Tuesday, January 12, 2021

The world has attempted to cast in the role of Gog and Magog the United States of America and the Soviet Union. I say, nay!

146.  The person who disconcerts the consciousness of his fellow man is a corrupter.  He brings no joy to himself; on the contrary his life will be darkened for his consciousness has digressed from the main issue.  To discern the principal issue and to remain on the path to it means to proceed to victory.  But to begin by plunging into an abyss of uncertainty, does it not mean being a stone on the neck of one's fellow?                                     

232.   It is impossible to avoid decomposition once begun.  But he who is wise does not look back, for he knows that Fire is inexhaustible when invoked.                

                                              -M:  Fiery World 1933


24.  Hypocrisy, bigotry and superstition are three of the dark qualities which must be rejected on the path to brotherhood.  Let each one reflect whence have been born these minions of ignorance.  Whole books can be written about such paths of darkness.  One should ponder upon how these pernicious corrupters have grown up.  They grow imperceptibly.  But there has never been a time when they were more numerous than at present.    -M:  Brotherhood 1937


255.  Indeed the new rhythm is tiring for those who are unable to accept it.  An unassimilated rhythm can even become destructive.  -M:  Supermundane 2, 1938


  The lie itself is an abuse of the sine wave of Alpha and Omega.  But then you have gotten the victory over the beast!  How can you fail?  There is only one way, and so I tell you my tale.  You can fail if you let go of the hand of the golden man of the heart, if you let go of love and forget your reason for winning and your reason for winning again.  If you forget to look up to heaven before you bless and serve and heal all life, you may fail.  And if you do not watch the earth--every footstep, where you carefully place it--you may fall into the trap, you may not notice subtle plots along the way.

  There is only one person in the universe who can fail--it is you.  There is only one person in the universe who can become the Christ--it is you.  Gautama Buddha taught there is no one else but you in your universe.  It’s all up to you.   

                        -Serapis Bey:  6-20-1982 at Camelot, Pearl 25:36


  Realize that in the absence of Francis Bacon this world would be several octaves lower in awareness, in enlightenment and in illumination.  This must tell you something about the genius of the mind that has its correlation in the genes of the body--and the genes, focalpoints of the seed of Christ.  It ought to tell you about the power of God in you!  It ought to tell you about the power of thought and power of the aura!--and the negative power of idle thoughts and indulgences and nasty and subtle feelings that tear from you the momentum of your service and light and ability to change the planet.

  It ought to tell you something of the meaning of the descent of Saint Germain and the ascended masters into your very presence and how the power of God is just as powerful to work evil as to work good--and it depends upon the genes of the mind at any given moment.  There is a reason, a very good reason, to be vigilant.  And it is love.  Not a universal love that is difficult to define (as difficult as catching a mist or a vapor) and therefore a love that fails to specifically “love one another.”  No, there is a love, there is a reason in love.  And it is for the very person of Saint Germain himself and for the person of the chela that you guard the heart and let it not be troubled or trembling for fear....

  The world has attempted to cast in the role of Gog and Magog the United States of America and the Soviet Union.  I say, nay!  They shall not so cast America in that role nor shall they cast the lightbearers and freedom-fighters of Mother Russia simply because the fallen ones are engaged as the Adversary in locked combat.  They will not therefore personify Uncle Sam (symbol of the prophet Samuel) and lightbearers as being equally involved and in balance with the aggressions of the sinister force....How can a nation and a people evaluate what they see in mass programs of indoctrination and in strong visuals to move their emotions and align them with fear if they have not the developed mooring within of that Cosmic Christ?   

           -Jesus Christ:  11-24-1983 at Camelot, Los Angeles via 

       Messenger E C Prophet, Pearls of Wisdom 26:56


  The seeds of doubt and fear formed the foundation of Serpent’s questioning of the Lawgiver and his Law.  Impugning the motive of Maitreya, Serpent set himself up as the false hierarch impostor of the Cosmic Christ.    

(by Ruth Hawkins, ~1985)
       -Sanat Kumara:  “Opening of the 7th Seal:  XXXIII”, 1979 Pearls
  Upon retirement Guru Ma placed temporal authority in the hands of RTR leaders, perhaps retaining in herself spiritual authority over this activity, or else passing it upward to Lanto and Confucius.  Thus we understand that in small matters the RTR leaders will administer discreetly, as we shall now see.
a)  Certainly it was a small matter to rid Russia of Ketino’s leadership, for according to Rev. Worobec, Ketino had “lost her mantle of leadership” and according to Rev. Patrick Danahye, both Ketino and Sergei were “anti-Church, anti-Saint Germain,” (though nobody has plainly demonstrated how either of these claims were/are true).
b)  Five Elders asked for due process, along with many others, in 2003-4; but it was a small matter to ride them out and keep them out thereafter.
c)  Guru Ma joined in ratifying in 1997 due process of the law into the Articles of Incorporation, but it certainly was a small matter for the RTR to altogether dispose of due process in 2004.
d) Rev. Timothy Connor aired differences (such as why sign a contract with RTR leaders).  Small matter–“let him begone!” saith the sage RTR leadership.
e)  In a corner of the great Roman/Catholic Empire a heretic named Origen must be imprisoned and his writings declared anathema–a small matter no doubt.  
f)  A perhaps dangerous influence in another corner of the great Roman/Catholic Empire:  Alexandria’s Hypatia–the local official bishop just doesn’t need her activity there anymore.
g)  In March 2011 the RTR chiefs decided they needed a "spiritual director" like David Drye and, later, like Peter Duffy; no matter that the spiritual directors of the Keepers of the Flame are the seven chohans of the rays, under the
Maha Chohan, according to Morya.  Is this a small matter too?  Think about it 
carefully.       -R, Mt. Shasta, California


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