Sunday, December 16, 2018

It is better that a crisis be lived through than that a destructive collapse seize the whole organism.

Section One on Sickness:
III, v, 19.  Chiefly, protect the children….Upon encountering sickly children inquire about the quality of their teachers.      -Leaves of Morya's Garden 1925
 Two  30.  The condition of the Earth requires an extraordinary physician….Also it is impossible to forget how humanity has fallen under the influence of the lower levels of the subtle world.
48.  Precisely in the days of grave sickness of the planet it is important to be filled with courage.  By groping one does not pass, but the sword can cleave the harmful veils.  Very grave is the moment, and it is necessary to intensify all courage.
49.  The more anyone renounces the more he receives.  But nations have forgotten how to renounce; even the smallest thinks only how to receive.  Meanwhile the planet is ill and all is sinking in this sickness.  And someone wishes to evade the final battle through infection of the whole planet….How to name the illness of the planet?  Best of all as a fever from poisoning.  Suffocating gasses from the accumulations of the lower strata of the subtle realm cut the planet off from the worlds which could send assistance.  The Earth's destiny can be ended by a gigantic explosion if the thickness of the cover be not pierced.  A stupendous acceleration is forcing all lines to shake.  It could have been expected that acceleration was urgent for a certain country, but it is needed for the whole planet. 
264.  Amid the monotony of conventionalities only a few sense the reality of cosmos.  Among these scrolls of births, sicknesses, sorrows and deaths few will find the scroll of the path without end and without beginning.  How to tell the hungry one about eternity?  Based upon present experience he will imagine eternal hunger.  Who then and where is he who first breaking bread will lead to eternity?  Bread of the earth and Knowledge are manifested only in cooperation.       -M:  Community 1926
Three  61.  Observe and record the history of the sickness of the spirit. The roots of what is physically evident are concealed in past accumulations.  I advise that you treat coldly those people with unhealthy emanations.  Treatment with coldness will improve them more quickly.  Do not regard this as cruelty.  We only remind you to open the door sensitively to all who knock. 
63.  Weighty substance is transmitted by weightless energy. 
220.  Agni yoga is not just the progressive development of human ability; it leads one to a balanced contact with the fiery cosmic energies that reach our planet at the prescribed time. This fact must be clearly understood, otherwise a succession of sicknesses will spread and their treatment by external measures can only lead to disastrous results. 
243.  All reality is built according to the laws of space.  Thus the moments of inception of sickness and convalescence are imperceptible; often the beginning moment of any phenomenon can be grasped only through continuous observation, because each lawful act is parent to many others, the laws of which lie in the realm of the subtlest energies. 
245.  Why is Earth so sick?  Because the rays of the heavenly bodies cannot penetrate its polluted aura.  To what will man be reduced if he ceases his communion with the supreme consciousness and sinks into base ignorance?  From the greatest of the worlds to the microcosm the Law is one.  Losing their realization of the great worlds people have wandered from the understanding of perfection.  The great worlds have become for them a foolish fantasy; and for them self-perfectment is an unnecessary or even dangerous pastime. …Only through mastery over the Fire of space is relief possible.  But this Fire must be brought into life.
323.  One must take precautions against fiery sickness. The first remedy for this purpose will be the understanding and mastery of finer energy….Also do not hesitate to stress that valerian can be a powerful protector when one is suffering from the fiery sickness.  Think about finer energy as simply as possible; indeed finer energies are not manifested like thunder. 
329.  Often organisms with highly developed nervous systems are sickly. Experimental research into finer energy is urgently needed.  Whatever can be measured physically will be more easily accepted.
418.  The Teaching does not exist outside of life.  The teacher does not come from outside of life.  In order to treat different problems of the spirit in the co-workers we apply various methods.  It is not appropriate to apply one remedy for all sicknesses.  Also we do not reject something of evident value just because of one not yet eradicated ugly trait. 
482.  It is correct not to drive sickness inward.  This truth is known to the physician of the body and ought to be known to the physician of the spirit.  As hidden decay harms the whole body so does that which has not been outlived by the spirit impede the growth of consciousness.
492.  But one must ponder over the new enemies that are created by the conditions of contemporary life.  One cannot apply old treatments to them; a new approach will be found through expansion of consciousness.
495.  Life must be made healthier.  It is not wise to invent cures for corpses!  One has to pay attention to the conditions of life and habits of those who fall sick.
553.  Only a body open to sickness can be infected. Only a spirit ready to accept finer energy can receive it.  If people would realize that an accumulation of finer energy is needed not only for the present life but also as a constant and inalienable attainment and blessing, this realization would erase the perception of each life having a beginning or an end….Until now scientists have dealt with life as finite--is it not now their mission to see life as extending into Infinity?
569.  The best protection not only against sicknesses but also against hostile attacks will always lie in the conscious application of finer energy.  Its development is the most vital task of humanity. 
591.  I rejoice when you realize the harm of false spirituality.  Often a sickly distortion of finer energy becomes a substitute for a properly expanded consciousness.  Where there is fear, where there is self-pity, where there is conceit, where there is passivity, where there is avoidance of self-sacrifice, where there is lack of co-measurement, where there is irresponsibility can there be service to evolution?     -M:  Agni Yoga 1929    
Four    20.  When the spirit is seduced by maya and by the manifestations of self-satisfaction then a hammer and the development of straight-knowledge are required.  When the spirit is dazzled by the glamor of wealth without realizing its impermanence and considering that a bar of gold leads to happiness, then let us recall all the menaces of sickness and disaster.     
-M:  Infinity 1, 1930
Five     306.  Evolution progresses through Light. 
453.  The entire lack of conformity results from these manifestations of imbalance.  Each epoch is saturated by the cosmic fires and the qualities of human receptivity.  Therefore when the spirit does not ally himself with cosmic fires a contrary current is set up.  Thus man determines his karma.  This non-correspondence is the sickness of the planet.    -M:  Infinity 2, 1930
Six     132.  Nothing special is needed beyond a prayer of the heart which creates a magnetic link with the Highest.  During the laying on of hands one should not think of sickness but should try to unite oneself with the Highest.
190.  Infection of nerve substance will always be the primary cause of various diseases.  In the infection of nerve substance the higher world unites with the lower; through a gap in the nerve substance any intruder can penetrate, beginning with obsession and ending with cancer.  Yet the nerve substance can be protected only by finer energy….But terrible is the decomposition of the nerve substance under the influence of drunkenness and all kinds of vices. …Bones belong to earth, nerves to the subtle realm, Light to the Spirit. 
275.  Contact with the spatial current manifests a powerful resonance of the fiery centers. Contact with spatial Fire calls forth new tensions.  Thus the greatness of consonance can be affirmed in cosmos.  How is it possible for humanity not to ponder over the great principles that guide life?  To eliminate the Guiding Forces means to sever the silver thread and to exclude oneself from the chain of Hierarchy.  The planet is sick because it has lost the highest principles.  Thus one must manifest the most vital understanding of the great principles and of the silver thread which binds all worlds.  
290.  Precisely he who wishes to be liberated from the past should strive into the future.  Striving with one's entire being protects one from downfalls; take for example the moving heavenly bodies.      
404.  It is said that the shirt on a traitor burns.  One can notice how things are ruined in the proximity of a sick psychic energy.    -M:  Hierarchy 1931
Seven    96.  Sickness rises from sin, says the scripture.  We say that sickness comes from the imperfections of past and present….Not only in developed sicknesses but at their inception is the cure through the heart especially potent.  At present this remedy is almost forgotten, but it is no less powerful than a blood transfusion, for through the reaction of the heart the finest energy is transmitted without the unpleasant low admixture of blood.  When one thinks about the process of perfectment one must not forget solicitude for the heart that gives.
100.  You know how imperceptible are our touches in order not to infringe upon independent activity….We strive further as soon as we see understanding.  We call a lazy person the violator of the law of life.  Healers through the heart current act in the physical as well as in the subtle body. 
104.  People forget to apply the most simple method of disinfecting life.  Much is spoken of the significance of fire, but it's entirely forgotten that the living fire is the best purifier….A bonfire, wood, oil lamp, candles will purify space and destroy many contagious diseases.  One can see that those who know have together with electricity also a real fire, which very easily attracts the spatial Fire.  Ask a physician what part a lighted candle plays in disinfection.  He will probably regard this question as senseless, because he never thought of a living fire.  Whence then come oil lamps in temples if not for purification?  Whence then come the ancient customs of surrounding a sick man with fire?  Thus fire is sometimes a physician and guardian.  Living fire in the oven often wards off sicknesses of workers.
123.  It is the physician's task to discern the inception of the sickness and to pour new strength for the fight against it….Thus one can avoid the chief enemy of mankind--all narcotics. 
192.  Sickness may nestle within a man for a long time but if it does not manifest itself in a coarse physical manner, none of the earthly physicians will acknowledge it.  Ten prophets and clairvoyants may testify in vain about a hidden sickness, but they will be regarded as liars because the coarsest stage has not yet taken place.  Similarly humanity has educated itself in coarse forms in everything, having eschewed refinement and straight-knowledge.  Even the most intrusive signs of the subtle world are exiled to oblivion. 
407.  In a spasm of hatred someone sick of a horrible disease attempted to touch as many objects as possible for the harm of humanity.  Thus does the mobility of evil evidence itself.  Evil demands no definite personalities--only the necessity of general harm.  If only goodness would distinguish itself by a still greater mobility!  If each one filled with goodness would sow it with every touch, what a myriad of beneficent sparks would be sent out into space, and how much easier would the battle with evil become!  It is true that at times human goodness is very profound, but it often lacks mobility.  This comes from a lack of culture of the heart.  The potentiality of the good heart usually works in spasms and is not always open for ready action.  However it is precisely this spasmodic action that permits many assaults by evil, which works like a winnowing fan in all directions.  It is only by an impenetrable armor of goodness that one can defend oneself.
535.  one should not inflict coarse ignorant measures upon the heart.  It should be remembered that if the heart is the mediator of the highest worlds, then the methods for sustaining the heart must be refined.  It is unwise to pity the coarsening of humanity and neglect the care of its chief organ.  The heart of humanity is sick.  First of all one must render healthy the sphere of the heart certainly if the people wish to avoid a catastrophe.    
                                                                -M:  Heart 1932
Eight    53.  Fire can aggravate all illnesses, therefore great attention should be paid to the state of fiery striving.  Besides it must be remembered that any fiery manifestation cannot be abated merely by water or cold but rather through finer energy which resists fire everywhere.  This energy as a sort of condensation of fire can absorb the fiery surplus. 
74.  One cannot imagine to what an extent this black network is being spread.   It is impossible to conceive the entire diversity of its participants.  It is impossible to reveal all the unsuspected combinations which sustain each other.  Can one be reconciled to the fact that heads of states, prelates, Freemasons, rebels, judges, criminals, physicians, the sick and the healthy are all at work in the same black field?  The difficulty of detecting them is that one cannot indicate any definite organization; all is based on separate individuals who are deliberately placed in the most varied activities.
99.  It is most harmful to waver in thought and to visualize a victory of the sickness.  In such cases it is better to distract the attention of the patient from his condition.  When people speak of the fatal outcome of a sickness they themselves bring it closer.  The least serious sickness can assume dangerous proportions if nourished by thought.  Observations should be made in hospitals concerning the effect of thought upon the process of illness.  Even the healing of wounds depends upon finer energy.  Thus we arrive again at the very same Fire generated by thought.  All treatments by rays, thermal action and applications of light comprise the same fiery influences which are weak in comparison with the power of thought.  Hence the most vital advice is to develop fiery thought.
228.  Instead of intelligent understanding people are ready for new killings; they do not reflect that fiery energies will flood the planet as a natural effect of the law of nature.
293.  Only a knowledge of the organism and of all circumstances permits the physician to apply his command to all the affected parts.  Weakened organs can be considerably restored by guiding and coordinating them with the fire of the heart.  Every physician must develop within himself the power of suggestion.
350.  People are gravely sick.  The dark forces endeavor to seduce with all kinds of narcotics, but the narrow boundaries of life are not broadened by stupefying the intellect.  Just now spiritual vigilance is needed; one must grow to love this vigilance as a state fitting to man.
369.  Therefore during illness, especially catarrhal ones, it is useful to perform a fiery pranayama.  This pranayama is very simple--the usual inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth while directing the prana to the seat of the disease.  But for intensification of the action one should keep in mind that the Fire of space is being inhaled and the consumed ur (light) exhaled.  Thus Fire is again the remedy, and the physician can alleviate the condition of the patient by assuring him of how easy it is to attract the basic energy.  Fortunately sickness strengthens one attitude toward faith, and a seriously ill patient will accept the reality of Fire more readily.
370.  The physician can successfully advise many things that will provide a beneficial course for the ailment and strengthen the consciousness of spirit.  It is very important to strengthen a certain state of spirit.
530.  It is right to turn one's thought to the task of cooperation with nature.  It is right to recognize that to plunder nature is to squander the treasures of the people.  It is right to rejoice at nature as the refuge from fiery epidemics.  He who does not think about nature does not know the abode of Spirit.
602.  Thus the fiery gates are opened when not only is egoism burned away but a worthy evaluation of self is achieved.  Only then can the spirit verily bring its sole heritage to the altar of Light…. Why should one be sick, infect others and be a prey to fits of madness when a single effort of spirit preserves invulnerability of the organism? 
643.  Verily one must have discrimination to ascertain true significances.  Many are the illusions and phantoms that obscure an evaluation of the real advance of the spirit.  Many appearances of the dark forces attempt to seduce or terrorize one.  Such attacks are especially preponderant in the vicinity of obsessed or mentally diseased persons who are like open gates, not only attracting entities to themselves but creating a kind of channel for all surrounding people.  The border lines of psychic illnesses are quite imperceptible, therefore I advise great caution.  I consider it useless to expend one's strength in all experiments with obsession when one's own ill health disturbs the equilibrium.  Whisperers can attach themselves to the ear that is ailing. and only a firm consciousness can shake off these asps without delay.  You already know that no sickness should be neglected.  One must immediately inoculate oneself with vigor and not forget about Fire. 
658.  At the fiery gates blasphemous words will not come to one's mind, but if we consciously let them take root, they will burn the heart like red-hot knives.  Losing the word harmony degrades men.  How was Pythagoras able to understand the significance of the glory of the body of light?  Moreover the appearance of numerous mechanical inventions has destroyed to a considerable degree the evidence of culture.  Indeed the forces of disintegration are very active; they strike all that is beautiful with putrescence, infection and insensateness.       -M:  Fiery World 1933 
Nine    26.  Others strive forward with their whole spirit, for them earthly life does not present any finality.  Even if not highly refined, these people sense with the heart that everything is ahead of them.  Have dealings with the latter, for notwithstanding their errors they will be still striving into the future, and thus will already belong to the truth. 
157.  The time is coming and is already near when people will not know how to accept the fiery possibilities.  In their confusion they will forget that fiery communion has been ordained.  They will excel in counteracting, instead of being filled with, the power of Fire. Therefore I reiterate and remind about the necessity of fiery union.
217.  One may urge all physicians of the world to start upon a mission of spiritualization of the heart….The physician is a most sacred person in the household where there is a sick person.  And since humanity has taken care to collect a sufficient quantity of diseases, the physician can give many valuable warnings.  If we but had enlightened physicians!  At present there are so few!
306.  It may be asked--wherein lies the chief harm of black magic?  Over and above personal injury must there also be cosmic damage?  Precisely so.  The lower conjurations create the utmost harm through the mixture of the elements and the invocation of portions of chaos….Magic in general must be left alone.
461.  It is right that you do not forget the significance of soda.  Not without reason has it been called the ash of divine Fire.  It belongs to those widely given remedies which have been sent for the usage of all humanity.  One should remember about soda not only in sickness but also in health.  As a bond with fiery actions it serves as a shield against the darkness of destruction.  But one should accustom the body to it gradually.  Each day it should be taken with water or milk, and in taking it one should, as it were, direct it into the nerve centers.  Thus can one gradually acquire immunity. 
596.  How many eyes full of suffering are encountered on the way!  Great is the torment after condemning the consciousness to darkness.    -M:  Fiery World 1934
Ten    416.  The weaker the flow of finer energy the greater the swelling of the glands, because the physical development is being affirmed without control.  Therefore all growths up to cancer can be attributed to the ebbing of finer energy.  Spiritual equilibrium can help to eradicate many illnesses.  The more prolonged the ebbing of finer energy the more malignant will be the diseases.
606.  Earthly fire more quickly swallows up a tree which is cracked than a whole sturdy trunk, and the same holds true in all approaches of the fiery world.  When I forewarn about the harm of any fissures I already foresee how important it is to restrain humanity from any folly.  The crevices themselves, as it were, attract and draw in the lower flame.  One must avoid all infections, and heartache will diminish.  All-embracing thought will be the curative principle.  Ask a physician how much longer will run the course of sickness of a man who wishes to be ill.  Thus does personal desire indicate the power of thought.  
521. When I say guard the health by that I am not sending you to a physician, and I urge you not to be alarmed.  By no means would we develop a sickly hypochondria. We wish to preserve your health.  No one can say that it is unnecessary to guard the health.  The carriage must roll along the ordained path toward the beautiful goal.  Take away everything pertaining to karma and the goal will be really beautiful.  But with which do people mold the larger karma--the inner or the outer life?    
545.  People have covered their reason with a crust which has given rise to prejudices.  Behind this fence the subtle world is not visible….People must receive such shocks that they are rendered able, without any fever, to preserve the memory about the past and that which is ordained.      -M:  Fiery World 1935
Eleven    28.  Sorcery is inadmissible as a crime against humanity.  Sorcery must not be regarded as a wrong against one individual.  The effects of sorcery are far more heinous--it violates cosmic manifestations and injects confusion in the supermundane strata.  Though the sorcerer has failed to smite his enemy it does not mean that his blow may not have stricken men elsewhere, perhaps in various countries. The vibration of ill will may find itself affirmed in a most unexpected spot. … Only the power of sounding of aum can bring harmony amid discordant vibrations.
305.  Obsession and self-poisoning are close companions.  They are equally little recognized by people.  During the process of self-poisoning, obsession is especially easy, but under obsession poisoning ultimately takes place; such poisoning is ineradicable.  Certain people assert that during obsession the health not only does not fail but even improves.  This is a great error, the apparent good health is the result of nervous tension only.
513.  Criminality is increasing; cruelty and violence are increasing.  It is necessary to look into the root of such infamous manifestations.  Humanity cannot become worse without reasons. 
594.  One may ask how much of one's finer energy can be given away in healing.  This is not small question, for the loss of finer energy is like disarming a warrior.  One may give away half his supply, even two-thirds, but three-fourths already places the physician in a dangerous position.  In such an exposed state the physician takes the sickness upon himself and may lose his life.  Therefore it has been said so firmly about the golden path:  Everything in proportion, all in harmony; let us remember.    
598.  Open to those who knock; give help to the sick; set aright the one in error; but be careful with the scratching ones.   Especially when you are striving for unity leave behind every trouble-making thing, for it is not suitable to higher communions.       -M:  Aum 1936
Twelve    172.  It is better that a crisis be lived through than that a destructive collapse seize the whole organism.  It is possible to live through a crisis, and such shock may call new forces into life, whereas disintegration and rot but infect all the surroundings.  Thus let us understand it in forty ways. 
211.  Rendering the planet healthful rests in the hands of all humanity.  First of all it must be understood that man makes healthy not only himself but also all his surroundings.  In such a realization there will be contained true humaneness.  Such a feeling cannot be commanded.  It must come independently out of the depths of the heart.
247.  We never advise feigning a smile.  As each unjust pronouncement is repellent so too a hypocritical mask will be an indicator of falseness and of sickness of the aura.  But we ask you to be more good in heart--this is the very best balm.
270.  Whereas side by side with the mechanization of life the study of higher energies must go on.     
529.  Precisely habits render a man immobile and unreceptive.  One can suppress habits, but it is not easy to eradicate them.  People are continually encountered who boast of their victory over habits….It is most difficult to cure a sick man who denies his illness.  Each one can name such incurable ones among people known to him.  Yet in order to assimilate the concept of Brotherhood mastery of existing habits is indispensable.  Under habits we have in mind not the service for good but the petty habits of selfhood. 
566.  The reduction of insanity depends upon physicians.  And too the idea of cooperation will constitute a salutary aid.            -M:  Brotherhood 1937
Thirteen     39.  Let us not be among those who intentionally or unintentionally betray.  There is a particular sickness in which one who is in despair evokes the Highest Powers with blasphemy.  These ailing ones cannot be put into the same category as the malicious blasphemers who are not in despair but delight in the destruction of the best dreams of humanity.  They will not receive any signs from the Brotherhood.  Their creativity will not be uplifted by beautiful thoughts.  We therefore pity all those who reject the Brotherhood.
41.  Unfavorable currents can also cause unfortunate events in daily life.  When dealing with the currents one must avoid hypocrisy, superstition or cowardice.  Each hesitation makes one subject to the power of the whirlwind of chaos.  We especially welcome the equilibrium that is earned in earthly life by extensive and broad experience.  In such a progressive motion even karma will not overtake one.  Thought that has known the correlations between worlds obtains its power from them.
55.  The ignorant connect the sensation of joy with a healthy digestion or with success in life, but joy is greater than health and success.  It can also exist amidst sickness and humiliation.  Such a feeling is developed not only through many incarnations but also from a wisely spent sojourn in the subtle realm.
56.  We continually meet sick people and try first to restore their balance.  People seek us most often when their sicknesses have already begun.  Measures should be taken not only to enlighten their consciousness but also to cure their illnesses.  One should become accustomed to being in the position of a physician.  Our inner life is filled with healing activities.
65.  Many illnesses are contagious not only physically but also spiritually.  One can see that spiritual contagion occurs more often, and the transfer of the pain is thus intensified. 
246.  The only concern we ought to have is that our thought should serve for good.  Perhaps it will be received somewhere in an entirely unexpected language, or enter the consciousness of a child and be expressed by him in later years.  Harmful thoughts should not be recorded.
251.  Physicians must not cease observing; if they do, they are not physicians.  We pay attention to many cosmic signs.  The planet is very sick, and man cannot remain indifferent when his whole being is filled with the influences of the subtlest energies.
340.  the association with those whose attention is focused upon illness can only intensify the fear of disease and aggravate their ailments.  It would be good to remember the remedy of ancient times when sick people would go into seclusion and remain close to nature.  This was done not only in cases of contagious diseases, but when the organism was in need of renewal.  Even now there are those who prefer to live in mobile homes or in tents….It is especially important to think about health now.  Many people are aware that the destruction of the nervous system has reached an extreme point.            -M:  Supermundane 1, 1938
Fourteen     263.  But there are other cataclysms even worse than war.  The most painful example is the corruption of a nation.  Truly this sickness is worse than destruction by flood or other catastrophes of nature.  Whole volumes could be written about the sickness of such nations. If people excuse themselves by claiming that they cannot see the essence of events, one can only pity them for their blindness.  People should study and be vigilant in life in order to recognize their true leaders.
270.  one who distorts his innate qualities is, in a sense, mad.  People are careful about their physical heart, for they have learned that the heart is the center of the physical life.  But they have not yet sufficient information about the correlation of the free will with the primal energy, and regrettable disharmony is the result.  Instead of the harmonious coexistence of the two forces, conflict and competition exist between them.  One of the causes of the planet's sickness lies in the uncoordinated forces of man.
275.  Wise is the physician who tells his patient not to blaspheme or hate.  We have often pointed out that a pure thought is benevolent and has healing powers; it opens the gate to the healing power of primal energy.
282.  Both blasphemy and irritability are especially harmful when the cosmic currents are tensed.  They cause an inflammation of the mucous membranes that cannot be attributed to a sickness of the stomach, intestines, nose or throat….This condition requires serious attention since it destroys the mucous membrane and can be transferred to the nervous system.
288.  How can one struggle for Light while still surrendering to darkness?
413.  No emanations are as powerful as those of man who is capable both of healing and poisoning everything around him.  It is not so much the infectious sickness of people that poison the atmosphere but their irritation, anger and malice.     -M:  Supermundane 2, 1938

Seal meaning Maitreya Samgha

                                                Mt. Eddy near Shasta

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