Saturday, September 30, 2017

It was in that hour that the priests in the temples declared “God is dead.”


       You have heard of Antichrist.  Well, you read in the Book of Revelation of the one called the Great Whore.  The Great Whore is the perversion of the Divine Woman within you.  We find that on Atlantis there was one who was an embodiment, a personification of the total perversion of the Divine Mother, and it was this woman who put forth the concept of shame and sin, the doctrine of original sin.  She put forth the concept “in sin did m mother conceive me” and this was propagated in the temples.  It covered the land, it permeated the consciousness, and men and women came together no longer in the purity of love that transcends matter but in the sense of shame.
The desecration of the flame in that hour was most insidious because it came as a concept, it came as a subtle philosophy, it came as degradation of man and woman.  Man in shame and woman in shame could only bring forth an animal creation, not one imbued with the immaculate conception of the Christ.  It was in that hour that the priests in the temples declared “God is dead.”  And that is where that phrase comes from.  They declared that God was dead because God as Spirit is a living flame, is a joy in the hearts of the people, and that flame had gone out.         

            -Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet:  10-11-1975 at San Francisco
            Indeed you may be grateful that God has sent forth a ray of hope unto the evolutions of this world.  And I am grateful to ensoul that ray that you might pursue it to the fiery core of your own blueprint.  Standing in the Presence of your own I AM THAT I AM you may renew the ancient covenant of your soul with your Maker to be the fullness of the Law of Disciplined Love--to be the conscious outpouring of the flow of Mother, to be the two-edged sword of Alpha keeping the way of the Tree of Life, setting the example of purity to an age.

I am the angel immaculate.  From the snowy peaks of Shasta, from the Himalayas and the Rockies I send forth the piercing light of purity which unfortunately reveals the aberrations to  the divine plan as well as the soul’s immaculate conception in the heart of God.  Purity reveals all.  Hope too is a two-edged  sword releasing the intensity of God-reality that brings forth the anguish of the soul as it beholds line upon line its departure from divinity.

I come with the warning of the archangels and I say to all:  repent in the name of the Lord!  There is no turning back on the path of salvation for there is no turning back of the cycles of karma once they are released.  Therefore Jesus admonished, “No man, having put his hand to the plough and, looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.”  Those who begin the ascent, the arduous climb to the highest summit, must not turn back when initiation confronts them in the way, for the alternative to passing every test and submitting to every initiation is to be subject unto the concentrated release of one’s own karma.

More greatly to be feared than the tests and the trials of the path is the outer darkness that comes when the soul deserts the flame, deserts the battlefield of the Lord for that most questionable of all human commodities--human comfort.  In outer darkness all is chaos, disorder and disintegration.  There the meting out of karma measure by measure that comes from the Lords of Karma through the hand of the master and the Christ Self into the crucible of the chela is no longer a grace that can be counted on.  When you turn your back on the flame you can count on nothing.  The dispensations of mercy and opportunity dispensed at the hand of the Lords of Karma are not the option of the fallen ones or of the children of God who have fallen from Grace.  Who will intercede for them when they say to the mountains and rocks:  “Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him that sitteth on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb:  for the great day of His wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand?"  To turn one’s back on the flame is to forfeit the intercession of the great Mediator of life.

Take heed then all who would run and not be weary, all who have set their mark on “the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”  The race is to those who will run to the finish, and those who are not prepared to go all the way had better not start, for the price of desertion is far too great.  The covenants of God and the blessings of the ascended masters and their messengers are not to be trifled with….

Stand holding the two-edged sword with both hands.  Clasp it directly in front of you and let the blade cut the oncoming tide of darkness in defense of the light of the heart.  Let it part the wave…and let it redirect those energies into the sacred fires burning on the altar of the Mother.  Her flame is the flame of purity, it is the all-consuming fire of the Holy Spirit, for the Mother is the bride of the Holy Spirit and unto Her is given the allness of the sacred fire necessary for the consuming of the karma of the seven last plagues….She is the receptacle into which the power of His name does flow, and therefore on earth the Mother is the instrument of the judgment that proceeds from the Father in heaven.  Pay homage to her Son the Christ of all and acknowledge the source--the Woman clothed with the Sun and the womb of the Cosmic Virgin out of which issues the flaming Sun-Presence of all.

When mankind shall receive the Mother in the name of the Father, in the name of the Son and in the name of the Holy Spirit then they will have unlimited access to the flowing fountain of Her purity.  And then the woes that are presently coming upon mankind shall be stopped by the raising of the right hand of the Mother, by the power of the spoken Word, by the wisdom of the scepter of Her authority, by the love of the crown of Her overcoming.  Therefore let the children of God repent this day in the name of the Lord!…

This is the time to be serious, to take to heart the principles and the precepts of the Law and the training you have received from the ascended masters and their messengers.  This is the time to invoke the flame of Sirius, the God-Star, to invoke the counsel of the Four and Twenty Elders and the intercession of Surya and the angels of Sirius who descend in answer to your call in the formation of a great blue eagle.  Take then the call to Surya*…and let it be shouted from the housetops!  Let it be sent forth from all of your chakras with the utmost adoration to God, with the utmost humility and the utmost concentration of the sacred fire within your chakras.  Let nothing take from you your commitment to this call for it will deliver you from the toils of the toiler and from the harshness of the judgment.  And it will deliver the wicked into the hands of the legions from Sirius!…Each interference with the freewill of God and man exacts the penalty of the Law and of the Lawgiver….

And these wizards/ Who have come out of the astral night
Convince their followers/ By the appearance of right
That their way is of the light./  Beware appearances!
Beware “the way that seemeth right.”
Relative good and evil afford no proof/ Of absolute truth.
Only the law of just cause/ Can produce the certain effect
Of the Holy Spirit/ Who comes with healing in His wings.
Put aside these other things,/ These incantations that reek
With the stench of perversion/ And the decaying bodies 
Of children and animals that they have slain.
Beware of all that is vain/ And the vanity of the ego:
More deadly than the Fallen One himself/ Is the vanity of the ego
That is transplanted from body to body, From mind to mind
As a cancer that eats away/ To the very soul of a planet and a people.

…let those who have the motive to murder the Divine Mother be judged by their motive this day.  Let their hatred of the flame of Aquarius be turned upon them by the raising of the hand of the Mother and of the scepter of Her authority!  For the Lord is come down to judge the earth this day….
                        I AM    Hope     Archeia of the fourth ray of purity                                                    I command purity and I am purity’s judgment in this cycle
                   -Vials of the Seven Last Plagues, chapter 8

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