Sunday, April 29, 2018

You can see how deadly are the fallen ones who oppose divine education.

    And I must say, beloved, that the hour has come in the name of Casimir Poseidon and the God and Goddess Meru that the torch of illumination passed to this Messenger in 1973, a torch of illumination for the education of the world’s children, for their illumination, for their preparation [for their sacred labor and the path of initiation that lies ahead] must be taken up by every Keeper of the Flame!   For the level of ignorance, of absence of true academics and true studying and learning in this nation, beloved, having reached an all-time high, must now retreat!…
  There must be a giving of the heart and there must be a shouldering of full responsibility of opening such schools that are geared to the needs and the goals not only of modern civilization but also of the spiritual path.  Thus may the souls of the youth not fall into depression and into every byway of temptation and be overcome by the false teachers, serpents and fallen ones who have surely positioned themselves or their tools in all of the schools and colleges and universities. For they are in the majority, though they are not universally in control….
  Realize that there are many ways to teach the Teachings without crossing the line of the separation of church and state….You can see how deadly are the fallen ones who oppose divine education….Therefore there is a way.  And if you will apply to me and Maitreya, to Jesus and Kuthumi, to the Holy Kumaras and to the Solar Logoi and Sponsors of Youth, and also to Mother Mary and Kuan Yin, to the Karmic Board and so forth you will find that we will enter in and show you that there are definite [and individual] approaches to the education of children….
  Thus, beloved, one must foresee the era coming when for want of self-knowledge these children will have to bow to those of foreign nations and foreign peoples who will come and sit in positions of power and control in the major industries of the nation and even in the houses of government…And as the God and Goddess Meru have said even to the Messengers:  do not come to our retreat, do not take your leave of this Earth if you have not fully implanted in the Earth the records of education that must be carried forward….Therefore it is absolutely imperative that big government not control education but that education and the schoolhouses of the nation be restored to the control of parents, teachers and members of the community where those schools are found. …
  You do not need so much equipment; you need heart!  And you need the communication of the heart….Beloved ones, there is arising in this nation a subculture of individuals who are dropouts in life, beginning with the dropouts in schools.  They are also dropouts in the job market.  But they are dropouts because they sense their own worthlessness [because no one has succeeded in giving them the sense of their inherent self-worth in God]….
  Poor education has also compromised the military [establishment and defense] strategy of the nation.  It has compromised those who govern and make laws who have not understood even the basic freedoms and consequences of the laws they write [that curtail those freedoms.  Some of them] have not known their history, [some of them] have not known the Constitution and [some of them] have not had the [most basic] understanding of legal concepts.
  [Poor education] has compromised industry; it has created waste.  It has created a materialism [that enslaves a people when it should liberate them] and a surfeiting of the markets with worthless goods that please the eye, which the poor and the uneducated therefore use their hard-earned money to buy in order to gain some sense of self-esteem, [some happiness] by owning these baubles and trinkets.  [Poor education] has compromised [the quality of] life in every area.   And I, Gautama, say to you that soon it will compromise this civilization entirely.
  In the name of Mighty Victory, in the name of all that the legions of the second ray have stood for, in the name of the buddhas and the bodhisattvas, I, Gautama, give the call to the octaves of light in this hour even as I give the call to your hearts.  And I call to many [servant sons and daughters of God ascended and unascended who abide in realms of glory] and I call to Almighty God on behalf of those many saints who do not have the necessity to reembody, and I say, if there is to be a world [that is free, that is at peace, whose people are enlightened] and [if there is to be] a golden age for Saint Germain, some who have graduated from Earth’s schoolrooms must return!…
  Beloved ones, it is a dreadful situation.  And it is a sign of the [karmic neglect of those who have occupied the] century and it is the [sign of the] takeover by the fallen ones [in every area of life] and of the darkening hours of planetary karma that more have not responded to the teachings of the ascended masters and the activities that have sponsored them in this age….
  And we are determined that the opportunity for life to fulfill its reason for being shall remain on planet Earth.  For if that opportunity for life to fulfill its reason for being is lost, beloved, then there shall be no further purpose to continue this lifewave or this evolution, for I can tell you already that a second dispensation such as that which was given long ago to Sanat Kumara is not in the offing for this planetary body.
  Therefore it is the seed of Sanat Kumara and others who must come forward from inner levels to accomplish this cause–the cause of Christ illumination and Buddhic initiation to an age and to ages to come.  There must be some who will take the torch, internalize it and then pass it!  If the youth be lost, I pray, tell me:  who shall pass the torch?  I have asked you the question, beloved:  who shall pass the torch?   [audience:  “I will!”]  By your affirmation I also affirm “I, Gautama Buddha, will.”

  Thus, my beloved, let us keep the vow, for only the true marriage of heaven and earth can bring about the needed results and the success in this field….May you find by the ingenuity of the Holy Spirit the way to inject in [the evolutions of this planet] by a spark divine [not only] that desire to better their lot [but also the means to accomplish it].  This is true education.  By the cross of the ruby ray I seal you unto the victory of your crown.      
                              -Gautama Buddha:  10-4-1989 at Royal Teton Ranch, Montana
-Amitabha Buddha, in Prayer and Meditation, 1978

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