Saturday, December 12, 2015

You must understand that you are a part of the pillars of eternity

For I must rebuke the wayward self that has gotten itself so far out of the way of the sapphire star.  And I must rebuke the self that still persists in the selfish pursuits after having seen and heard and listened to the light of the Word descending.  Thus I caution you to reckon with the equation.  How easily the light is lost....
We speak then of the treachery of the ways of the world and the subtlety of the loss of light and of the many who have come through these halls and gone forth almost drunken with the new wine of the Spirit and therefore no on guard....
What will happen to a planetary home where this (infamy) runs rampant and there is no stopping to the development of nuclear weapons that hang from satellites threatening every man, woman and child?...You must understand that you are a part of the pillars of eternity....Understand that there are those who force the chakras, force the light, extract all that they can from the bodies of the light bearers.  These are the black magicians who come as the rock stars; these are the black magicians who come purveying their chemicals for the destruction of the body through all manner of drugs and dope....
If you are to be sensitive, if you are to make the perpetual call (for light), if you are to spare the Messenger and her four lower bodies in being on the altar, if you are to be with the solar ring, then beloved hearts, you will begin to become more and more sensitive, more and more aware of the need for perpetual prayer and meditation.      -Jesus Christ and Magda:  12-7-1984 at Summit University, Camelot, Los Angeles
from Prayer and Meditation, 1978

Can you not see in the history of the Earth or the development of technology or the proliferation of nuclear weapons by irresponsible nations what may lie ahead as a sudden act, instigated by fallen ones who have found no other means to stop the golden age now dawning through the Teachings of the Great White Brotherhood?...All victories have been won by timing; all battles have been lost by the absence of the sense of timing....
A Guru is very close to his chelas always in the time of the threatening woes....But first secure the base....Thus the flame must be tended....
A man's entire life revolves around his preoccupation with his fears and securing himself against those fears....Fearlessness flame is the key to the slaying of all other beasts on the lines of the (cosmic) clock.     -El Morya:  6-23-1985 at RTR, Montana


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