Saturday, October 21, 2017

Be not eager to engage in retributive acts

1-26-25       There are more than 430 operational reactors in 30 countries around the world.  Some 72 are under construction in 15 countries. 
Despite new reactors, nuclear power is on the decline. It is generating less than 11% of the world's electricity production, the lowest level since 1982, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA) in its latest report.  (Coal is still the fuel of choice.)  On the one hand, Germany plans to phase out nuclear power by 2022; on the other, China plans to treble nuclear power capacity by 2020.
"Nuclear power is at a paradoxical stage," says the IAEA.  "On the one hand, it appears to have entered an era of declining expectations.  Yet a wave of countries is poised to introduce nuclear power, and the long-term potential remains high."  Economic, technological, and political changes, as we have seen, can influence the spread of nuclear power.  India is not an exception.
I AM Alpha and Omega in the whitefire core of being
I AM Alpha and Omega in the whitefire core of being
I AM Alpha and Omega in the whitefire core of being

  This is the mantra that resolves the flow of energy--intense energy, fiery core energy even at the nucleus of the atom, even in the core of the nuclear power plant, even in the process of fission and fusion....And therefore once again we do call forth the sons and daughters of God to make a more than ordinary sacrifice to come forward, to be counted, to lead the people and to defend the precious sheep against these inroads of satannic insanity that will not cry halt to the dangers of nuclear energy and all other dangers imposed upon this generation--through chemistry, through pesticides, through incorrect uses of medicine, through all manner of substances which have been fed to the blessed women who are with child and whose children and children's children will yet suffer from the intrusion upon the body temples of those substances that are not in harmony with the light of Alpha and Omega....
  Thus this condition in Harrisburg (3 Mile Island power plant) is given as a warning, as a solemn warning unto the people of Earth in every nation:  Let not your greed for power or your desire to use such means of energy cause you to overlook the very fact that you do not now possess all of the necessary power to control these is therefore the vote of the Great White Brotherhood...this day that such nuclear power plants ought not to be installed and those that have been installed ought to be shut down.      
-Lord Himalaya:  4-1-1979 at Camelot, Los Angeles via Messenger E C Prophet
In addition to the arts of Cain and Tubal-cain the laggard scientists taught the less-experienced evolutions of this planet how to split the atom and harness nuclear power for peaceful as well as destructive purposes, how to create various forms of life in a test tube, and how to use ultrasonic waves, laser beams and astral rays as implements of healing and conquest.            
-Messengers M & E C Prophet:  Path of the Higher Self, 2003, p. 79
   Mankind have sought solutions to the problems of ecology, but they have not sought the Holy Spirit....They have taken the roundabout method.  They have dallied and complained that they could not remake their vehicles, when they have had on the drawing boards for years inventions that would eliminate the internal combustion engine entirely, eliminating the entire pollution of the air element and the poisoning of mankind.  Mankind kill one another when they could do better.  They have not tried hard enough, and so they must receive the judgments of the Almighty.
Do you think that the Holy Spirit will stand by and watch as the people in the cities are destroyed by the fumes of the automobiles, as little children must play in the streets and breathe the air, the poisons of the exhaust?  Do you think that heaven will forever wait?  I tell you nay!  It is time for mankind to rise up and to tear down the authority of those individuals who are at the head of such industries as the automobile industry, the oil industry, those who are money-mad for power and greed, who refuse to first consider the souls of mankind and the very life of their physical forms.  I tell you heaven will not wait any longer.  They shall have their reward.  And those who fail to challenge the oppressors by the power of the spoken Word will also have their reward.
I say, you are the authority for the plane of fire!  You are the authority for the plane of air!  You are the authority for the plane of water!  You, O mankind, are the authority for the plane of earth!  You and you and you!  And you must challenge, if by no other means than by application to the sacred fire, this encroachment upon the dominions of the earth and of the body of the Mother.  The time has come when the oppressors of mankind shall come face to face with their karma, and they shall give the accounting....
I say, if you would be servants of the Holy Spirit then arise and take dominion!  For the hour has come, I say, to make your determination before the Holy Spirit and to be counted among the angels, the Elohim, the archangels and the ascended masters who refuse to allow the economy to be tampered with.  The levels of mankind’s consciousness, their food and their clothing and their drink--all is polluted for a purpose; and mankind continue to imbibe this poisonous substance, making their temples unfit for the Holy Spirit. unfit as the dwelling place of the Most High God!    -Maha Chohan:  Easter Class 1973 at Los Angeles via Messenger E C Prophet
Currently just 813 soldiers make up the U.S. Army’s electronic warfare mission.  With the army force levels expected to plummet from 450,000 in 2017 to 420,000 over the coming years, the U.S. is unable to divert personnel into the critical area of electronic warfare.
Plus, as the U.S. military is facing funding cutbacks, Russia's lead in electronic warfare seems secure for the foreseeable future. “They have companies, they have battalions, they have brigades that are dedicated to the electronic warfare mission,” Col. Jeffrey Church, who is the U.S. Army’s chief of electronic warfare, told Foreign Policy.
Those units are deploying “with specific electronic warfare equipment, with specific electronic warfare chains of command,” he said.
The primary reason for the U.S. falling behind in electronic warfare capability is its focus on spying while neglecting its electronic attack forces.
5-5-17     According to the Russian data, the input made by the EW (electronic warfare) units in the missions such as de-organizing the enemy’s C4ISR (Command, Control, Communications, Computers,  Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance) and fire control systems may be higher than 70%.  Without the EW one cannot even think about effective protection of own forces and assets from the enemy PGMs and information-warfare.
It is also stressed that EW shall also reach out beyond the military sphere, also targeting the civil electromagnetic systems.  Moreover not only does the Russian doctrine assume that EW systems would be used to operationally support the specific type of combat activities (e.g. land operations), but also to carry out autonomous operations, targeted against C4ISR and fire control systems of the enemy.  The Russians are willing to introduce entirely new ways of using the EW assets, including accumulated conventional-electronic and electronic strikes, with the use of UAVs.
This is the reason why in Russia a range of new, multi-purpose systems is being intensely introduced into the Armed Forces’ inventory, designed to “attack the enemy in every area (in space, in the air, within land and sea theatres), and within the whole depth of his positions”, along with new EW systems that would remain capable of providing security for own forces in the peacetime and during the war.  These new systems, designed according to completely new principles and with the use of new technologies, along with the traditional systems, are to increase the efficiency of own forces even five-fold.,electronic-warfare-russian-response-to-the-natos-advantage-analysis
                     Judgment Call by Jesus Christ:
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM I invoke the Electronic Presence of Jesus Christ:
They shall not pass!  They shall not pass!  They shall not pass!
By the authority of the cosmic cross of whitefire it shall be
That all that is directed against the Christ within me, within the holy innocents, within every son and daughter of God--by the Nephilim gods, their genetic engineering, population control and contrived wars slaughtering the sons of God and children of the light on the battlefields of life--
Is now turned back by the authority of Alpha and Omega,
By the authority of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, by the authority of Saint Germain!
I AM THAT I AM within the center of this temple and I declare in the fullness of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood that those who then practice the black arts against the children of the light--namely the entire interplanetary conspiracy of the fallen angels and their mechanization man--
Are now bound by the hosts of the Lord, 
Do now receive the judgment of the Lord Christ within me, within Jesus and within every ascended master, 
Do now receive then the full return, multiplied by the energy of the Cosmic Christ, of their nefarious deeds which they have practiced since the very incarnation of the Word!

Lo I AM a son of God!  Lo I AM a flame of God!
Lo I stand upon the Rock of the living Word with Jesus, the living Son of God:
They shall not pass!  They shall not pass!  They shall not pass!
Elohim!  Elohim!  Elohim!
(by Sindelar, 1930s)

  Christ forewarns the wise of the factors of failure on the part of the people of Good that spell danger and imminent doom if we do not tangle with them now:  1) failure to control the reincarnated laggard Atlantean scientists, 2) failure to deal with the destroyers in the Earth in every class and rank whose earmark--like the mark of Cain--is always the denial of God-truth, 3) failure to confirm the Lord's judgment of the dead who clutter the Earth with their cults of Death, who serve the gods of sin, 4) failure to overcome personal and planetary fear by the perfect love of the Holy Ghost who has delivered into our hands the full power of the Word in the dynamic decree to the violet fire and the mandate to use it.   
-Messenger E C Prophet :  Lost Teachings on Finding God Within, 1993

 -Messenger E C Prophet

I AM content with Thy great plan
The wisdom-love I really am
O Secret Love-Star* amplify
The flame above me in God’s Eye
Let me perfection see and be
For only love can set me free

O Love, invoke the Word He spoke!
O now be free!  The path to see
Is one of living just to be
All love in action now!

Love-wisdom flame I AM!
Love-wisdom now command!
Love-wisdom does demand
The power to express
True beauty’s happiness—
My world enfold right now!

By Christ command! (3x)  
(alternately:)  By God’s own hand (3x);
By love’s great power, (3x) every hour, every hour, every hour

-K-17:  Pearls of Wisdom 8:30           *A deep mystery of Venus
Lo, I AM mine own God Presence/ Taken from the flame of truth

My vital energies of youth/ My infinite strength is holy proof 
That as Thou art I too shall be/ Removed from all impurity 
Until Thy very face I see.

I AM the pure in heart/ For the pure in heart shall see God/ And as I join hands

With seraphic bands/ I know that out from the world of illusions,
Confusion, commercializations,/ Unrealizations, intense prudery 
And retreating fear of the light/  I AM come! 

(by N. T. Miller)
                        -Serapis Bey: Dossier on the Ascension, #13

Carelessness in spiritual endeavor is a great fault leading men and women into byways of darkness.  He whose eye is upon the righteous and whose ear is open unto their cry is the best defense any man or woman can have.  Therefore let not your hearts be troubled, gentle ladies and men whose goals are spiritual--ye believe in God, believe also in me.     
Practice the action of harmlessness toward all parts of life.  Be not eager to engage in retributive acts; for all recompense that the Law may require of any man is delivered from the hand of God through the Karmic Board whose members seven in number are qualified by their own attainment of right vision and right action to share the judgment seat with the Christ Selves of all mankind.        -Maha Chohan:  Pearls of Wisdom 15:14
Proximity to any vibration causes the energy of unascended beings to unconsciously duplicate the vibration unless they have become absolute master of the energy in their own inner and physical vehicles.  Proximity to undesirable vibrations tends to lower the individual’s personal vibratory action and likewise proximity to constructive powerful vibrations tends to raise the individual’s personal vibratory action….The more the students avail themselves of the Presence and power of the various God-virtues (flames) and the momentums gathered at the various retreats (of the Brotherhood) while they are particularly active, the more real, practical and sustained will become the result of such practices.           
-Maha Chohan: March 1956 via Messenger Geraldine Innocente, in Law of Life and Teachings, 2, Luk Pub., Pueblo, CO, 1978, p. 242

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