Sunday, April 14, 2019

And every fair from fair sometimes declines

  1.  in footnote to 1977 POW 20:51   Following another less speculative method of investigation, literary scholars late in the century discovered within the “Shakespearean” works a strange and secret tragedy–a drama within a drama–written in intricate cipher.  Step-by-step, amazed cryptographers deciphered the concealed history of Elizabethan England and with it  the true identity of Francis Bacon as the rightful heir to the English throne, the fils naturel of Queen Elizabeth and Lord Leicester.    ..................................  
2)  at 3:16 of this clip  “Shakespeare according to one school of thought used not one cipher, but a variety of codes:  the bi-literal cipher, the great cryptogram, anagrams and acrostic spellings, a numerical cipher, and a clock cipher.  Entwined around the initial letter B on the title page of The Tempest is the real author's name Francis Bacon.”       -Messenger ECP lecture of 7-4-1980 at Camelot  (but if you examine the letter B in question)  

Message body

3)  Lost Teachings of Jesus, 1986 —footnote:

4)  Furthermore as was discovered in the 1890s in two separate ciphers—a word-cipher, and a bi-literal cipher embedded in the type of the original printings of the Shakespearean Folios*—Francis Bacon was the author of the plays attributed to the actor from the squalid village of Stratford-on-Avon…The same ciphers which run throughout the Shakespearean plays also run through Francis Bacon’s own work and that of many of his circle of friends.  Both ciphers contain his true life story   -pp. 266-7 of   Lords of the Seven Rays, 1, 1986    *In contrast, deciphering the bi-literal cipher is an exact, scientific process of grouping together the italic letters (printed in two different fonts of type) that appear with peculiar frequency in original editions of the Shakespearean plays and other of Bacon’s works.  This cipher was discovered by an assistant of Dr. Owen, Mrs. Elizabeth Wells Gallup
5)  Ciphers discovered in the 1890s in the original printings of the Shakespearean plays and in the works of Bacon and other Elizabethan authors reveal that Bacon wrote Shakespeare's plays     -ECP, p. 18 of Saint Germain:  Prophecy to the Nations, I, 1990
          -ECP:  Mysteries of the Soul, 1992, footnote
7)            And every fair from fair sometimes declines/
                By chance or nature’s changing course untrimm’d;/ 
          -Shakespearean Sonnet 18
   ECP’s 1999 amended phrase runs:  “Some even claim, based on ciphers embedded in the type(face) of the original printings of the Shakespearean Folios, that…”  In her chapter 11, Prophecy for the New Millennium. p. 384
in Saint Germain, Master Alchemist  (Teachings compiled by ediors of Summit Lighthouse Library, 2004
  As you the reader run through 1) to 8) above you should realize that the Mother of the Flame did not actually prove out by induction or even by revelation any of her claims concerning cipher-work that parrot above all Elizabeth Wells Gallup of Detroit, 1899-1919.  In fact the claims of Wells Gallup are bogus—she did not find that bi-literal cipher in Shakespeare, and no one else has either!!  At Ashland, Oregon there is a Shakespeare First Folio.  The italic and Roman type face letters therein you can see, you can magnify with a lens, you can photograph, you can use tracing paper upon.  I did.  Now what did Saint Germain say in a dictation relevant here?  
-r, mt. shasta, ca
  When the Messenger came to the platform to deliver this dictation she was concerned that the meshing of the light that you invoked so diligently this day was not occurring. That meshing was not taking place, and therefore she was concerned lest the dictation should not begin.  And I said to her:  “Begin the dictation.  For the light will not penetrate any further until America and the people of America and the lightbearers of America will surrender their selfishness.  For that selfishness is as an iron wall between heaven and earth, and all of the great love of God that is pressing unto Terra cannot penetrate that selfishness.  It will not penetrate, for by freewill the people have preferred their own pleasure to their freedom.”
  Well, all of the Hierarchies of cosmos will not intervene!  We cannot deprive America or the lightbearers of their freewill.  Therefore you will decide.  For I will remind you, as it has been said before, there are enough lightbearers, there are enough who know the Teachings of the ascended masters, there are enough graduates of Summit University to hold the balance if they will stop their silly indulgences in all manner of self-seeking rationalized as every perversion of the God- flame….And I tell you, if there is not change from the students of light, I will not send this Messenger to the West Coast!  But you will keep and wallow in your selfishness until the day when you so hunger for the light that you are willing to walk halfway around the Earth to find the truth and find the light that you have taken for granted and that you have even spurned.
  The ascended masters have lavished you with love.  Now I demand a response!  And I tell you if there is not a response, we will change the entire course of direction of this activity and you will wonder where your Messenger has gone!  And you will know that your Messenger is with me; for I have preferred her company to your own, and I have other missions and I have other victories and I have other worlds to conquer….
  Let those who come to the altar for the Teaching realize that unless they keep the momentum of their adorations and invocations, there will be such a setback to Hierarchy on Terra that it will be impossible to regain that ground of light which has been lost by their failure, by their selfishness….
  Let all realize that every heart who is one with the heart of the ascended masters is a part of this mighty, invincible, indomitable spiral of light that is rising from the physical plane of Mater to greet the light of God that is descending.  It is by this spiral, this intensity of light and action and truth and living for God, that there is the connection of heaven and earth….
  You cannot expect the Messengers to provide all of the light and all of the cosmic action for the freeing of Terra.  Shame on you who have failed to give your decrees daily!  How can you look at the faces of the ascended masters whom you place in your homes as a decoration, as an adornment of your ego?  How can you look into their eyes when you have failed to give your two hours daily of invocations to the light?  How can you?  How can you?
  There is only one answer.  You are blinded by your own selfishness!  Let it be put into the flame this day!  For this is crisis!  It is crisis when those who have seen God face to face fail to recognize the battle of the hour. I AM Saint Germain!  I stand in the flame of freedom and I wait for the reinforcements of light!    
-Saint Germain:  3-7-1976 at Colorado Springs, POW 20:49
  Again and again the Master Plan of the ages has been brought forth.  And in a moment--a moment’s hesitation, a moment being off-guard--supply, light and the projects of the Brotherhood have been lost….
  Precious ones, I will tell you why I sent forth my dictations to you concerning the manifestation of self-concern and of selfishness.  I will tell you that it was I who received a mandate from the Lords of Karma and from the Cosmic Council.  And they said to me again “See here now, Saint Germain, We have given you dispensations for your chelas and for your Keepers of the Flame and look at what they are doing.  Look at the record.”  And once again I was called upon the carpet and once again I heard the words “Unless your chelas, unless some among mankind will show that they can take their stand We cannot give you dispensations on the Fourth of July, We cannot sponsor you, We cannot back you in your continual programs for this land and this people.”… 
  Now let it be understood that on this day Americans as a whole have lost the power of the Word.  By their hearkening unto the fallen ones their speech is not the speech of God and their mouths have become the instruments of the fallen ones as they express the rebellion of the fallen ones that is not even their own.  Precious ones, it is not even their own!  Yet they think it is their own because they rise up in that sense of injustice.     -Saint Germain:  7-4-1976 at D.C. via Messenger ECP  (POW 20:50-1)


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