Would it not be then of greater value and virtue if the resurgent power of regeneration were allowed to come forth through many hearts as a great cosmic flow? The forward movement of this flow is able to engender in men a spirit of willing acceptance of cosmic beauty which in turn brings about the flowering of hope in the youth--hope for a greater measure of inward satisfaction, hope for a greater measure of attainment with the realities of the universe. For the tides of reality continually pour through the cosmos whether man is aware of them or not….
Let men turn that idealism toward the light where divine ideas flow out from a central fountain of living flame. There let all kindle and rekindle the torches of being, and let the fires of their minds be saturated with new hope for a new age born of the Spirit. Life was never meant to be a cesspool of defeat but a pillar of victory whose crowning laurel speaks of a living abundance. Blooming within the soul that abundance extends itself out of the lonely room of self into the larger domain of the universe….
Saint Germain Pearls of Wisdom 13:8
We are convinced that one of the causes behind mankind’s present dilemma in world politics is the failure of God-oriented people, the people who want to have a beautiful world, to do their part in creating it….
The actions of many of the professors and presidents of the colleges, born out of fear and what my be called a “liberal” orientation toward Communistic principles, would indicate that they are afraid to speak out in defense of justice, order and the fulfillment of the American dream for peace and freedom….Those who have no avowed faith in God but choose to believe that the world is the creation of a chemical or electrical accident quite naturally would fall in love with a scientific proposition; these could accept a scientific reality. But neither Communism nor chaos are scientific, and not only are they unscientific they are all anti-scientific. The principles of Communism fail to take into account any cause-and-effect sequence outside of the material universe where the State is supreme. They do not allow for the development of the full potential of the Christ within the individual and his unlimited spiritual resources as a son of God. They ignore the inequalities produced by individual karma and they attempt to force economic equality in direct opposition to the laws of nature which declare: ‘Whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap.”…
The wheel of progress that moves toward greater freedom and peace and toward greater benefits for the world is geared to no automatic pilotage: it requires the guiding hands of those who will accept the challenges of the hour--notwithstanding the dangers inherent in this or any age--and who will seek to guide humanity in a way of justice and reality….
As harbingers of this continual swallowing up of the world’s landed areas and peoples by the forces of Communism and anarchy the dark plotters have operated in America in the subbasements of life, preparing their takeover of the nation not by destructive acts of war “unless necessary” according to their teachings but rather by invading the university and school systems of the country. There they have sought to destroy the faith and morality of the young students and to take over the institutions of religion…
By using those whom they already controlled and engaging others whom they could not control in a fraudulent battle for social equality they have effectively mobilized large segments of the American population. They have spread abroad the use of dangerous drugs, multiplied human vices by the corruption of the media, destroyed the sanctity of the home and family and the cultural fluency of beautiful music. They have created a climate of fear in the political world and manipulated the tax and financial structure of the nation so as to provide vehicles through which to cut off supply to the forces of freedom….A steady stream of poisonous energy is pouring forth from the presses of the world; distortions are numberless; commentators paid by the forces of revolution constantly broadcast messages of dissent and destruction to the subconscious as well as conscious minds of men…
America and the free world, awake before it is too late!…This is a year of vital destiny when patriots must rise as never before and recognize that the words of the great Master of old, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do” must be used in consideration of the innocent victims among the youth of the world….God gave man the gift of freedom within his heart….These lessons will show him clearly how he can find the power to overcome the dark and sordid side of human nature and become imbued with faith, wisdom, wit, joy and surety that will be his bond on the pathway to life everlasting.
For freedom and victory to all among humanity and for the ultimate emancipation of the world I remain,
Saint Germain Pearls of Wisdom 13:22 (by N. T. Miller)
During the first three golden ages before man’s departure from innocence the crystal cord (between man’s eternal and his transitory form) was nine feet in diameter and the threefold flame enveloped his form. Man’s source of energy was literally unlimited and his Christ consciousness was all-enfolding. After the Fall man’s opportunity to exercise his freewill was curtailed; by cosmic edict the threefold flame was reduced to one-sixteenth of an inch in height.
Imbalance—where giantism occurs in one aspect of the threefold flame causing it to be out of proportion to the others—prevents the achievement of the goal of individual Christ-mastery. As the flame of illumination expand from within your consciousness it gradually enfolds your being until God as holy wisdom is enthroned upon the altar of your heart. But with each increase of wisdom the power and love plumes must also rise by the fiat of your devotion, else the wisdom will not be retained….Recognize that balance is the golden key to Christhood you must understand that you cannot know for yourself or bring into manifestation that which you have not first realized within the threefold flame as the result of your outer and inner experience in God.
-Messengers M and E Prophet: Science of the Spoken Word, S. U. Press, 1983, ch. 18
decree 10.03 of Summit Lighthouse, from Morya:
I AM God's will manifest everywhere
I AM God's will perfect beyond compare
I AM God's will so beautiful and fair
I AM God' willing bounty everywhere
Come, come, come, O blue-flame will so true
Make and keep me ever radiant like you
Blue flame will of living truth
Good will flame of eternal youth
Manifest, manifest, manifest in me now!
I AM God's will now taking full command
I AM God's will making all to understand
I AM God's will whose power is supreme
I AM God's will fulfilling heaven's dream
I AM God's will protecting, blessing here
I AM God's will now casting out all fear
I AM God's will in action here well done
I AM God's will with victory for each one
I AM blue-lightning flashing freedom's love
I AM bleu-lightning power from above
I AM blue-lightning setting all men free
I AM blue-flame power flowing good through me
In Jesus' name, amen.
In all his noble efforts to precipitate substance alchemically man will find no higher alchemical key than the purity of divine love flowing forth from his consciousness as God’s thoughts and feelings--winged messengers of light delivering blessings, attracting more of their kind and returning to the alchemist the blessings of abundant life. The love of God made manifest in the threefold flame scintillates with immortal brilliance.
-Saint Germain on Alchemy, S.U. Press, 1985, book 3, chapter 3
Be content to know that God is there and that there is within you a point of contact with the divine, a spark of fire from the Creator’s own heart which is called the threefold flame of life. There it burns as the triune essence of love, wisdom and power….Draw from God the power of Love and amplify it within your heart. Then send it out into the world at large as the bulwark of that which shall overcome the darkness of the planet, saying:
I AM the light of the heart
Shining in the darkness of being
And changing all into
The golden treasury of the mind of Christ
I AM projecting my love
Out into the world to erase all errors
And to break down all barriers
I AM the power of infinite love
Amplifying itself until it is
Victorious world without end!
(Roger Bacon by Gordon Ross, 1941)
-Saint Germain: Saint Germain on Alchemy, S. U. Press, 1985, end of book 3
swallowsdam at Lake Siskiyou
cormorant on pylon by dam
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