opportunity and fail to respond to the knocking of the Spirit of Life upon the door of their hearts they open themselves up to subtle forms of self-annihilation which, all too late, bring them to their knees before God in a most desolate and helpless state of consciousness.  If the energies of life are squandered in riotous living and eternal values are meanly thrown aside for the pauperism of fleshly gain which in a moment is swept away and lost forever, truly what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his soul—the only means he has of implementing his spiritual opportunity?
  Gracious ones, the power of the Holy Spirit is all around you.  It is vital, magnetic, compassionate and eternal.  The Holy Spirit is the omnipresence of God; it saturates all space and hallows that space, but it concentrates in greater measure where the call that goes forth to the heart of God compels the answer of the descent of His abiding grace….
  As I have spoken to you to generate in you love and respect for this vital force of God that flows into the family of humankind, wedding all nations and peoples to the Higher Way, it is preparatory to the Second Coming of the Christ.  Beloved ones, I enfold you in my love.     -Maha Chohan:  Pearls of Wisdom 9:30
   But take heart.  Heaven never sleeps and heaven is never idle….We urge all therefore to recognize that the power of the Word, of the Logos in the beginning formed all things. All things were made by him, the Logoic Christ, the Only Begotten of the Father….
  I, Michael, tell you once again that the power of truth to penetrate error is being intensified in the world of form, that the power of the light to disperse the darkness is being increased, and that the implementation of the required assistance which mankind seek is forthcoming.
  Therefore the one condition we would create in all hearts is that miraculous attitude of expectancy that catches the vision and captures the divine plan while fulfilling the responsibilities of daily living.  For all must understand the role that each one is expected to play in the forthcoming activities of the heavenly hosts. Whatever blessing you receive from on high must be considered an anointing made possible by your acceptance of His grace. As you put into practice the revealed precepts there will unfold the spiritual blueprint of an arc of triumph in the world symbolizing, and at the same time magnetizing, a new and living way for all to conquer through the incorporeal body of the Universal Christ—this is the way that will immortalize millions who shall accept it.
  Religion and science as they are currently being taught have splintered the creative oneness of the Christ; much of religion has become a diatribe of selfish confusion, elevating lies to the position of truth, while science has probed the material universe and disregarded for the most part the realm of First Cause.
                                    -Archangel Michael:  Pearls of Wisdom 13:1

   near Shasta

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