Monday, April 2, 2018

Men should learn to stand within the citadel of being

        rocks in shallow water

     Contrary to the opinions of some, the early disciples and apostles often squabbled as do disciples of Christ today.  It was no easy task to show them the error of their ways and to place in perspective the little concerns that they so frequently voiced, which were not nearly as important as the state of the altar of being, the chalice of the heart and mankind’s attunement with the purposes of God.
  Men have often strained at a gnat and swallowed a camel; and how they still need with all their getting, even of things spiritual, to get understanding and compassion.  It is not enough for men to be bold in their search for truth; for all require that bountiful humility which, like a great magnet of cosmic love, draws the love of God through the whole net and fiber of creation, infusing it with the glow of cosmic intent and true spiritual compassion….
  That the perfect balance of the Holy Trinity may permeate the consciousness of the true followers of God is our prayer.  For truly the will of God that is above ought to be done below.  But as long as men allow themselves to be hung on the various pegs of their human concepts–or even those of their divine concepts as they understand them–when those concepts are not rightly divided by the Spirit so long will they remain in separate camps.  In reality there is one cosmic purpose; and that purpose, which is the ultimate merging of the flames of God and man, will one day reveal itself to all by the light of the one Spirit....
  Wrong action is a barrier to mankind’s manifestation of that perfect love which casts out all fear.  Be aware then of the hopes that blaze throughout the pores of space awaiting an opening into the doorway of the heart of each man that he may truly honor the Father’s Laws according to his highest understanding.  God often winks at man’s ignorance, and the masterful ones who walk as servant-sons in the footsteps of the great heartbeat of Life will never add to the weight of the world’s condemnation but will serve instead to lift mankind out of darkness into light.     
             -Archeia Mary:   Pearls of Wisdom 15:29-30      (by Ruth Hawkins)
  There are many frustrations that come, there are many feelings and many attacks that come to humankind to cause them to part company with the light temporarily, to obscure it, to make them feel belittled.  But I say to all of you of the light, beloved ones:  understand clearly that God has called you, and if He has called you He has also called them; and if He has called them He has also called the whole world.  Yet they have not heeded.  One by one they come through the door; one by one they are established in the forcefield of the reality of themselves.
  And we wait patiently through the centuries, we have waited for many centuries.  We have waited for them to awaken, we have waited for the quickening moment to come.  Yet when it has they have brushed it aside but lightly.  They are willing to go so near and yet not completely near; they are willing to be partially awakened yet not completely awakened; they are ready to have their eyes opened but not completely opened.
  And therefore we urge upon all a sense of the surrender unto God’s will that the masters have again and again epitomized to you as the fruit of their own lives.       
(by Auriel Bessemer)
     -John the Beloved: 10-4-1970 at Colorado Springs via Messenger M or E Prophet
  This desire of the Creator to amplify the qualities of perfection is closely related to the desire nature of man which is expressed through his emotional or feeling world.  Therefore when you permit your feelings to be ruffled the surge of emotional energy which passes through your feeling world has a detrimental effect upon the harmony of self and is counter to the love, the peace, the wisdom, and the joy of the Holy Spirit….
  Men should learn to stand within the citadel of being, insulated by the currents of the Holy Ghost but capable of reaching out in mercy’s name with the response that is dictated by their own inner God nature.  They should lovingly place themselves upon the ladder of availability, going up or down so that their awareness can coincide momentarily with the ups and downs of others as the elevatorlike consciousness of humanity rises and falls….Don’t you understand, beloved ones, that the harmony of the whole is of far greater importance than the temporary satisfaction of a part, even allowing that the part might be momentarily correct in its application of a tenet of the Law? ...
 Can you not see then that due to the presence of imperfection in the appearance world the letter of the Law is far more subject to human manipulation than the Spirit thereof which remains inviolate in the world of perfection? Yet it is to the letter of the Law that so many adhere rather than to the Spirit—but God in all of His power and wisdom still looks at the motivation of the heart….

  Stay with the dream of God then and shut out the clamoring wakefulness of the outer mind, whether in self or others, never losing touch with the components of reality in all parts of life, and you will succeed beyond your farthest dreams        
       -Archeia Mary:    Pearls of Wisdom 15:31-2  (Madonna of the Chair by Raphael)

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