Tuesday, March 23, 2021

keep the heart’s vigil on behalf of all who are engaged in serious battles with the fallen angels

 17)  Where but in America ought there to be a greater sense of justice?  If it wanes here as a sigh, then where will it appear in India or Mother Russia?   Let the standard-bearers of the world recognize what it means to be ensign of the people.  Let the law that protects the innocent and helpless be once again renewed.  And let the crassness that is sign of the will to abort life be consumed by ruby ray so that with sensitivity and renewed appreciation for every manifestation of life there shall be a deference and a justice imparted that itself is a quality of holiness.  

                                      -Nada:  2-19-1984 at Camelot, Pearl 27:34      …………………………………………………………………............................…

18)  The bureaucracy that is abuilding and has been so abuilding in this nation since earlier in the century, especially under the New Deal, now resembles those periods in India, in China and even in Russia when through centuries there has taken place the buildup of an overwhelming system of red tape, of petty servants and favors whereby ultimately the light vested in a government no longer flowed to the people nor were the people’s needs satisfied by government.  

                       -Saint Germain:  4-22-1984, Easter, at Camelot, Pearl 27: 31a     ……………………………………………………………………................….

19)  And therefore light is sent forth.  And light does go forth from this very heart of Jesus, from the very heart of Maitreya, from the very heart of the Lord of the World, from the very heart of Sanat Kumara, the Seven Holy Kumaras, from the heart of the Goddess of Liberty.  And there is a rolling up of that darkness--not a rolling back but a rolling up of that darkness across the Atlantic that has sought to send its darkness across America and has already sent that darkness into Europe and Mother Russia.

  Therefore let transmutation go forth now!  Now from the heart of the Retreat of the Great Divine Director, now from that very heart in Europe there does go forth a mighty light-ray for the clearing of the evolutions, for the clearing of the continent of Europe and Scandinavia, the British Isles, the Iberian Peninsula, including all East European countries that have been absorbed by the Soviet bloc.  Blaze the light through!

  The light is gone forth from the heart of the Great Divine Director this very moment.  It does go forth as he does stand there to release a bluefire vortex of light that is for the binding of all darkness and the release of the light of the people of light.  And it is for the binding of world condemnation, self-condemnation, the condemnation of the black brotherhoods of Europe and of the Satanic Council.   

                  -Archangel Chamuel and Charity:  10-10-1985 at Camelot, Pearl 28:46      …………………………………………………………………............................…

20)  When all hell breaks loose, as it has in this case against the Messenger and the Teaching, only those who know and practice hourly the sacred science can overcome.  Thus it is, as you might say, a foretaste of what the nations must face—your own government, the people of Mother Russia, who one day must overturn their tyrants also as the people of the Philippines have done.

  Precious ones, many tests are ahead for the people of every nation.  You must win and then go and teach them how to win in their area of knowledge and in their field of operation.   -Morya:  3-2-1986 at Camelot, Pearl 29:37


21)   In this age we see the Motherland reappearing in the United States and in Mother Russia.  Therefore, beloved, inasmuch as these nations share many lifewaves who were together in the Motherland, both bordering on that fire-ring (of the Pacific), it has been the object and the goal of the fallen angels who corrupted that very Motherland and her shrines to also go to these nations to set one against the other, to raise up then a leadership committed not to the Divine Mother and Her Manchild but to atheism, materialism, intellectualism without the Spirit or sacred fire of Mu.

  Thus the children of Mu are divided by serpentine philosophies and conspirators conspiring not for the defense of life but to win in their rivalries against one another.  The fallen angels are competitors then to see who can be first in this and that, and they but use the children of Mu to achieve their ends.

  O people of America, your counterparts in Mother Russia, having lived under a system heavy to be borne, are in some areas far more alert and awakened to the conspiracy of the dark ones than you are.  Nevertheless it is a burden grievous upon both nations. And all other nations in the Earth are held in the balance of a confrontation not of lightbearers but of warring systems and rival fallen ones.

  Therefore let the sound go forth!  Let those of light of every nation recognize that their leaders display no loyalties to the flame of Mother or to this people but rather are their loyalties to another, not from above but from beneath.   Let all lightbearers of Earth know that light itself has conspired to weave the garment of God as  Mother and in weaving, to weave hearts together who are of light.  

                            -Lord Himalaya:  10-4-1987 at NYC, Pearl 30:57     ……………………………………………………………….......................…

22)  Let the people of America and Mother Russia awake!  Let the people of Europe awake!  Let the seed of light awake and know that the masses of mankind must depend on some who know better and will do better in answer to the call of the Blessed Virgin.  Let it be said then that the fiber, will, heart and spirit of this people is able to save not alone a nation but an entire planet from nuclear holocaust.   

                     -Archangel Uriel:  10-16-1987 at Cleveland, Pearl 30:63     ……………………………………………………………...............................

23)  Some of you remember the story of Igor whom Mother Mary tutored, who kept the flame for Mother Russia during the Bolshevik Revolution.  Through his heart she did release light whereby many were spared; and the holocaust of that event was greatly reduced by that single saint who willed to keep the flame.  He was in embodiment, beloved, and did earn his ascension by that service.  You are many and you are called to keep the flame for planet Earth.  But specifically are you called to hold the light for the lightbearers.  This is your mission in the heart of the stupa.   


                             -Lanello:  2-25-1990 at RTR, MT, Pearl 33:14     …………………………………………………………………….....................

24)  Millions have died at the hand of this that has been called World Communism.  May you recognize this, that death has followed in the wake of that revolution much to the chagrin of all who have kept the flame of Mother Russia.  May she rise again and may it be in a new order of the ages.

  Yet I tell you, beloved, that which has beset that society bespeaks coming calamity.  Mark my words and prepare yourselves spiritually and see to it that you will keep the flame, that you will hold the candle in the night and not allow it to be extinguished.  Do not allow the fire of heart to go out, for millions may one day depend upon you as a keeper of the flame.  Thus it is the Office of the Divine Mother to keep the flame, and may you know just how key is your role in this office and service.   

                           -Nicholas Roerich:  10-28-1990 at NYC, Pearl 33:44     ……………………………………………………………….…..........................

25)  And the lightbearers must rise up quickly in this nation to rescue those souls–those souls of Eastern Europe and Mother Russia, those souls of the Middle East and of China and every nation where there is not the fervent flame of freedom borne there by the emissaries of Saint Germain and the Goddess of Liberty out of America!

  I say, shame! upon this government.  And I, Saint Germain, declare it this day, for this is an auspicious cycle of the astrology of the conception of this nation; and therefore by that conception is that nucleus wrought again.  And therefore Mother Liberty does come forth to reconceive this nation conceived in liberty and therefore she does draw together those who are part of the capstone of the Great Pyramid of this civilization.   -Saint Germain:  7-4-1991 at RTR, MT, Pearl 34:38


26)  Therefore, beloved, as we look beyond the circle of fellowship of this community and listen again to the nations, the rumblings of nations, the rumblings in Moscow, Somalia, Bosnia, so many places, beloved, where life is chaotic, life has no center—where is the center of the living Christ?  It is in the hearts of the lightbearers.  And where is the center of the living Christ that is raised up, that is strong in the heart and the mind and the body?  Where that Christ is, there is a rallying point for those who see and know that this is what they shall be.    -Lanello:  10-6-1993 at RTR, MT, Pearl 47:36


27)  Thus I come to you with a report at this juncture of the decade and twelve-year cycle that is upon you, and I tell you that these events which have of recent date taken place in Moscow are the tip of the iceberg of that which is, to put it in your terms, a mess.  The mess of this country and of people not tethered to intelligence of the mind of God has resulted in a society totally unpredictable, a society that can be at once and suddenly ruled by very dark forces and then put on the semblance of order.  The extremes that you have seen as well as the fighting, dissonance and low levels of consciousness and low vibrations due to the oppression upon this people, now seventy years, have brought about a situation which cannot be trusted.  Therefore remember, beloved ones, the quiet before the storm.  - K-17:  10-6-1993 at RTR, MT, Pearl 47:38    


28)   In the peace of the victory of this day I say:  keep the heart’s vigil on behalf of all who are engaged in serious battles with the fallen angels.

  Remember Chechnya!  Remember Chechnya!   By the cosmic cross of whitefire and by Mighty Cosmos’ secret rays be sealed in the armor of warriors of the Spirit.  Take heed!   Do not allow chinks to remain in your armor for a day or an hour.  For you will be vulnerable so long as you allow those chinks to remain.  

-Elohim Heros and Amora:  6-26-1995 at RTR, MT, Pearl 38:40


29)   I ask you then to remember that your original Saturday night services were based upon your decrees and calls for reversing of the tide of the momentums of World Communism and World Socialism and engines of war building between the two power nations of the Earth. This matter is not done with. This is not the end of it.  Even if there is a merging of space-stations of the United States and Russia, yet these matters are not done with. Yet there are still powers, whether they be in the top nations of the world or whether they be in those of fanaticism and those who have a vengeance against the United States and are preparing to act when the time comes….

  Crime of every sort is a major problem everywhere in the world.  The various mafias have entered most nations.  Russia is rife with the Mafia, as is the United States, Asian mafias moving in, et cetera.  Where leaders do not have courage to challenge them, to go after them, the nation that so allows it and endures it will rot.  In some areas citizens have rallied and seized contracts from the very teeth of the Mafia.  See to it, beloved.  Do not allow the scum of the astral plane to surface and to bleed you of the earnings of your daily bread and of the wealth of nations.   

                                      -Pallas Athena:  7-2-1995 at RTR, MT, Pearl 47:13     ………………………………………………………….....................................…

30)   Blessed ones, singular saints who walked alone, whether in Russia, whether in the Far East, they had perhaps one or three or five or ten disciples, and that is all, in an entire lifetime--yes, these saints took on the great ones who are now ascended.  And these saints of the East now walk among you also as ascended masters.

  I point out to you that it is not numbers nor is it rote-repetition of decrees that we seek but the singular towering figures who you are, who move midst your cities and nations.  And the very aura and mantle of your Presence sweeps up into light those who are of the light.  And through your mantle and your heart little children and those of hoary head are able to increase and intensify their light and move on.   

-Saint Germain:  7-4-1996 at RTR, MT, Pearl 41:27


31)   You have labored long and hard to bring this organization to the place where it is and you still have much to do.   But you must consecrate your job, your work, your position to the sacred labor.

  The sacredness of the labor is the spiritualization of the labor, and when you do this selflessly you accrue good karma in your causal body.  If you do not give your labor as a sacred labor, then you have no credits in your causal body or in the etheric octave.  Thus it is the missing ingredient; perhaps I should say the missing emphasis, for you surely have known about the sacred labor for many decades.  Now embrace that labor with joy, as Jesus would embrace it.  Embrace that labor, beloved, and see how you spiritualize everything you do without removing the sense of the practical and the practical application of all of your talents.

  So do you believe me that you can do all that it is necessary for you to do?  [Audience responds: “Yes!”]  Your Holy Christ Self overshadows you now.  You sit in the lap of your Holy Christ Self.  Always there is the inner child that is moving upward, that is becoming and blossoming into that little Buddha, that greater Buddha, that Presence of the I AM THAT I AM.

  And so, precious ones, let us organize priorities on the basis of what we must make calls for in the sense of the totality of the world and then specifically another set of calls for your status in the organization, the job you will occupy or the training you will get or whether you will go out into the field and get more accelerated training and come right back and be a greater asset to me, your El Morya….Now with my heart's love I envelop you in a mighty swaddling garment that the Divine Mother may hold you and heal you and bring you to the center of your reality, to the most powerful place of the sun in your physical body, the place of the solar plexus.  May you be more whole tomorrow and the next day and the next day and the next.  And when I come back may I see you transformed.     

                                         -Morya:  10-14-1996 at RTR, MT

  Student:  Mother, you mentioned “the greatest of these is love,” and the Apostle Paul talked about faith, hope and charity and the greatest of these is charity, or love.  Could you talk about this in relation to a balanced threefold flame?


Elizabeth Clare Prophet:  If I were to take my threefold flame, I would take the fire of love in my heart and fan the blue plume to be certain that my admixture contained just the right amount of love so that in delivering the call to arms, in the battle cry and in keeping things moving we don't go into the same stages that famous people such as Genghis Khan did, who carried yangness to a level of absolute destruction.              So the quality of charity as love is necessary to each of the three plumes, but love alone cannot stand without wisdom, and so forth.  So when we are engaged in giving of ourselves as charity and in love and in selflessness, we go to the yellow plume to be certain that our method is true, that our plans have practicality, that we are going to succeed with this fire of love because we have put study and concentration and our talents to know that the love that we then release will be effective.  So we have to see to it that our exercise of each plume is effective.                                                               Effectiveness--how effective were you today in your job?  Ask yourself when you prepare to go to sleep at night:  “How effective was I?  Did I make my point?  Did I make things happen? Did I do it right?”  Those are the moments of self-assessment when we think through our day quickly, we kneel at our bedside, we have our Masters’ pictures before us, we commune with them.  Maybe we write them a very brief note which they always answer in some way.  We have to know that the exercise of the threefold flame is effective, practical, that it will work--work for us, work change, work the alchemy of Saint Germain.   -Pearls of Wisdom 46:8        ……………………………………………………………………………

32)  Take note of the pride and intrigue of high-ranking officers and people in high levels of government, including President Lyndon Johnson.  Fighting these no-win wars resulted in a great loss of life.  So see it, beloved.  So understand it.  There is either the victory that comes because all are determined and know that they will have victory come what may or else there are those who are so halfhearted that if they could, they would even give away slices of this nation.

  Well, beloved, if there is to be a golden age, there must be a golden-age society made up of individuals who have integrity, honor and prowess--including strength of heart, strength of the chakras and strength of the mind.  And if you garner both the masculine and feminine strength of your being out of the sacred fire of the Kundalini, you will be able to work change through the very empowerment you have received from us.  

                          -Archangel Uriel and Aurora:  3-27-1997 at RTR, MT, Pearl 40:23     ………………………………………………………..….................................

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