Thursday, January 14, 2021

when you have no idols

  And the hour has struck.  Mark it well:   December 30, 1990.  The hour has come for the forces of light of Aquarius, for the dispensation of this New Age to lock in to planet Earth.  Blessed ones, this is the moment that I have been waiting for!  [17-second standing ovation]…

  Even as the legions of Aquarius arrive so there is the opportunity through their intercession for many more upon this planet to affix themselves to me in the Guru-chela relationship and to my beloved Portia.  We can become more tangible not only because of the turning of the cycle this day but also because of the millions of angels who shall be present as chains of light around the Earth, anchoring those electronic fire-rings of the Great-Central-Sun Causal Body of the seventh ray….

  This is the test, beloved.  Do not allow yourself to sink below the level of the heart, the threefold flame of the heart--that Holy Christ flame or that Holy Christ consciousness that is embodied in that flame.  When you sense that deflation, that descension and condescension, O beloved, say:  Let the fiat of the Lord be with me!…

  And I am intensifying my violet flame over you for the healing of your four lower bodies and your souls.  I am doing this to cook out of you those records that are as flytraps and mousetraps for your consciousness when you get out of the way of your God!  I do it now, beloved, as I continue to speak to you….

  I make of you by the authority of God and our Lord Jesus Christ new creatures in Christ.  I make of you new creatures in Christ by the alchemy of the seventh ray and by the Cosmic Christ of that seventh age, none other than our beloved Lord Maitreya, who also stands in our midst this day.  O receive him then in his role as Savior of Aquarius!  [22-second standing ovation]…

  And the fallen ones would like to have you be galvanized [to the lesser self] or be fired in the kiln of this lesser self.  They would have you believe that that is the immortal self and there is nothing more.  Many on this planet believe it, beloved.  They spend their entire lifetimes preserving their mortality only to see it come to naught.   

(Roger Bacon by Gordon Ross, 1941)
  -Saint Germain:  12-30-1990 at Royal Teton Ranch, MT, Pearl 34:4


  Death has no power over you, beloved, when you have no idols.  Will you look and find them and sort them out and find them out in the nooks and crannies of the basement of self?  It is well to do so.  It is well to do so tonight, for tomorrow is a day of days and new beginnings and serious challenges.  Indeed it is, beloved.  From the Central Sun to your heart let the tie strengthen.  When considering New Year’s resolutions is it not wise, beloved, to consider how to mount the next spiral of harmony in your being--how then to at last and ultimately set aside the mousetrap of the lesser self?  Are you the mouse or the trap?  I trust you are neither.  But, beloved, you do become trapped in the same old cycles of consciousness.  I address then your non-awareness of the traps that ensnare you.  Become aware, become aware,  become aware and watch and pray. [16-second pause]

  A great increase of light has been released to you now. [9-second pause]  Shafts of pulsating light go forth from the flame upon the altar and my heart/this heart. [6-second pause]  I reach every one of you, beloved, and all who shall hear or see this dictation.  Open your heart to me, for I AM the Holy Spirit.  I come in harmlessness.   

                 -Maha Chohan:  12-31-1991 at Royal Teton Ranch, Pearl 35:6

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