The American way of life is brought to a spiritualization through the mastery of the flame of the Mother in matter. It becomes practical as the right form of education at all levels of learning, clearing the brain and the consciousness to be a focal point for the mind of God. -Messenger E C Prophet: Inner Perspectives, chapters 50, 26 -(below) Mark & Elizabeth Prophet in 1961 getting married

The United Nations has become an excuse for effective community action, no longer the voice of the people if it ever was! And I say it was not!...Whether the bankers, whether certain scientists, whether certain representatives and committees--individuals who come forward supposedly representing the people seem to always wind up under the control of the fallen ones....
Whether through genetic engineering, whether through manipulation, through psychotronics, whether through the drug culture, whether through all forms of misuse of the sacred fire--the onslaught is upon the mind of the people of the world....
By right reason, motive and cause, through right channels all justice may be brought about. On the other hand when there is such a rash of murder, assassinations and astral hordes seeking to break through into this octave you realize that no amount of organizing or demonstrating or proof can change the situation until the essential ingredient of the science of the spoken Word is adhered to with diligence in all scientific application by the Keepers of the Flame....
Blessed hearts, there are many serpents in America in the pro-abortion movement....You cannot even imagine how the people respect the fallen ones because of their proud tongues, because of their officiousness, because of their seeming erudition!...Entire tribes of people of God have gone down the path of self-destruction through the following of one of these fallen ones....
O children of the Sun, awake! For your lifetime is sufficient opportunity to tackle these problems! It may not have been so in the past but it is true in this hour. Why? I will tell you why. Because it is by the presence of the Great White Brotherhood, the ascended masters and the Elohim standing with you and behind you, bearing the cross with you and infusing you with the light and the presence of our momentum and our authority. It is for this reason that you can conquer....
Believe them not when they bargain for your souls and say: Deliver the weapons; put away your weapons. Pursue a path of peace and we will do the same. (I.e., Brezhnev's indirect offer to Helmut Schmidt in Der Spiegel, promising not to use nuclear weapons against a nation that did not have them --or share them with America.) -Elohim Apollo and Lumina: 1-1-1982 at Camelot, Los Angeles
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