Sunday, March 21, 2021

the only progress that God will ever allow is the progress that is founded on the rock

   Rings of peace push back the Darkness, push back the momentum of war, the threat of war, the lusting after the light of the nation America and the light of all peoples of all nations of light on earth.  Understand the meaning of this, for this is the power of Peace and Aloha adding unto the solar ring the intensity of the sacred fire in this hour, beloved ones of the Most High God–sending forth rings of peace perpetually and forevermore until war does cease on this planetary body and the warring in the members of the psyche and the division within the four lower bodies and within the families and within heart and mind–healing therefore all schism in the personalities of the nations of the Earth and in the peoples of the Earth and thereby bringing the flame of Peace.

 The flame of Peace is like unto the flame of the Holy Spirit, cloven tongues of fire.  And therefore the twain–lo, Alpha and Omega, lo, the power of the Great Central Sun Magnet–must be now the force of God-harmony within you.

  For by that balance, by that wholeness, by that Spirit in the matter bowl, by that fire in the temple burning you see the magnet of our God you see the power and the mighty thrill of the rippling of the light of cosmos and you realize that the all-power of the Prince of Peace in heaven and in earth is given unto the Christ of you.  And when you are one with that Christ all things are possible with the God in you, for you have the power of the Almighty One as Father, as Mother, as light descending, as light ascending.

  O Mighty Victory of the Light!  O Mighty Victory of the ages!  Lo, I AM THAT I AM!  Lo, I AM THAT I AM!  Lo, I AM THAT I AM!

  Beloved ones of the great Light of God that never fails, lo, I AM Peace and Aloha, Elohim of God!  Therefore by the power of rings of peace we establish the circular momentum of the saints, using the sacred sword of the science of the spoken Word to reverse the tide of war, reverse the tide of totalitarian movements including the International Capitalist/Communist Conspiracy abroad in the land of China, abroad in the land of Russia, abroad in the land America and all nations of the Earth.  For nowhere is there complete freedom from the fallen angels who seek by subterfuge to create conflict, driving the forces of extremism right and left for the sake of conquest and control, dividing the people against the light of the Father and against the light of the Mother into this and that political or religious extremism.

  Beloved lights of the Sun, understand that ye are brethren.  Let not the fallen angels induce you into world genocide!  Let there be the ceasefire in Iran and Iraq!  For you worship the one God, the one Universal Light who has given all resources for your development, for your Christhood, and for your nationhood.

  Why is there a warring among you when you have the Word of God?  It is a spirit of strife and of fanaticism and of hatred for that very Word and living light that you profess to serve!  There is an abundance of light and every good thing and all you will ever need in the resources of the Middle East–the almost infinite resources of the Mother-light centered there for your livelihood….

  Therefore make peace or suffer the consequences of the judgment of the Elohim of Peace!  Let there be at the midnight hour the ceasefire!  And let [the war] cease and let the warring cease in your hearts, in your souls!  Let rivalry and vengeance now cease! 

  And the Lord shall have His day and His recompense.  And you will submit to the Law of the One and the Law of the Circle which is the law of thy karma.  And you will use your spiritual and your material resources to resolve all problems!  And you will take the violet transmuting flame to consume the errors of the past and the past feuds and hatreds!

  And I speak not alone to the nations of Iran and Iraq but I speak also to the division in the heart of India between the Sikhs and the Hindus, the warring factions and those who have already broken off and formed the independent state of Pakistan.  You have had your leader.  The fire of the heart of Elohim has come to you and you have broken that heart by your warring, by your feuds, by your ambition for power!

  And you now have desecrated the holy temple, you have caused the murder of my sons and daughters there.  And therefore let the karma be upon Indira Gandhi this day and all those who use power and force and the absence of love and the absence of the initiation of the flame of Peace to resolve all questions and matters. 

  This Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof. Have you forgot that ye are also His offspring?  I speak to your very hearts, ye murderers among the people of India, ye murderers and serpents and liars:  the shedding of blood will not bring about peace but only feed the vultures and discarnates and demons of war who grow fat because of your absence of love and your real and lasting commitment to peace!

  It is time that India and the nations of the Middle East should show the blessing they have received in the gift of the holy prophets, the avatars!  Why, the saints have walked your very land, the ark of Noah has come to rest there, the power of the Buddha, Krishna, the very imprint of the feet of Issa!  And you are the worst of the Earth!  For “the gentiles, the ‘foreigners” have taken the grace of God given to the seed of Sanat Kumara.

  And therefore I tell you, the mantle is upon our Messenger this day by the power of the Holy Ghost that you may know it indeed–the power to transfer that fire of the threefold flame to the gentiles, meaning the evolutions of planet Earth apart from the Hebrew who derive their seed by Abraham from the kindling light of Sanat Kumara.

  Let these nuclei from the beginning now take heed and know that they must be representatives of all nations, raising up the mighty power of the serpent in the wilderness as Moses did raise up the brazen serpent, signifying that the requirement for the taking of the Promised Land is the raised Kundalini fire, which cannot be raised without obedience to the Law of Love, the Law of Life, the Law of the One!  And thus the Mother with you is the power for the turning of worlds by Elohim if you will realize that the ascension fire is the cosmic honor flame, the flame of God-obedience.

  Therefore I send the power of the Holy Ghost unto India.  If you do not mend your fences, if you do not fall upon your knees and beg God forgiveness for the murder of one another, for strife, for political feud and every manner of fanaticism, I tell you the judgment will come upon you in the form of World Communism and you will be overtaken from without!

  And, beloved ones, the mountains, the Himalayas, the streams, the mighty Ganges will weep in that day when you forsake the calling of your nation to go after the gods of lust and murder and war!  And it shall come to pass, as we speak this day, that God will delive His avenging fire upon you if you do not cast this foul spirit out of your midst!

  Ye Sikhs, come into alignment with the flame of Peace!  And let the Lord God have His vengeance else you will be destroyed entirely.  Ye Hindus, where is the light of the Mother in your heart?  How can you go after those who are a part of Her very own womb?…

  Can you not see the fierceness of the Holy Spirit coming in the very week of Pentecost to utterly raze a town?  And the people say, “It is not the will of God.”  I tell you, it is the will of God, as they have misused the Law in this and previous incarnations!  And there is a price to be paid, and the force of each one’s misuse of the light must return to his doorstep sooner or later.  And if I were you, I would pray sooner that you might balance that karma swiftly and stand once again right with God.

  Beloved hearts, what messenger will they hear?  They do not remember the prophet and the sign–the sign of the small cloud in the distance that [became many clouds which] covered the whole heavens.  They do not remember the sign of the lightning and the thunder in the hour of the crucifixion.  Elemental life fear the movement of God in the forces of Nature.  Even the animal kingdom knows the signs, but ye call it superstition.

  Beloved sons and daughters of God, if they will not listen to Moses and the prophets, if they will not read the ancient texts of India, if they will not abide by the power of Gabriel and Michael, sponsors of the light of their seed, if they will not abide by the inner voice of conscience, if they will not hear the I AM Presence and the Christ Self, if they will not heed the Messenger of God, then I tell you, God will speak to them directly by the power of His own hand!

  For the only progress that God will ever allow is the progress that is founded on the rock of Christ-peace!  And all that is gained by misuse of the Law, all that is taken by force will be stripped in the hour of the coming of Maitreya, the hour of the coming of the Cosmic Christ.  You may build for a while your towers to the sky, your civilizations, your materialism, your implements of war.  Go ahead and build them into oblivion.  But when the Cosmic Clock strikes twelve, I tell you, the Lord God shall raise His hand and collapse those systems of matter and those molecules that compose those implements!  And ere this shall occur some may destroy themselves or others by implements of war unless the nations raise their hand.  

  Let the rulers and the people of America understand the vow of the guardian Name, the vow of the guardian light I AM THAT I AM, and he who must be the guardian nation.  I AM the guard and I AM the watchman of the night!  

  Let the entire program for the defense of America be implemented swiftly without regard to reactions of the fallen ones who are at the head of the state of Mother Russia, who have seized that throne of Mother Russia, who have it not by authority of the Great White Brotherhood and are using that light of the Ancient of Days which they have usurped, calling themselves the Supreme Soviet.  Let them be bound, let them be judged, and let them hear that this day the power of the Elohim of Peace does withdraw from that seat of government in Russia all light ever vested in the tribe of Reuben reincarnated there!   -Elohim Peace and Aloha:  6-10-1984, Pentecost, at Camelot, Los Angeles via

Messenger E C Prophet, Pearl 32:14 ……………………………………………………

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