Saturday, March 19, 2016

For if mankind be not whole then how can they be overcomers in this age?

Paul's experiences as a direct chela of the ascended master Jesus Christ show the ardor necessary to withstand the rigors of giving birth in the midst of Jewish law and Roman paganism to the 2000 year Piscean dispensation of Christ-I-AM-ity--and the challenge of every chela following in the apostle's fiery wake to deliver the Everlasting the media or any field where--unless defended--Truth is set aside by the lies and distortions of the serpent class.           -Messenger ECP:  Lords of the Seven Rays, I, 1986, pp. 188, 209
For if mankind be not whole then how can they be overcomers in this age?  How can they solve the larger problems on the world scene when their four lower bodies are so far from the center of reality?  We have seen then that Saint Germain and Morya, masters of the age, require the support of the healing masters and of cosmic beings from many sectors of cosmos....Life with all the fullness of God Himself comes to all each day in every breath, and the secrets of healing are themselves lodged within this divine pneuma.   -Hilarion, in ibid., p. 215
Nada's sponsorship of the brothers and sisters of the Order of Saint Francis and Saint Clare is uniquely toward self-mastery of the sacred fire on the path of the Divine Mother that their service might suffice unto the calling of "kings and priests unto God."     -Messenger ECP:  ibid., p. 233
Necessary--due to falsity--to be expurgated from ECP's chapter on Saint Germain's embodiments in the above volume:
"Furthermore, as was discovered [up to]...the Shakespeare Folios."  p. 266, ibid.
"Yet he could have been...That was his question."   "This despite his vision [up to]......emperor of the Sahara."
"He wrote in cipher [up to]......golden age of learning."  pp. 267-71, ibid.
A number of other ECP texts have this same cipher-issue misunderstanding that generated originally from Dr. Owen and Wells Gallup, whom the Messenger unfortunately followed without close cross-checking.     -R., Ashland, OR

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