The less karma you have the greater [your] opportunity day by day. I therefore commend all who understand that the only true attainment takes place when the fire of the heart must intensify to accomplish a goal of service, when one must pull down the resources of one's causal body for one knows that one's [lower] self no longer has the capacity for the challenge.
Blessed hearts, the mediocrity of world socialism is the bane of the Guru-chela relationship, for it allows for stagnation, non-effort. -Saint Germain: 4-16-1988 at Toronto via Messenger ECP
If you are to be a part of the next world--the world of which you have always been a part--then rise, beloved, in vibration, in nonattachment, in acceleration and know that the doors of the temple of the Divine Mother are also open to you. You who weary of karmic toil, know that the service of the light transmutes a karmic toil, and the return to Maitreya's Mystery School is indeed possible. The call of the hour then is to build and build again, to enter the path that is a spiral, to trace your tracings in the sands of life and to transmute measure for measure, line by line....Aye, and that Middle Way is not the way of mediocrity, not the way of the lesser self....
Know then beloved, as the sentinels keep the way of the steps you may move upward--steady gait, steady eye, serene, beholding new vistas as you leave behind the valleys of indecision for that one great decision of life: union. O the union that is sought! Why, the Divine Mother rising in the temple does become thyself and She does rise and leap to meet Her Lord, the infinite fire.
-Archeia Mary: 4-17-1988 at Toronto via Messenger E C Prophet

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