Sunday, December 6, 2015

Human beings are trained to react like Pavlov's dog to programmed stimuli.

For we know that the Christ mind is calm yet capable of focusing the fiery energies of the Creator to overthrow evil both in the self and in society.  But let us make clear that this is a fire whose burning is controlled by the mind.  It can be slow or fast, it cannel like a young deer and take its freedom, its dominion, its God-control or it can stand in mid-air like hieroglyphs of living flame and say to all that would hinder the alchemical manifestation:  pass no further!       -Saint Germain:  Pearls of Wisdom 13:14
The fire of our mind and spirit can be absorbed through a simple reading and application of the consciousness, of the heart.  We know that man can inductively enter into a higher state.  The sincere reading and rereading of our words until they become a very part of the consciousness of the discipline-aspirant can and does create in him a key by which his own alchemical expertise is developed.         -Saint Germain:  Pearls of Wisdom 13:17
Hierarchy enables God to subdivide Himself many time in His service to life and to involve various segments of humanity, either ascended or unscented, in the projects and plans He holds for their own enlightenment....And when love, mercy, goodness and truth are cherished these fruits bear witness to the active principle of the Holy Spirit in every religion and in every life which should become a religion.       -Jesus Christ:  Pearls of Wisdom 13:20
What a pity it is that the spoilers are so widely disseminated and that the carriers of the seeds of God sometimes appear as a ragged handful of tired old men.  I will take even one of them in preference to thousands of self-centered sowers of darkness whose every thought is for their own gain....Let all the devotees understand that the nectar of God is in the hive.       -El Morya:  Pearl 13:31
Knowing that truth and life are more important than the temporal satisfactions which must one day be surrendered, knowing that the divine birthright far exceeds man's earthly expectations, the advocates of the Holy Spirit bear the hope that individuals in this day and age will understand that surrender to God is only surrender to the goodness of life itself.  This goodness is already inherent in life and awaiting the welcome of the individual monad who possesses the key of freewill.  When your blessed freewills are tethered to His will there is far less of the sense of struggle about life.  One's future is no longer subject to the whim of personal desire but rests firmly in the God-desire to develop the patterns of the life plan to the fullest extent of which the individual monad is capable.       -Maha Chohan:  Pearl 11:33
Life is very dear to us and so we look to reserve the many facets of its expression.  But we find that time as man judges it is meaningless as the preserver of life unless it be qualified with the virtues of life.  Therefore we would teach men how to preserve life through the proper qualification of time and energy. ...
Human beings are trained to react like Pavlov's dog to programmed stimuli.  Thus those who would defraud mankind of the Christ consciousness, knowing that their reactions can be plotted on a graph and predicted in advance, can with precise timing introduce a negative spiral of fear or self-condemnation and thereby reduce the behavioral patterns of the masses to the level of the common herd....
Through ineptness in spiritual things and a lack of discernment men are often turned from the radiance of the Eternal into myriad channels which afford temporal diversion but no gathering together of the many facets of being into the formation of a useful instrument.      -Archeia Mary:  Pearl 13:37


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