Sunday, December 2, 2018

Economists say the danger comes when you combine transnational hyperconnection with the concentration of power.

 Alexey NavalnyVerified account @navalny  Dec 1 
 Государственные новостные агентства сообщают о новых успехах Путина в области мировой политики. Совершил прорыв и снова всех переиграл. Один из гостей отеля крикнул ему приветственно. Это ли не мировое доминирование?

Alexey Navalny Verified account @navalny Dec 1
 State news agencies are reporting on Putin’s new successes in world politics. He made a breakthrough and beat everyone again. One of the hotel guests shouted a greeting to him. Is this not world domination?  

Alexey Navalny
Verified account
 @navalny Nov 30
Кажется, что это шутка, но ведь у путинского правительства такой план и есть. В буквальном смысле. Прямые и косвенные налоги на самых бедных постоянно повышаются. Олигарх не платит столько налогов в России, сколько обычный работяга.Alexey Navalny Verified account @navalny Nov 30
 It seems like a joke, but the Putin government has such a plan. In the literal sense. Direct and indirect taxes on the poorest are constantly rising. The oligarch does not pay as much taxes in Russia as an ordinary hard worker.


Хорошо бы каждому гражданину страны знать историю про миллиардера Рыболовлева и город Березники. Тут прямо всё самое важное о стране и путинском режиме

Как Рыболовлев деньги из Березников выкачивал
Как так получилось, что деньги из Пермского края уходят на развитие спорта в Европе? Откуда у футбольного клуба «Монако» деньги из Березник...
53 replies
Alexey Navalny Verified account @navalny Nov 30

 It would be nice for every citizen of the country to know the story about billionaire Rybolovlev and the city of Berezniki. There’s all the most important thing about the country and Putin’s regime.
10-22-2011        Three systems theorists at Swiss Federal Institute of Tech at Zurich analyzed all 43,060 transnational corporations and share-ownerships linking them.  They built a model having…a dominant core of 147 firms radiating out from the middle.  Each of these 147 own interlocking stakes of one another and together they control 40% of the wealth in the network.  A total of 737 control 80% of it all.  The top 20 are at the bottom of the post.  This is, say the paper's authors, the first map of the structure of global corporate control. …
  There are many reasons for tightly controlled nodes and connections:  anti-takeover
strategies, reduction of transaction costs, risk sharing, increasing trust and groups of
interest.  This set is dominanted by banks, institutional investors and mutual funds….A
better list would be the actual OWNERS rather than the vendors who manage, house and
clear said assets.
  Economists say the danger comes when you combine hyperconnection with the
concentration of power.  The Swiss scientists warn that this can lead to an unstable
  One of the co-authors, Dr. James Glattfelder, says he will be publishing next week the bigger list of 737 companies that control 80% of the global economy.  The 147 are included in that group.
The Top Fifty Corporate Owners
1. Barclays 
2. Capital Group Companies Inc
3. FMR Corporation
4. AXA
5. State Street Corporation
6. JP Morgan Chase & Co
8. Vanguard Group Inc
10. Merrill Lynch & Co Inc
11. Wellington Management Co LLP
13. Franklin Resources Inc
14. Credit Suisse Group
15. Walton Enterprises LLC (holding company for Wal-Mart heirs)
16. Bank of New York Mellon Corp
17. Natixis
18. Goldman Sachs Group Inc
19. T Rowe Price Group Inc
20. Legg Mason Inc 
6-3-2014    interview with Dr. James Glattfelder:
Dr. JG:  40 companies having the potential to control 40 percent of the network, in a network of 600,000 nodes--that's quite striking.  The second thing that is important and that is coming up on the radar of regulators is this idea of systemic risk, where it's not about individual entities but about interconnection.  The idea of 'too big to fail' is basically very naive, because these entities are embedded in a network of their dependencies.
  What we found was a small core of powerful shareholders, or power players, in the network.  If you look who's in that core, it's all these top players and they're highly interconnected with each other, so they all own shares in each other.  This is something that shouldn't be there if you look at standard or classical economic theory.

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