158. There exist no half-measures; there is either striving or the paralyzing cold of death. Moreover striving is replete with the joy of cosmic realization, whereas the stiffening of death is filled with terror. -Morya: Agni Yoga 1929
191. Lack of courageous steadfastness excludes control. Falsehood and hypocrisy will not admit cooperation. Fear will becloud any prognosis. There remains to set the longest tables and to repeat in chorus half-understood words. -M: Community 1926
The Brotherhood does not welcome the destruction of individuality and the harmony of the soul with his God Presence yet this is exactly what is accomplished as region is divided against region, brother against brother, and as the people’s energies are consumed in sustaining momentums of mass hatred rather than in seeking their attainment with the Christ. -Alexander Gaylord: Pearls of Wisdom 13:26
191. Lack of courageous steadfastness excludes control. Falsehood and hypocrisy will not admit cooperation. Fear will becloud any prognosis. There remains to set the longest tables and to repeat in chorus half-understood words. -M: Community 1926
The Brotherhood does not welcome the destruction of individuality and the harmony of the soul with his God Presence yet this is exactly what is accomplished as region is divided against region, brother against brother, and as the people’s energies are consumed in sustaining momentums of mass hatred rather than in seeking their attainment with the Christ. -Alexander Gaylord: Pearls of Wisdom 13:26
Each bend of the road reveals new and valiant needs. The hunger of the world mounts, engulfing the hills. The struggle of the world is a belt of gravity; the chaos of the world is a dragon to be conquered by order; while the perfectionment of God is the crown of illumination that in crowning purpose flows forth as a mantle of achievement. -Morya: Pearl 13:39
Overcrowded spent-fuel pools at US nuclear power plants pose an 'unacceptable threat to the public,' says risk assessor. Much of the leaked radiation from Japan's stricken Fukushima Daiichi came from spent-fuel pools http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/2011/0525/Report-Unacceptable-threat-from-spent-fuel-pools-at-US-nuclear-power-plants
fuel pools in the United States store an average of ten times more radioactive fuel than stored at Fukushima, have virtually no safety features, and are vulnerable to accidents and terrorist attacks.
If the water drains out for any reason, it will cause a fire in the fuel rods, as the zirconium metal jacket on the outside of the fuel rods could very well catch fire within hours or days after being exposed to air. Seethis, this, this and this. (Even a large solar flare could knock out the water-circulation systems for the pools.)...
There are other strains being placed on crowded spent fuel pools. Systems required to keep pools cool and clean are being overtaxed, as reactor operators generate hotter, more radioactive, and more reactive spent rods. Reactor operators have increased the level of uranium-235, a key fissionable material in nuclear fuel to allow for longer operating periods. This, in turn, can cause the cladding, the protective envelope around a spent fuel rod, to thin and become brittle. It also builds higher pressure from hydrogen and other radioactive gases within the cladding, all of which adds to the risk of failure. The cladding is less than one millimeter thick (thinner than a credit card) and is one of the most important barriers preventing the escape of radioactive materials. http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2012/04/nuclear-plant-35-miles-from-major-american-city-with-high-earthquake-risk-has-more-radioactive-cesium-than-released-by-fukushima-chernobyl-and-all-nuclear-bomb-tests-combined.html.................................................................................................
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