Monday, April 23, 2018

therefore have reverence toward those who have gone beyond

in northern California

       Yes, beloved, I have sent forth the ray with my sword of blue flame for the protection of the divine plan in this activity.  And you are that divine plan, for the divine plan is fulfilled through your causal body of light….
  There is no commodity such as pure power, beloved!  Power that is true, that is of God is always qualified by the will of God, by the mind of God, by the love of God and by the Law of the Divine Mother as above so below.  Therefore let your own dharmakaya descend upon your form and soul and heart!  And when I say “let,” beloved, I say pick up your shovels and shovel away the debris that block that manifestation [upon you] that you ee now upon your Messenger!  That dharmakaya of the I AM THAT I AM cannot fully integrate with the person here below until [that person] accomplish certain [requirements of the great Law]….Yes, beloved you my look for the star of your Presence and you may know that that star does draw nigh to you and that your goal of union with God must not be postponed unto the day of your ascension!
  Did not Elijah walk in the fullness of the I AM THAT I AM and did not the great one of old, Elisha?  And did not they who came from the Far East?  Indeed they did.  They were the true mighty one of old and unto them the Nephilim could not hold a candle….
  We desire you to experience that wonder of God in us and the wonder of the archangelic hosts of light and all of their legions.  We desire you to know that the same God that we are and have become i in you!  And therefore have reverence toward those who have gone beyond you who are that I AM in manifestation that you might also have that reverence toward the flame in your heart, as tiny or a great as it may be, reverence in the sense that the holies of the LORD your God is increasing daily.  If you have that sense of the holiness of your soul and spirit and mind and heart and temple, let holiness exude from you, beloved!  Let it come forth from the pores of your skin, from your eyes and heart and chakras!  I charge you with the holiness flame of God to walk the earth from this day forward as a separate people who have that distinct vibration, who say in their heart I AM holy for the LORD my God is holy!…
  Do not be tempted to step down the Teachings to an intellectual or an academic or an emotional format but have the holies in your aura whereby you sweep up by that aura the in your audience, those who come to hear the Word, and they are in the rapture of the holies of God and therefore know the communication because it is transmitted [to them[ through the Messenger through you by the Holy Spirit.  And only the Word that is transferred by the Holy Spirit will work change in another!  Know that, beloved.  Seek the quickening and know that the archangels are empowered to transfer to you a mighty light.  
  And yet that [presence of the] Holy Spirit must be a point of enlightenment whom you obey.  Therefore listen, listen to the still small voice within.  Abide the prompting of your soul and your heart.  Hearken unto your God and create the spaces of thinking, meditating, visualizing or simply stilling the mind, stilling the outer things upon things that come upon you until you hear your God speaking to you of your mission, of your love that is God’s and of those things to which you must pay attention in order to have your victory on the morrow and on the net day and on the next….And take command, I say!  Take command in the name of the seven archangels of your life and your will and your love and the application of knowledge and wisdom [given] unto you!…
  Yes, beloved, never rest upon your oars and remain satisfied!  If you will obey my command to you this day and that of the other six who stand with me in agreement you shall build another 33-year spiral and see how this Lighthouse shall cover the earth with the light of love and draw all men and women and children to their Mighty I AM Presence and to the mighty lineage of Sanat Kumara, Gautama Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Jesus Christ and Padma Sambhava.  Thus, beloved, be humbled before your God and be emboldened before the world!  Know the difference and recognize that there is a penance to be paid by every one of you for the misuse of the sacred fire under the hierarchy of Capricorn--that is, the misuse of power….
  We guarantee that we place our Electronic Presence [over you] whenever our song is sung and that we give protection to those who come in to hear the Word.  And we protect them in answer to your calls from those who would tear them from the breast of the Divine Mother even before they can drink Her milk and be weaned to be strengthened on their own….I shall increase it (protection) and I shall continue to be the absolute God-protection of you and this Messenger and the entire family of lightbearers who make up the pillar of fire in the earth that is the Summit Lighthouse.      
                          -Archangel Michael:  8-11-1991 at Royal Teton Ranch, Montana
by Joanne Dose
      Many of those who espouse the way of Saint Germain allow themselves to become entangled in a web of fanaticism engendered by human hatred.  And therefore they are entirely entangled in bouts of argumentation and competition with the seed of the wicked, and they retain rather than transmute their irritation and their resentment of the fallen ones.  Therefore our ability to use them as instruments is reduced greatly.   And sometimes we can scarcely find a clear stream of faith in these individuals, so embittered are they by a lifetime of very sad experiences with the left wing and with the betrayal of those who have served as members of the government….
  The good can be spared, the light can prevail.  Our legions are prepared to retain that which ought to be retained and to cast down that which simply cannot stand--not only is it built on sand it is built on the wickedness of the seed of the wicked, their pride and their intent to deceive.  Some things are black to the core, and other things can be retained, transmuted and used for the good of the light.  Let all be wise, let all be keen observers of that which is reported of world and national events and local events….Probe, ask what is behind it….Demand the exposure of the purposes and activities of leaders     
                               -Archangel Michael:  4-11-1982 at Camelot, Los Angeles
     Yes, beloved, bind Evil and evil ramifications portrayed and blown up in the media and on the sound waves, and the people--at least a greater majority of the people--shall turn and serve their God!
  Sweet ones of my heart, as I commune with you in great tenderness so I feel the love that is a part of you, that is the real you that is of God.  sometimes this love has been bruised, sometimes even broken….Beloved ones, I AM the heart of all the buddhas; take refuge in my heart….My heart is the open door of bliss…..Give the simple mantra aum mani padme hum.  This wondrous mantra also known of Kwan Yin celebrates your soul, your spirit, your atman as the jewel in the heart of the lotus, the chakra of the heart…..
  Know this, o beloved ones:  there comes a day--and it is an exact moment and it is calculated--when God and angels and ascended mater have pursued the soul for the last time; now the soul must turn around and must chase after the great ones who are dissolving into higher octave.  And in order to be with them the soul must put on filigree veil upon veil upon veil to mount the higher octaves.  And if she is not able, for she has not taken and applied the Teaching, then the gates close, the vision is gone, the higher octaves are sealed and she wanders the earth again only God knows how many lifetimes.  Yes, beloved, it is my key announcement to you today.  I want you to live every day of the rest of your life with the conviction that you have but one life.  Of this life you are certain for you are here and now in physical embodiment; you cannot be certain of any other.    
                            -Gautama Buddha:  7-4-1992 at Royal Teton Ranch, Montana
-Amitabha Buddha, as in Prayer and Meditation, 1978
    Loving and worshiping in the bonds of peace you shall increase your skill and care without tension.  You build then not for name and fame but to externalize God.  I am certain that none of you will take from the foregoing an excuse for callous indifference, withholding your praise of others.  Praise amplifies and expands.  Thus while seeking no praise for yourself continue to give it to others whenever and wherever it is deserved.      
                                                   -Jesus Christ: Pearls of Wisdom 3:46
    The adoration which opens the portals of the seven petaled chakras is from the heart of the soul who waits upon her beloved.  At the midnight watch she watches for the coming of the Bridegroom, and in predawn hours of prayer she attends his rising within her soul.  Blessed ones, the path of devotion known in the East as bhakti yoga is the path of the saints serving on the sixth ray at the north gate.  The mystical union of the soul with God through the sacred heart of Jesus’ devotion to the Father is the revelation of the Mother’s mantra, “Drink Me while I AM drinking thee.”  This path is the only path that brings the ebb and flow of the tide of the chakras to the fullest consummation of love.  The chakras are wheels of the Law that spin as crystalline discs of sacred fire and suns breathing in and breathing out the sweet distillations of the light of the Son of God within you.  They are crystal cups for the drinking in of the nectar of the threefold flame and for the sharing of that nectar as you give to all life the same sweet nectar that Life has given you.  Such are the functions that God has sealed within the seven temples of man. …
  Another measure used by the adepts who must manifest their presence midst the throngs of large cities of the world in order to hold the balance of light is the spiritual/mental drawing of the ring-pass-not around one’s forcefield.  Just think of a child on a playground drawing a chalk circle around himself and then standing in the center.  Then mentally draw your circle of white light nine feet in diameter as the pattern and reinforcement of your tube of light which itself is always visualized as nine feet in diameter.  The ring-pass-not is also called the circle of identity.  Actually it is the sealing of the soul’s integrity, its integral relationship with the beloved I AM Presence.  This inner circle is one’s own holy of holies, if you will, one’s auric forcefield and the guaranteed time and space of one’s experimental mission to Earth.  It is the place prepared and energyfield for one’s experiments in scientific application of the law of energy (as love) and freewill (as love) conducted in the laboratory of selfhood.  It is this unit of God’s Selfhood called individuality which the wicked would erode and thereby distort or destroy the options of freewill.  

(by Ruth Hawkins, ~1985)
                       -Sanat Kumara:  -Pearls of Wisdom 3:46
                     -Lake Siskiyou near Mt. Shasta

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