The dark night of the Spirit in the earth takes place during the weeks preceding and following winter solstice....(with) the coming to the fore of old momentums like "Old Nick"--that is another name for the dweller on the threshold*. These must be slain once again, with the sounding of the final death knell upon that carnal mind, by your own enlightened spirits which take the sword of Maitreya and stand guard in the Church Universal and Triumphant and in the heart of the mystical body. The gains of the year must be kept by the faithful. -Kuthumi: 11-18-1984 at Camelot, Los Angeles
*At the eye of this vortex of untransmuted energy (of the subconscious/unconscious) is the consciousness of the anti-Self personified in the dweller on the threshold.

For the incoming ABC boss, the first priority is to keep up the pretense that the public broadcaster is “independent”.
Independent of what, you may ask? It’s independent of public accountability. We can’t vote for programs or presenters; we can’t choose not to pay for it. We can’t choose to sell it, or even to send our tax funds to a different broadcaster.
The organization that depends on big-government for funds wants you to believe it’s independent of big-gov.
You must be tutored, for the lie is big....Therefore I AM El Morya. I appeal to this nation not so contaminated by the decadence of Western civilization as is even America. Blessed hearts, you have an air that is yet free and you are free to breathe it....May your star shine over Canada -Morya: 4-15-1988 at Toronto via Messenger ECP
There is no beautifier of complexion or form or behavior like the wish to scatter joy and not pain around us. -Emerson
Take heed that no man, being 'scaped from bonds,
Vexeth bound souls with boasts of liberty;
Free are ye rather that your freedom spread
By patient winning and sweet wisdom's skill -Gautama Buddha, in Sir E. Arnold's The Light of Asia, Theosophical Pub., Wheaton, 1969, book 7
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