In the trades, in the arts, in merchandising and manufacturing the profit motive has replaced the love of excellence and even service for the love of humanity....and recognize that the perversion of striving is strife--internal strife, strife with the other and the strife among nations. -Archangel Chamuel and Charity: 12-31-1980 at Camelot, Los Angeles
the real cure for inflation which is the sacrifice of immediate gain, inordinate profits and even the life of leisure for the longterm gain of prosperity and the sound management of the nation's government and business based upon the realities of the money supply and the resources at hand. -Saint Germain: Pearls of Wisdom 23:7
Blessed ones, when commerce becomes a cutthroat competition, when some amass inordinate wealth at the expense of others and at the disruption of the flow of the abundant life--here, here is the hatred of the seed of God and of the Mother! Here is the envy, here is the perversion of the love fire. -Elohim Heros and Amora: 1-1-1982 at Camelot, Los Angeles
460. Not cringing, not irritation, not profit will be the gates to Hierarchy. -Morya: Hierarchy 1931
168. The expulsion of the merchants from the Temple is a symbolic warning, and the Temple should also be understood as the human spirit from which mercenary thought must be ejected. -Morya: Supermundane 1, 1938
281. We call it (the joy of living) the joy of Be-ness, for it does not depend on personal circumstances, success or profit. -Morya: Supermundane 2, 1938
-dove egg and baby dove http://www.rootsinreality.com/2012/08/30/a-week-in-the-life-of-our-mourning-doves/
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