Thursday, September 27, 2018

what do adulterate and adultery mean?

make impure, degradedebasespoiltaintcontaminate; early 16th century (as an adjective meaning ‘spurious’): from Latin adulterat- ‘corrupted,’ from the verb adulterare .
Adultery  synonyms:
infidelity, unfaithfulness, falseness, disloyalty, cuckoldry, extramarital sex; affair, liaison, fling, amour; carrying-on, hanky-panky, two-timing, a bit on the side, fooling around

late 15th century: from the obsolete noun adulter, from Latin adulter ‘adulterer,’ replacing an earlier form avoutrie, from Old French avouterie, likewise based on .Latin adulter .

The Indian government, a coalition led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi's ruling Bharatiya Janata Party, had supported adultery remaining a criminal offense, suggesting that rather than scrapping the law, it be amended to be gender neutral, with equal punishment for both men and women....It is the second ruling favoring sexual liberation in India this month following the repeal of Section 377, a colonial-era law criminalizing consensual gay sex.

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