Friday, April 19, 2019

Inside the JFK assassination

July 2014    A young surgeon at Parkland Memorial Hospital, Charles Crenshaw, who watched Kennedy’s blood and brains drip into a kick bucket in Trauma Room 1, also knew immediately that the president had been fatally wounded from a location toward the front of the limousine, not from behind it.  “I know trauma, especially to the head,” Crenshaw writes in JFK Has Been Shot, published in 1992, republished with updates in 2013.  “Had I been allowed to testify, I would have told them”—that is, the members of the Warren Commission—“that there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the bullet that killed President Kennedy was shot from the grassy knoll area.”…
  The Parkland hospital staff, seeing the massive head wound, whispered that it must be from some kind of hollow-point, “dumdum” bullet--and in fact a constellation of white flecks visible on the x-rays of Kennedy’s head suggests to some experts that the shooter of the fatal shot used a frangible, mercury-tipped round, which disintegrates into many tiny pieces--the sort of professional assassin’s bullet later described in Frederick Forsyth’s The Day of the Jackal: “Hitting the head, such a bullet would not emerge, but would demolish everything inside the cranium, forcing the bone-shell to fragment.”  Craig Roberts, a former marine sniper and author of Kill Zone: A Sniper Looks at Dealey Plaza, studied the Zapruder film.  “I’ll tell you what I saw, as a sniper,” he said at a conference in Dallas in 1997.  “I saw a guy hit from the right front, with a frangible mercury bullet.”
(F17) William Turner, The Warren Report: Part 3, CBS Television (27th June, 1967)
  Now, what happened there was that the Kennedy motorcade coming down there, the Kennedy limousine - there were shots from the rear, from either the Dallas School Book Depository building, or the Dell Mart, or the courthouse; and there were shots from the grassy knoll.  This is triangulation.  There is no escape from it, if it's properly executed.
I think that the massive head wound, where the President's head was literally blown apart, came from a quartering angle on the grassy knoll.  The bullet was a low velocity dumdum mercury fulminate hollow-nose, which were outlawed by The Hague Convention, but which are used by paramilitary groups.  And that the whole reaction is very consistent to this kind of weapon.  That he was struck and his head - doesn't go directly back this way but it goes back and over this way, which would be consistent with the shot from that direction, and Newton's Law of Motion.
  Now, I feel also that the escape was very simple.  Number one using a revolver or a pistol, the shells do not eject, they don't even have to bother to pick up their discharged shells.  Number two, they can slip - put the gun under their coat, and when everybody comes surging up there they can just say, "He went that-a-away”
…………………………………………………….........................................…  -"Files"/Sutton interview

  "I know that after I had put the Fireball away, I know I had a Colt 45 inside my pocket on the left side of briefcase was in right hand and I was prepared to shoot my way out of there if it came down to that.... I did not look back over my shoulder...I did not run...I did not stand around...I just carried a natural gait and proceeded to exit....just like a business man walking away from lunch."
Remington XP-100  
fireball telescopic pistol

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