Wednesday, October 11, 2017

America has become destroyed

        There are many things about your lives that we do not dictate, for this is your world and your day--we have had our own.  We rather insist that we shall stand sort of as godfathers in the wings of the stage while you act out the drama per se and perform those acts that are calculated to bring you your own deliverance, for this is your time upon the stage and you are the players on the boards.  Make a good job of it and do a good job for your own beloved ascended master Jesus, for your own Holy Family, for the family of nations.

For we love the world and we would gladly, many years ago, have formed the United States of Europe.  But of course that plan was aborted and was destroyed, and the French Revolution ensued, and conditions that came about were the destruction of some of you in this very room whose heads rolled from the guillotines of France.  I call this to your attention that you may understand that you have a little more than ordinary involvement in these matters, for many of you have been engaged in early episodes in American history.  

Some of you stood with George Washington at Valley Forge.  You were able to understand then from a firsthand standpoint just what it means to be without clothing and with naked feet walking across the cold and snows with the oppressing army everywhere at hand and all of the powers and might of merrie olde England arrayed against you.  Yet you survived all of that, and the nation survived it, and there was a birth of a nation and America came forth.  The plains and mountains were dotted with little communities and people have sprung up everywhere and the population is increasing.  And in the midst of all of this increase and drawing togetherness, America has become destroyed.  For contrary to what popular opinion may espouse or think of America there is not that great drawing together­ness that occurred in the early colonies, for they were then more aware of their universal need for interdependence than mankind are today….

And it (the peace that America deeply seeks) must come in the strength of Almighty God.  For upon that strength America was founded, and in that strength America can live, and without that strength America would fall.

I say then to you, will you with me keep the flame [audience rises] as we prepare this year to do more than we have ever done before?   For this is the grand adventure.  This is the architecture of Almighty God through the hand of Hierarchy.  This is the moment of stillness, the moment of truth when we frame the pageant of eternal youth for every man, woman and child, for our hopes for you are strong and they live all day long and they live forever.  They are eternal, they are permanent, they are security to everyone that will accept them.

For your attention, for your love, for your devotion and for your faith in my principles and my intents as well as faith in the principles, the unalterable love of Almighty God, I thank you.  For by this love and this faith and this security you will certainly make an impact upon this age.  We will see to it!  We will see to it!        -Saint Germain:  4-13-1968 at La Tourelle, Colorado Springs via Messenger Mark Prophet

-La Tourelle

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