The wealth, beauty and intelligence of the Holy Spirit are nonpareil, these virtues excel all others....I urge upon humanity that they see to it before it is too late that the agencies of light are given grace and support in their causes, that they recognize that the agencies of darkness have compounded--even as they have exploited the thirsts and hungers of the people--an empire of material gain which they are now using to overcome the activities of the progenitors of spiritual reality. But despite all efforts to prevent the fulfilling of divine prophecy the true teachings of Christ are being communicated to the world today through the Summit Lighthouse and our beloved Messengers. This activity is designated by the Hierarchy to help humanity in their hour of greatest need; its mouth is open to declare the Word of the Lord....
Only by repudiating the darkness in oneself and in the strongholds of the world, only by affirming the glorious light of the inflowing golden age and standing up for Christ and the Brotherhood can you assist in the great ordeal of planetary deliverance and help humanity today. -Maha Chohan: Pearls of Wisdom 13:21
we warn that the releases of the true Hierarchy through the true Messengers of the Great White Brotherhood have a vibrational quality that has never been excelled, albeit some among humanity have sought to cast down the brilliant contact with us over which flow so much divine love and wisdom to the children of God. But whereas we ourselves may honor the communication, in the final analysis the fruits of victory for the individual student is the prize we seek. -Archeia Mary: Pearl 13:37
from Prayer and Meditation, 1978
Man has truly been endowed with opportunity but all around him are those conditions which rob his faculties of their divine potential by inverting the senses of the soul outward upon the screen of the appearance world instead of training them upon the great inner realities of life. We see this inversion of purpose everywhere. It is the cause behind disagreements, behind expressions of hatred and fear....
As long as consciousness is bound within the finite world it remains limited by that world....For centuries humanity has crucified the great God-potential of being in so many imperfect molds of clay that he has literally cheated himself out of his rightful inheritance....
Let men then understand the difference between experience in the world of form and the divine experience, for the difference is one of light and density, it is one of color and vibration....In a very real sense through your correct use of freewill you are the arbiter of your destiny. -Queen of Light: Pearl 13:42
Queen of Light by Charles J. Sindelar (5-27-1875 to 5-15-1947)

Do you know that the light is retroactive, that what you visualize today is projected not only upon the screen of the future but also upon the past? And thus as you amplify within your consciousness the fiery core of starry bodies, the expansion in peripheral action will contact all be-ness, all that you have ever been, all that you will ever be.
Flood the universe with this light. Take it step-by-step. Realize that you are not expected to be an avatar tomorrow if you are a neophyte today. Yet God holds for you the vision and the knowledge that you have the potential to fulfill your glorious destiny. -Queen of Light: 1-1-1973 at Santa Barbara via Messenger E C Prophet
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