Monday, April 23, 2018

Though you may know it or not, you have a specific need of my services

                               -swallows, upper Sacramento River area

     Though you may know it or not, you have a specific need of my services, and I offer them gladly…And I demand in the name of Serapis Bey, chohan (Tibetan:  "Lord") of the ray of purity, that you understand your divine and holy office as devotees of the Mother-flame, as devotees of the ascension flame to protect life in its fullest manifestation!… Let us call for the protection of the flame of hope and faith and charity and purity and ministration!  Let us call to all of the seven legions of angels of the mighty archangels to protect the people who can save this nation….
  Blessed hearts, the fallen ones through international bankers, economists and those who control the moneys of this government have already invested and placed the funds of lightbearers and the people of America in unwise situations such as in international loans through the international bank….
  The ultimate defeat of the Mother-flame if it occur as it has occurred in past ages is chaos and anarchy where a planetary body such as Mars is reduced to bands of individuals with  their private armies taking their stands here and there, claiming their territories and warring against one another.  This is a frightful situation, worse than the era of the feudal lords….
  Depravity is no longer an isolated condition, not since the breaking-through of the astral plane of the drug culture multiplied many times over by the rock beat.  I would remind you that for the protection of the very souls of the people there is needed in your home an instrument to play perpetually the music of Beethoven.  It is in the nine symphonies that you will find the power of the three-times-three to neutralize the rock beat that is continually playing on this planet…Even the nucleus of the cell, that has been sealed by a certain sealing of the flame there, is now penetrated by sound itself; and thus you see where you are, wherever you are upon earth even if you are not within ear of rock-beat sounds, most likely it is playing through your body through the very wave-currents of the earth….
  (Beethoven’s symphonies played) is like having a decree tape playing--it forms a matrix of light, a rhythm and sound that counteracts that which is discordant at the same levels of vibratory rate and frequency in the earth, for “the music” that travels is actually stealing that area assigned for holding harmony through sound by the Elohim of God….
    I am sending the ray of my heart to all who are a part of the legions of Archangel Michael and would be and would remain so!  I am sending forth a ray for the precipitation now of an armor around you that is a light silver in color but is not made of silver but a metallic light coalesced that is not in use on this planet.  It is as the color of white-gold and it is an action that I place upon you who have continued to give your calls daily to me year upon year and you who will begin to give those calls--forty calls to Archangel Michael daily at dawn or at the midnight hour when our legions go forth in the changing of the guard for the seizing of those forces of the night in the astral plane or for the seizing of those who would tear from the children of the light the energy of the dawn….
  By the sapphire stone of my heart I direct this mighty current of light to you, blessed hearts.  Will you not rededicate yourself to these calls, for by them all the seven archangels serve….
  Now you are dressed in the armor bright of my legions!  I seal you in it and it is a perfect armor.  Purity of heart will keep it perfect….Blessed hearts have faith in Almighty God within you that God in you is capable of defeating many situations and conditions even in planetary scope that you have considered hopeless--God forbid.  Blessed hearts, some look upon conditions thinking they are of such magnitude as to despair when if you would look in the same moment and make a call to me and Mighty Victory you would see the very crumbling of that nucleus!  Therefore let the vortices of evil now be struck by the swords of the legions of light!  Let them be pierced!  Let them be no more!  Let the spirals be arrested!  Let the spine be broken!  And let every chela of the will of God know the omnipotence of Almighty God within him through the science of the spoken Word to direct legions and legions and legions of light into the cause and core of these conditions!  Remember, blessed ones, our job is to fight in the battle of Armageddon, yours is to make the call.  All the angels serve by the authority of the sons of God….
  The momentum of decrees given whether you are fasting or not is a momentum of energy and light which not only gives us the authority but also of your energy-momentum and of that of your lifestream to challenge certain conditions.  And this is why we encourage the repetition of mantra and its acceleration.  
  The next form of release coming forth from you (God willing) is the mighty fiat of light whereby with a single call you say:  “Mighty I AM Presence, in Thy name I call to beloved Archangel Michael.  Bind the demons and discarnates of pornography--burn through, burn through, burn through and let judgment descend upon them!  And let their house of cards collapse in this hour!  I demand it in the name of my Mighty I AM Presence!  Amen.”  This is a fiat of the Word, beloved hearts, and it gains power by the Holy Spirit with you….Understand that with momentum you gain power.  Let it always be the power of the Holy Spirit, for this is the light which you seek.     
                            -Archangel Michael:  4-11-1982 at Camelot, Los Angeles; courtesy of Summit       Lighthouse and the great hosts of light; all hail.

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