Tuesday, January 26, 2021

as you seek in hierarchical cooperation


  The coercions of the world have exactly the power humanity gives to them.  Is it not written in the sacred scriptures that God will not suffer man to be tempted above that which he is able but will with every temptation also make a way of escape?  

  Whereas man then has often made a god in his own image and ignored the holy mandate of freedom to express the magnificent reality of his own God-Self, man can still, if he wills it so, on any given day of his life shift his polarity from the point of bondage to that of dynamic freedom.  

  Some concepts are so little that they flit across the wind like fireflies in a swamp, but whatever their size it must be recognized that men’s ideas and even their imaginations are either stripes of bondage or joy-bursts of freedom that like whitefire magic cut across lines of force and old encrusted momentums to give human beings the joyous magnificent God-concept of what freedom really is.  

  How unfortunate it is that men will listen to blaring idiocies of the unlimited, of the ill-mannered whose cacophony is heard the world around.  The vain diatribes of accusation and subtle intellectual rhetoric which continue to divide the world, the drivel of human sophistication and sophistry--these are not true culture nor can they give to the God-seeker a sense of his infinite beauty….

  “Try the spirits whether they are of God.  Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God.”  This statement denotes that it is necessary for the consciousness of Christ--the immaculate consciousness of the Christos--to enter into the heart of every spirit that it might be crowned with the love of the only begotten Son of the Father, full of grace and truth….

  Expansion and progress go hand in hand.  He who expands the light of freedom within himself is a part of the vanguard of cosmic progress not only for his planet but for the universe….

  Freedom is in the soul seedlike and dormant and but awaits nourishment of the attention, acceptance of consciousness, [releasing] pulsing joy of awareness.  It leads men onward out of decrepitude and age into vitality and amazement, for the love of God that passeth understanding, that conveyeth ultimate destiny to all will not be moved in the great onrush toward freedom.   

-Saint Germain:  Pearls of Wisdom 13:27, 7-5-1970


  Life is very dear to us and so we look to preserve the many facets of its expression.  But we find that time as man judges it is meaningless as the preserver of life unless it be qualified with the virtues of life.  Therefore we would teach men how to preserve life through proper qualification of time and energy….

  When life is lived according to higher example it does not produce the seeds of ugliness and despair but rather the fruit of outreaching compasson to those who have not yet been reborn in the divine image.  Therefore know that over the cable of our concern for each heart flow the energies of our love, our wisdom and even our power, for a triune effort on behalf of mankind is always being made by the Brotherhood….

  We plead for the knitting together of the spiritual body, but we warn that the releases of the true hierarchy through the true messengers of the Great White Brotherhood have a vibrational quality that has never been excelled, albeit some among humanity have sought to cast down the brilliant contact with us over which flow so much divine love and wisdom to the children of God.  But whereas we ourselves may honor the communication, in the final analysis the fruits of victory for the individual student is the prize we seek.  Will you then recognize that as you seek in hierarchical cooperation to implement the will of God and the essence of the teachings, as you absorb the love that we are and seek to be that love in action, so the kingdom of the Son of God will manifest more quickly in your being and in the world you influence?     

-Archeia Mary:  Pearls of Wisdom 13:37

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