Friday, January 29, 2021

it goes back to the spiritual wickedness in high places

1)  Do you realize how in many nations the churches are state controlled?   The Protestant churches of Europe--many are state controlled.  And therefore any attempt to insert anything but the standard teachings of the Protestant Revolt is put down and turned back.   

     -Saint Germain:  10-12-1974 at Los Angeles, Pearls of Wisdom 61:39


2)  Rock the cradle of your dearest love.  Teach your little ones not only common sense but the wisdom of the Mother and the three Rs.  And do not turn over their education to unknown hands and minds, unknown ones who program and indoctrinate them in rebellion against the true purposes of Saint Germain….

  And my Word is piercing and penetrating every Catholic and every Protestant--both of whom have rejected my true identity and appearing.    

     -Archeia Mary:  5-15-1983 at Camelot, Pearl 26:45


3)  I would tell you therefore that the denial--whether of my office or of my person—has resulted in the candle going out within the Protestant movement.  For it is I, and the I AM that is the I in me, to whom the Lord God gave that commission (which has been recently explained to you) of holding the Office of the Mother--the one point in the four that does descend below the level of the heart.   

   -Archeia Mary:  12-24-1983 at Camelot, Los Angeles, Pearl 27:2


4)  How could a Christian folk deny Archangel Michael?  How could they accept a Protestant Revolt casting out [Mother] Mary and [Saint] Michael, who would surely be their defense?  Yet they have done it, they have accepted it!  And our angels have appeared to them [(at inner levels)] day after day, century after century and between embodiments, and they still follow the false pastors–some by a willful neglect and others because they need you, the true shepherds, to wrest them from this entrapment!      

        -Elohim Hercules and Amazonia:  5-8-1984 at Camelot, Pearl 32:9


5)  I tell you, beloved, I also weep for Jerusalem as the archetypal sound of every city, of the Vatican and the Establishment where there is not even a vestment or a vestiture of a semblance of the true identity of my Son in their midst….Blessed ones, all religions have fallen into decay when the ritual of the Word has become rote….

Look at China herself and the Soviet Union. These could have been turned to [in the direction of] the free enterprise societies. These people who were once industrious and filled with the divine spark of the threefold flame, who had every opportunity and joy and determination to be the builders of the future have now gone down under a system whose very evil, beloved, does cause them to lose hope, to lose faith, to have crushed in them their own charity….Blessed hearts, not all those who are without a threefold flame this day are the original creation of mechanization man.  Many of these once had that same hope and fervor that you have….

  But I tell you, beloved, those who are not the sons of God in the earth who occupy bodies of men, these are such evil devils, I cannot even tell you, and their corruption has reached all the way to the levels of Protestantism and even our own church, the Roman Catholic Church….

  Church hierarchies and nations, single individuals might have taken a stand.  But, beloved ones, it goes back to the spiritual wickedness in high places and the fallen ones themselves who put themselves in these key positions.  The hour is long past when their citadels must crumble. By the very fact of this and the weight of their karma, you yourselves should tremble, for it is their entire civilization that is rotten at the base.  Blessed ones, their steel is rotten at the base, their concrete, their towers, their achievements of technology, they are all rotten at the foundation….

  The corruption which followed (Lincoln’s assassination and coverup), beloved, has not been adequately challenged.  Thus another century and more having gone by, you can see where is Earth’s timetable, where is the cosmic timetable, and in the midst of this you must observe your own….

  In the profound love that all who are of the light who are in this [Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox] Church might be saved, I appeal to you, beloved.    -Archeia Mary:  3-1-1988 at Fatima, Pearl 31:40


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