Don't take a wooden sword into battle;
go find one of steel, then march forward with joyThe saint's protection is truth's sword:
your time with him is worth as much as the cup of life itself
All the wise have said the same:
the one who knows God is God's mercy to His creatures -Rumi: Mathnawi 1, 714-17,
trans. K. & C. Heminski, in Rumi Collection, 1998

It becomes difficult then to extend the wings of the Spirit to these young souls, for the human intellect inciting their rebellious egos has convinced them that freeform and the absence of all restrictions is the means through which they will achieve self-realization....if His precepts had been heeded in any age by any society the thorns of that age would have been blunted and broken; the fragrances of the Rose would have surrounded the age: the highest learning, culture and beauty would have manifested....The golden door would have ope'd wide and the heart of purpose would have been perceived behind it all. -Saint Germain: Pearl 13:16
The real problem lies in the fact that in his initial approach to Deity man is inept. He attempts to fondle the realities of God but finds himself lost instead in the labyrinth of old thought patterns as he struggles through the darkness within himself toward the light. Reality will seem evasive to many until they find it; patience is needed at all levels
-Maha Chohan: Pearls of Wisdom 13:33
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