Sunday, October 1, 2017

When the ray of truth is used as a catalyst that which is unseen

 all-seeing Eye by Sindelar

            When the ray of truth is used as a catalyst that which is unseen becomes the seen.  And the disobedience of Lot’s wife precipitates the pillar of salt--that all who seek to raise up the feminine ray might know that obedience is the key to godly alchemy….

Choose to be and you will see/ The angel with the flaming sword
In the right hand is life/ In the left is death
Choose you this day whom ye will serve--
Your lot shall be as you deserve….

And the heavens are opened this day as I pour out from the golden vial the wrath of God upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom is full of darkness this day; and those that worship the beast shall gnaw their tongues for pain and blaspheme the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores; and yet they repent not of their deeds.  This vial contains mankind’s wrathful misuses of the fifth ray of life and the science of life, of healing and healing truth, and of the abundance of the immaculate consciousness of the Cosmic Virgin.  All of this the fallen ones have taken to create the beast of the carnal mind sitting in the seat of the soul.  Now we unseat the carnal mind!  We dislodge it from its moorings!  We cut it off from the light of the soul!  No longer shall it vampirize the solar energies of the sons and daughters of God.  It has laid claim to earthly existence; let it stand this day before the Court of the Sacred Fire and present proof of its origin, its lineage, its heritage.

Let those who rely on the carnal mind as the seat of a human authority and a human personality prepare to give testimony before the Four and Twenty Elders (on Sirius).  Let them receive our warning that all that proceeds out of the light of the Logos and all that is of God, showing forth allegiance to Alpha and Omega, will live in the eternal kingdom; and all that is of the world must receive the judgment of this world.

I place the light of living truth as a sphere of the immaculate conception around the souls of the children of God who are loyal to their Creator in the last days.  Let their souls and the dwelling place of their souls in the chakra of freedom be sealed in the light of the Mother-ray and of the archeia of the new day.  For the souls of mankind have been literally squashed by the beast who is bound this day by the seven archangels.  And we hold back the beast to make way for the prominence of the souls of mankind--that they might have freedom in the flame of Saint Germain, hierarch of the Aquarian age, to choose the light, to choose the right and to be centered in the God-flame.  And therefore while Satan is bound for a thousand years at the Court of the Sacred Fire, so the counterpart of Satan which is the carnal mind and the very presence of Antichrist that challenges the soul day and night is also bound--that mankind might exercise freewill in the flame of freedom without interference from the darkened self, the shadowed self, the not-Self.  Therefore this day is the influence of the carnal mind stayed on Terra in the consciousness of the children of God!

Given the freedom to choose they may still choose the ego and the self-centered existence.  So be it.  We will not interfere with freewill.  We come as intercessors of the Law responding to the calls of the Faithful and True--for the Lord Christ himself as the Good Shepherd of the sheep has knelt before the altar of the Most High God, praying fervently as he did through the long night of Gethsemane for the Lord’s intercession on behalf of the sheep.  Therefore we come fulfilling the dispensations of the Almighty granted unto the beloved Son.  We come to intensify the all-seeing Eye, to give mankind the dispensation of the choice, to lock the souls in the flame of truth that can make them free if they will to be free.  But the fallen ones with their robot creation have not the dispensation of the children of God, for they are the seed of the Fallen One.  And for some the end is not yet come, and for some the day of reckoning is at hand.  And they stagger and they stalk the Earth, and they glower as they hover in their spacecraft--and not all are of this planetary home.  And some are a physical evolution and others inhabit the astral plane.  And some have not been allowed to incarnate in tens of thousands of years, for by the intercession of the Lord Christ they have been confined to the dungeons of the astral, bound in chains--yes, bound hand and foot.  But the abomination of their carnality is the contamination of Mater.  Thus far and no farther!  The day of judgment comes in the year of the Holy Spirit, 1975, and the day of judgment continues to the year 2001.  And there is time and space for every man and woman and child to partake of the Eucharist--to assimilate the body and the blood, the Omega and the Alpha spirals of the Christ consciousness….

Children of the One, remember the darkness of the city of Jerusalem.  Remember that it was so intense that the Lord Christ would not lay his body to rest in that city.  And did he not exclaim, “The foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head.”  Where can the sons and daughters of God go to find rest from the machinations of the dark ones?  They inhabit every plane of Mater, and the thick smoke of their offerings is obnoxious to the children of the One.

While the souls of mankind prepare to make right choices the structures and the superstructures of the fallen ones come tumbling down, for their foundation was in the seat of the beast whose kingdom is filled with darkness.  Let the false practitioners of the healing arts be exposed!  And let them repent of their deeds.  Let the moneychangers in the banking houses of the world be exposed!  And let them repent of their deeds.  Let the ray of action penetrate the misuses of the science of precipitation!  And let all that has been precipitated out of the astral plane--out of the collective subconscious, out of the seat of the beast--be challenged by the sword of truth!  And the Great Divine Director comes forth to arrest the spirals of the misuses of the Christ-light in the seven rays of God.  Behold, mankind, now is the accepted time!  Now is the day of salvation!

Now let those who are contributing to the pollution of the body of Mother through the manufacture and sale of alcohol, cigarettes, marijuana and every harmful drug be exposed!  And let them repent of their deeds.  Let the selling of sex and the promotion of products accompanied by subliminal sex symbols be exposed!  And let those with bloodstained hands repent of their deeds.  I reinforce the judgment of abortion and the abortionist delivered by Almighty God through the pronouncement of Archangel Uriel.  And I send forth my ray into the houses of whoredom where the flame of the Mother is being desecrated and the Eves of the world are daily tempting Adam-man to partake of the forbidden fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  Let them be exposed!   And let them repent of their deeds.

In the name of the I AM THAT I AM I send forth the fires of the crystal ray!  And there shall come upon mankind suddenly without warning a freezing of their actions and their consciousness as on the day that the Sun and the moon stood still and the stars were fixed in their courses.  So for a moment of eternity slipped into time and space there shall be a silence and all action shall be brought to a halt, and the angels of the Lord shall take note of the deeds of mankind and of the fallen ones….And the shutter of the all-seeing Eye will click and the soul will hear the click and they will know that the evidence has been taken for the execution of the judgment this day....

Be diligent, O my children--children of the One!  Work the works of righteousness, fulfill the Law of Life taught by the Christed ones and fear not. ...          
               I AM    Raphael     Defender of the Virgin Mother and of the Ma-ray within you      
I stand on the east side of the City Foursquare      -Vials of the Seven Last Plagues, chapter 9
-chart of the I AM Presence
-Divine Director by C. Sindelar

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