Monday, December 7, 2015

Can they fight the monolith of power that is emerging in this nation—heartless—to crush the individual?

Do each of you not stand by the grace and love of your own master God Presence? Well, beloved ones, will you understand, then, that the grace of God is the power that is catalytic, that will produce the miracle of the vibrant spark of divine will—functional in all and establishing in all the kingdom of God as a tiny mustard seed that shall grow and flourish until even the birds of the air shall come and nest in the branches thereof? 
For locked in the concept of universal expansion is the divine life, the abundant Life:  "I AM come that ye might have Life and that more abundantly!"  How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of them who preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things to all people. 
I am Maitreya, initiator to the veiled soul within each one of you.  For the soul, as the clouds of the sky cover the sun, does from time to time prove itself to play hide-and-seek with men.  Bear in mind, beloved ones--and I speak the words of wisdom’s counsel--that many of you have gone out and linked yourselves throughout the ages with your own will, a will that has proved sovereign in your lives that has directed you from time to time to walk even in the way of whimsy and has denied you the power and beauty, the glory and joy of the kingdom. 
The time of summoning is ever at hand through the process of initiation, for by the fires of initiation is the soul of man kindled and all ablaze with hope and glory....
I am Maitreya, yet I offer you the mantle of my love this night.  Will you wear my cloak? Will you wear the mantle of light which I now allow to slip from my shoulders unto yours (if you will accept it) and become one of us?--one who is now embodied upon the planet encased in a mold of flesh and yet filled with the abundance of the Spirit’s power and victory to serve God as one who is endowed of old with the power to smite the waters and they shall open.  And what are the "waters" but the power of human emotion and human thoughts?       -Maitreya:  6-30-1972 at Colorado Springs via Messenger Mark Prophet
And the more money they print the more money there’s around and the less your dollar is worth.  And therefore a bite of your dollar is going to support these big bankers, supported by a federal bureaucracy that you did not vote for, a machine and a decision that is not your own and that ought to be controlled by Congress.  Our representative form of democracy is slipping through our fingers through these monopolies, through these bureaucracies and through this power elite who think they know how to run our lives, our pocketbooks, our jobs, our industry, our country our families and our children!…It is subtle, it is creeping and it happens to little people everywhere, every day….Can they fight the monolith of power that is emerging in this nation—heartless—to crush the individual?        
-Messenger E C Prophet:  July 1984 at RTR, Montana

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